oleksy, 8 september 2023
Zdrowy uśmiech to klucz do pewności siebie i dobrej kondycji jamy ustnej! Jeśli marzysz o pięknym i zdrowym uśmiechu, to jesteśmy tu, aby Ci pomóc. Nasza klinika ortodontyczna w Szczecinie oferuje kompleksowe leczenie ortodontyczne, które pozwoli Ci osiągnąć wymarzony efekt. Nasza oferta: (... więcej)
Wiadomsky, 28 march 2021
We're all junkies trying to fill the chasm with void.
Wiadomsky, 9 december 2020
Sometimes the only way to dislodge elephant from the room is to set the house on fire and burn it to the ground.
Ice, 1 december 2018
..recently I've been thinking a lot of things and I can't help but be depressed.. like why I am living??? I can't see any reason why I should still exist.. besides my family I dont think there's anyone who cares to me.. yes I have friends but I can't feel they appreciate me like (... więcej)
Ice, 26 november 2018
I can't remember when was the last time I logged in here,, it's been years.. recently I've been thinking things,, so much things,, I want to write it all down,, so it made me remember Truml.. so good thing I still know my password and even my email add,, so I was able to check my previous (... więcej)
Roger Ferdrer, 2 february 2017
From time to time, there has been too much change in the each spectrum of life. As you are going in the modern time, you should have to take some modification over the pre-existing services. Same principle is applicable to the communication related services. Now, the advancement of the communication (... więcej)
George Krokos, 11 june 2016
Quatrain 153
Oh my tempestuous mind and aspiring soul
do not ever lose control or forsake the goal.
Always be calmly active and also actively calm
holding the staff of wisdom firmly in your palm.
Simple Observation 134
No matter how bad our life experience or (... więcej)
Wiadomsky, 10 may 2016
Ludzie mają naturalną zdolność do tworzenia problemów.
Niektórzy rozwinęli ją do rangi sztuki, którą można określić mianem cudotwórstwa.
People have a natural ability to create problems.
Some developed it into an art, which can be described as thaumaturgy.
Roger Ferdrer, 2 may 2016
In this digital driven age, there are many channels for meeting to the countless users at the global platform.With the interaction of this platform, geographical distance does not make a difference between two persons.Among the various web portals, one has to take the brief overview of the different (... więcej)
Ye Caterpillar, 29 february 2016
It’s the day that floats, the day that hangs in space for four years. As rare as the dung of the rocking-horse, it’s the day that time forgot. Oh rarest of days, when you come back I’ll be old. Did a lifetime leap the years? Old Kronos, can I hear you laughing as you whirl the wheels of (... więcej)
diane, 3 january 2016
Dear God,
I have nothing to ask for but i am here saying my many thanks for everything you have done to me. I dont have any resolution or list to be accomplish this year, but one thing in my mind is,, i will try to be a good daughter of yours,,,Yes! i tried my best but i think i shall strive more,though (... więcej)
Zofia Wingmaker, 30 april 2015
My boyfriend is giving me the silent treatment. MY teachers keep signing me up for stuff I don't need. My college teacher is leterally trying to fail me. My mom said "oh, lets go to the pool today," but since i destroyed my dresser trying to find my bathing suit, which I still didn't (... więcej)
wiatrolubnie, 22 march 2015
poumierali wszyscy z powodu upojenia tą cholerną miłością
z nad zwiędłych kwiatów, sterczą powykrzywiane palce
wywijają nimi, grożą, napominają
i tylko obraz wciąż
Brittany, 17 january 2015
Wow it's been along time since I've been on here, alot has happen to me. I re-read one of the diary entree I wrote on here that was in 2013 I didn't have a job. But now I can say that I have a job. I've been at my job for a year now. Crazy looking back on this. I also got my license (... więcej)
Tinker Bell, 29 july 2014
The reason for starting a blog was to remember lessons I have forgotten. It helped me but now life have changed so much that, that blog represents a collection of my old self combined together. Like a mirror far away reflecting someone I am unable to see or feel. I read somewhere that to destroy a person (... więcej)
jolka (Jolanta Steppun), 29 may 2014
nie był to mężczyzna -
żółtodziób nie znał się
na twoich uczuciach
bredził o miłości
że z czasem zapomnisz
żaden pocieszyciel
a ty łatwowierna
Jan Łukaszewski, 5 april 2014
Jak bardzo was wkurzają posty o niczym na Facebooku. Milion reklam, spamu, statusów o niczym. Zdjęcia, typu byłem w modnym klubie. Dwie minuty żeby zrobić zdjęcie przy wejściu z logo klubu.
A w środku nie byłem bo mnie selekcjoner nie wpuścił.
Ostatnio wręcz na mojej tablicy mam (... więcej)
Angel, 19 march 2014
Anorexia is a very serious issue. It is not something that can be changed overnight. It is not a switch that can be flipped on an off. It is a SERIOUS problem in this world that is not being fixed. It is a condition that is only frowned upon because it is "unhealthy," "low," and "demented." (... więcej)
Insatiable Sohail, 10 march 2014
I'm not a fan of cosmetic reforms.
I want complete transformation.
Transformation of the inner self,the soul through complete sincere,truly and wholeheartedly worship and remembrance of Almighty.Purification of the heart by killing evil desires.Eyes to see only good and avoid evil glances.Tongue (... więcej)
Insatiable Sohail, 10 march 2014
If you follow the doctor's orders you don't benefit the doctor. You benefit only yourself. And if he tells you not to drink poison and you decide to be a 'rebel' and drink the whole bottle, who do you hurt?
When we follow God's rules, we don't benefit Him. We benefit (... więcej)
TOUFIQ UL ALAM, 23 february 2014
Is it a fault with the bird if even its melancholy voice is beautiful? Oh! Humans, why do you not see that the heart of the encaged bird is bleeding from sadness? Does it not have a family?
It is like a lost soul, in a place so far away from its family and friends and natural habitat. Do you not (... więcej)
Brittany, 31 october 2013
The words I don't like you runs it's way though my brain down to my heart.Tears starts to fall because the words that were said hurt more then anything.I keep hearing these words to the point one might think I should be use to this but I'm not. When will the day come when the words I (... więcej)
Jonathan Fix, 31 october 2013
I cannot regret past mistakes... I cannot ride along and forget. For my past is my furture, and to ignore it shall forever blind me from truth. Today of all days, my fortitude peels upon itself... and my vision is clouded with regrets of past mistakes.
Hollows Eve has come, and my mind becomes bland (... więcej)
Brittany, 28 october 2013
I am struggling with life. I need a job, like I want to do something with my life. Why does life seem to be so hard. I can't seem to find what I need to survive in the present lifetime. Life sometimes trult sucks.
Brittany, 13 october 2013
Has anybody ever felt like that nobody likes them. Like no matter what you do to get people to notice you, they just don't. Doesn't that make you feel crummy inside. It doesn't feel good at all. Music is a great tool to get your mind off of things, but it doesn't always cure the emptiness (... więcej)
Jonathan Fix, 15 september 2013
September, 14
Today, I struggle to find my way. Days go by without remorse, without incident... I struggle to find a path, the light that guides the people towards a better tomorrow... A mist clouds my way, and what awaits me, I still do not know. Perhaps this is yet another key, one I must find... (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 26 august 2013
My friends are very special to me, they give me insight and love. I will always treasure them......
I know today is going to be a good day just because I woke up this morning...always count your Blessings as you never know...Life is just a Whisper.
Remain STRONG, Perservere, do not let anyone or (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 12 august 2013
Today is the 10th anniversary of my Father's death......
I will celebrate his life as I feel that he is in an awesome, beautiful place, you can only grieve so long and have to figure out WHAT kind of person were they? He was awesome and NEVER said a bad word about anyone...
why should He? (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 july 2013
I would like to note that my last diary entry was sad and frustrated, I am feling more positive and glad that I have a format to express my emotions...it seems like time is moving so fast. It is Already July and I remember Christmas shopping? I don't know where the time goes, except to say, (... więcej)
Sarah Bell, 8 july 2013
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Can’t take this anymore
Curl up here and cry.
Someone, anyone help me
Take away the pain
You don’t see it
But it’s there.
Please help me.
Sarah Bell, 8 july 2013
I want to be open
I want to be free
I want these chains broken
I want to be me.
Soul tells me to sing
My heart says to soar
Afraid to do either
So I close the door.
And lock myself away
Eyes blinded seeing no light
Mind says don’t speak up
I cannot fight.
Shadowpain, 13 june 2013
The end of school is in sight. I only have 20 exams. And i can learn it in 2 hours.
Most of the time i'm bored to death.
I love to sleep and i can sleep all day but i'm so tired.
I can't sleep at night.
I'm always up listening to music or watching a series.
I don't (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 1 june 2013
My life was empty when you went away...like loosing your best friend
I always put trust and believed in you.......where did I go wrong?
These days have been great ones as I filled your head
And your ego...you are not my friend, just a passing in the dark
I can either let myself be hurt or pick up (... więcej)
Shadowpain, 15 may 2013
Things are on the bright side most of the time.
I finally found someone special in my life, we are together 4 months now. I wouldn't know how i would get throught the day without her.
I finally found the energy to pick my life up again and do what i love to do.
I'm sporting again like (... więcej)
moriana, 3 may 2013
Jestem zdegustowana obchodami święta polskiej flagi w Warszawie i zachwycona tymiż w Chicago. Do tego zachwycona tym filmem także jestem: http://www.youtube.com/user/meheh?feature=watch
"Poland has been again overrun by two of the great powers which held her in bondage for 150 years but (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 april 2013
I was very frustrated for a few days. Now I am just puzzled. A good friend of mine went out of town and I have heard from them ONCE???? I understand that they could be extremely busy but a 5 minute phone call? HELLO...........I am very hurt by their lack of concern for someone who was there (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 6 april 2013
I have sat back and took a back seat to what is going on.
I think sometimes people forget others. Have you?
It seems as though ever since you have been away, I hear nothing.....
I care about what happens to you; no emails, no notes, nothing.
Are you OK? I hope so. This is a bit awkward to (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 5 april 2013
I am having a good day...that is all that I can ask God for. I miss my friend who has gone to do some business. I miss the letters, the emails and the poetry. I am sure they are busy. I just want a note telling me that they are OK.
I am saying a prayer for those still out there and lost. I (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 1 april 2013
My friend is still gone for a few weeks; finishing some things. I miss him. I hope everyone gets up like I did this morning and is seeing summertime. The grass is finally turning green and it is not as cold outside (compared to 23 degrees). Yesterday it was 70 degrees. I am doing excellent, (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 30 march 2013
I feel better today, this morning......my freind and I are OK.
Sometimes you assume something and it really is not what you thought it was
I wish I did not have abandonment issues, but after everything that has happened with my family...it is something of a work in progress. I miss my daily chats (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 27 march 2013
I have been writing to a person on this board. I feel as though when he is on here, he opens up. He gave me his phone number and I called him. He was distant, too busy to talk, could not talk???? What am I supposed to think? Well, I am not thinking anyone as I have to figure this out peacefully (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 24 march 2013
I just got a note from Goldie-she is so sweet and thoughtful. I am writing a poem but it is not done yet. I hope that it reaches some people out there. I miss talking to Louis...I may call him today. I am feeling soooo much better. My meds are working and I just feel good. It has been ann (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 23 march 2013
I woke up this morning, feeling wonderful. I have so much to be thankful for......People who love me comes to mind first...To Louis, I miss your notes and poetry but I also miss talking to you. I have posted one poem in the last 3 days. I think I have writer's block. Has happened before. (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 22 march 2013
I feel so blessed, this morning I woke up and finally felt "normal". It was an experience about being detoxed off meds. I really believe that you are so in tune with yourself after you get off that stuff. Mine was Visteral and Topomax. Topomax for seizures and Visteral for anxiety. (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 22 march 2013
My new motto of the day is "live and learn". It seems as though I have been through quite a bit yesterday......and the days before that. It has made me humble and also very aware of other people's feelings. I feel like I have hurt someone without his consent. I have to get back (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 21 march 2013
I have begun a personal challange and nobody won. I just got what I needed. My Steven is no longer upset about my emails to certain people on the site. WE had a VERY long talk last night about control. I cannot be controlled. I am only human and I may have made a few mistakes in my life but (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 18 march 2013
Louis and Goldie, I hope this finds you both well. I have decided to rebel. I am no longer angry, just a little frustrated. I will do the right thing no matter what. It is unjust to tell someone that they cannot write to other people. Jealousy is a monster but I really at this point, do not (... więcej)
louis gander, 18 march 2013
Let me say,
"Good morning to the sunshine
that warms my somber face.
Good morning to the people
who labor in their place.
Life continues every day.
We do what people do.
Today the sunshine welcomes me -
but may it also you."
louis gander, 18 march 2013
Let me say,
"Good night to venus,
good night to mars,
good night to the moon-
and good night stars.
good night to the clouds
and residual hue
left by the sunset.
Good night to you too...
louis gander, 17 march 2013
I'm in a sad valley today, a very deep desert valley between two high mountain peaks of joy- near a pond only large enough for survival, I am like a toad, but survive, I will. I always have.
One mountain peak is behind me- in the past. I saw people happy and laughing there. I was one of (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 17 march 2013
I have been up all night, I am not even tired. My anger onverrides that. It is beyond my comprehension how a person can make your life so miserable, and continues to do so. You can LOVE many people for many reasons. Does that mean I cannot LOVE anyone. Even as a great, wondeful friend. I (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 17 march 2013
I have had to make myself unavailable to certain people. I HATE it. I cannot stand control issues or manipulation. Why at my grown up age do I feel like a prisoner in my own mind. I will never stop caring for these people, no one can control me. It is just temporary in nature. There all kinds (... więcej)
louis gander, 14 march 2013
When someone shows you respect and kindness...
When someone puts a big smile on your face...
...you become the happiest guy in the whole world!
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 14 march 2013
I have been a little hyperactive since I am home. I think a lot of it is medication withdrawal. Just my observation. I want everyone to go buy at Barnes and Noble....Goldie Lopez's book is published and is there for you to get. It is full of great poetry and Goldie is really Golden. I (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 10 march 2013
I justv woke up and it is 3am.....I woke up shaking and trembling for some odd reason. I think my new med is working as I am already feeeling better. ANXETY? Why on Earth would I have that? I can think of about 10 reasons........
I have been weaned -reweaned off meds. I think they are all (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 9 march 2013
Not meaning I AM WONDERFUL....meaning I feel great. I took my new med and so far no problems with it. It is supposed to help my anxiety....I woke up shaking from a horrid nightmare.....2 days ago......I was living in my car. People all around were laughing and then someone pulled a gun out and (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 9 march 2013
Tonight the clocks go ahead 1 hour -ah, the beginning of spring. By the calender not officily.....but I am in a spring mood. I feel great.....have changed my meds but again but that's OK. I am just doing what my Dr. says and he is always right. I have the world's best DR....by (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 8 march 2013
Today, I feel free, from critisicm, hate, lonliness and judgement. I will continue to do so. I feel as though 1000 pds. has been lifted off me. I am FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Yes. I am writing my book still and and a new poem. Will post it when done. My health is better and I feel wonderful. (... więcej)
Bron Dayvid, 6 march 2013
When I wrote it was as if I were possessed by the spirit of a poet who sought reincarnation through me to be heard. Words swarmed inside my head like fireflies; illuminating the blackness that was my mind, and enlightening the weary soldier that was my soul. Energy flowed through my veins as the pen (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 6 march 2013
Just for today, I will not grumble at those around me , no matter how I feel....it is important, they have feelings, too. I am in a very good spirit because I will be crowned a princess Thursday....my national day of serentiy. I love Thursday because it comes after wednesday, and tuesday and monday (... więcej)
Fatmata Kaikai, 6 march 2013
Now days you seem to always see everyone saying I love you. But to me that is just a word anyone can say to that each other not knowing how much power that 3 simplicity of that word can affect a person. When I tell someone I love you I mean it dearly from the heart. What I think of love is not by (... więcej)
Bipurna Tara, 3 march 2013
Since, a long Time I am becoming Damp... Can't think, can't write.........
And a long way I walked through is very stressful and fruitless....
I wanted to settled anywhere, where At least I can drive my life easily as if I don't have obstacle .........
Since 8 month (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 2 march 2013
I am feeling better as I went through another illness, but it can always be worse...ALWAYS. I guess sometimes GOD tests us and we have to perservere; no matter what GOD will take care of us no matter what.
Isaiah 41:13-"For I am the Lord you GOD who holds your right hand, and Who says to you, (... więcej)
louis gander, 1 march 2013
I found out today that making pancakes is not art on Truml. Oh well, I thought they looked pretty good! :)
louis gander, 28 february 2013
I know that people with a cold, hard heart, with no compassion or empathy for others, are never hurt emotionally...
I know that people with a warm, soft heart, with compassion and empathy for others, hurt when they see others in pain...
And I know that people with a very warm, soft and caring heart, (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 23 february 2013
Lately, I cannot sleep? I have been waking up at 3am, 4am etc. Maybe, it is just a phase I am going through or maybe I will never sleep again....Happy Saturday to everyone..........Hope evryone got some good rest!!!!!! Kahlia
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 21 february 2013
We are getting a winter storm today, a lot of snow, sleet and ice....I hope the power stays on. I don't like it when the power goes off. It is a real hassle for one thing and just plain inconvenient. It is supposed to start snowing around 12:00 CST and continue through midnight. I don't (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 16 february 2013
I am so grateful for my friends on truml......they are great writers and give me good feedback on my poetry. It is nice to have another opinion. God Bless you one and all............Kahlia
I hope all are having a joyous day.........................................
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 15 february 2013
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone......Hope all of you have a lover or someone to call your own. If not, GOD will bring them to you. Don't look too hard as you will not find the right person. I think this is true? Have a GREAT day...........Kahlia
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 6 february 2013
I am at work....a lil boy just born 3 hours ago came into the NICU and he was in respiratory distress. It is sad to see, but he is doing fine , other than that. His mother is hysterical and no father to be found. She is young, only 17 and is a good mother. I wish that the father could be in the (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 4 february 2013
I am officially well........My meds are working, I am over the flu and I am back to work........life is good and getting better. I could be in a mood over something but GOD has everything under control. I am happy, have food, a house and everything I need...I have no complaints. I LOVE my new job. (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 3 february 2013
I had a bad experience with something here and I have deciding to keep writing...........Why should anyone let anything make them quit??? They should not. It's that simple. So that is my story. Happy, Happy...............Good day everyone.....Kahlia
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 27 january 2013
I have been wondering lately where my life is going......I am doing really well as far as my job, my mental state and my spiritual state. I am trying to figure out where to go next and then it hit me to leave it up to GOD. GOD always will guide me down the path HE wants me to go to. I think we (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 24 january 2013
I have the flu...went to the Dr. yesterday and they took a rapid flu test and YEP, I have the bug.....I feel horrid. I probobly got it while I was in the hospital!!!!!! That makes sense. Chicken noodle soup and tylenol for me. As an RN, I know what to do...we are BAD patients, though. We try (... więcej)
sumwonne, 22 january 2013
stumbled upon here@ trumpl...in search of some
gregarious solitude
very much like the heart in your pure artist
craves incessantly
a small spark ignites
in a ball of light
a trivial lead may be
one's climaxing endpoint
summed up clues
one day opens way
let's gather if at (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 18 january 2013
I am starting to feel a lot better....YEAH......I will probably go back to work week after next. I had a lot of time off so I just used it. I could get used to this!!!!! NOT REALLY!!!! I have been sleeping in and getting up about 9:30 which for me is a luxury. I also have been sitting around (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 16 january 2013
I am officially home from the hospital.....I would like to say Thank You to Ye Caterpillar for the comment you made. THANK YOU!!!!!! I realized how much of a toll the hospital took on me after I got home. They changed my meds and I do feel better-I am just praying and leaving the rest up to GOD. (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 15 january 2013
I am still in the hospital and I must say, it has been a long road......
The Dr's have attached electrodes attached to my head and they hurt and itch...it is still better than being in the ICU!!!! I was supposed to come home today. I guess that plan is out!!!!!!! I am just waiting for (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 10 january 2013
I have been in the hospital for 4 days and it seems like an eternity!!!! I would like to go home but my neurologist is saying NO. She said maybe on Monday. I have had 3 seizures and they have taken me off my meds for seizures ; hoping I will have more. That way they can determine what med I need (... więcej)
Bron Dayvid, 7 january 2013
I shall call you anonymous.
For to summon the strength necessary for your name to pass my lips; requires a power far beyond my hardly humble existence.
Dear Anonymous:
Seems like eons since our eyes met
And ages since our mouths conducted stale symphonies
Words so translucent that as (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 7 january 2013
I am supposed to be at the hospital by 8am.......I have been up since 2? I just can't sleep/I am not nervous. I slept today and am not that tired . I have to take a shower and get ready to go to the hospital, my bag is packed. I feel a lot more in tune with it now as I KNOW that they will (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 5 january 2013
I am going into the hospital Monday, Jan. 7th. My Neurologist thinks that I need to be there, so here goes.......I just want to get it over with....and then find out what he is going to do and come home. Sounds like I have that all figured out!!!!! Seriously, I am an RN and I HATE being in the (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 3 january 2013
I cannot believe it is 2013, 2012 went by so fast. I am grounded from work until I go into the hospital and I am a litle bored. I keep waking up at 3am, 6am etc. 6am is not so bad but it is very weird outside at 6am. Of course, I have gotten flight calls at 3am but to just wake up and do NOT (... więcej)
Betteloop, 2 january 2013
Sad that you have left
But something is made quite clear
You are no further removed from me with 500 miles between us,
Than when you were right here.
Unattached and distant,
Not wanting to get too close
And then to act as if oblivious
I guess that’s what got to me the most.
The subtle (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 31 december 2012
I DON"T KNOW ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT.......I am staying home tonight!!!!!!!! It is supposed to snow 4 inches and I am not risking my life to get out there with drunken drivers etc. I guess I could go to someones home but I am staying in MY home!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY. I hope (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 30 december 2012
Today, I had an overwhelming desire to write, I have been on the computer a lot. Also, I packed for the hospital because I am on an on call list. I really do not feel well today, either. Something is troubling me but I cannot figure out what it is or where it is coming from? It is JUST THERE. (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 27 december 2012
It is two days after Christmas and I am waiting for the New Year!!! I cannot believe this year has gone by so rapidly. It is as if I looked down and back up and it was gone. WOW. I learned I will be going into the hospital Feb. 27th. It seems that they have a waiting list (?) to do this monitoring (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 december 2012
Today is it is Christmas anad I am grounded from doing simple things like taking a bath, driving etc...due to seizure precauitons but this is nothing compared to what is the DAY.
Just found out we are having a white Christmas and I love that, so beautiful. I got amazing gifts and openend them last night.
(... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 21 december 2012
My Neurologist just called and told me he is admitting me to the hospital after the holidays......he does not like the fact that the meds are not controlling my partial seizures. He said my MRI showed lesions in the Temporal lobe. In layman's terms....temples. He said he might refer me to a (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 20 december 2012
It has taken me a few days to gather my thoughts about the 20 children and 6 adults shot........I am grieving for their families as I understand what murder is all about. I don't want to put myself in this situation now, as this is THEIR time.......it is apprehensible to think that someone could (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 12 december 2012
I finally have written some more of "Wounds". I had been so busy that I put it aside for awhile and I am glad that I am now able to concentrate on it again. It is making me happy. I love early morning; it is oh, so still and dark.......
It is very cold this A.M. and I have my coffee (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 10 december 2012
I have started feeling better about the holidays....I cannot change anything that has happened-that doesn't mean I don't care, I just cannot do anything about it. I can still miss my family, my best friend, etc. But I refuse to let it control my holidays. I think this year I have many (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 5 december 2012
Once again it is the holidays, everyone is in the stores...I am online shopping!!!!!!! I will never get in a car, and go to a store this time of year. CRAZY!!!!!!!! I have bought the presents I need to buy and am done with my shopping; however a sadness falls over me for all the people that I miss (... więcej)
katty, 1 december 2012
Everyone keeps telling me i need confidence for someone to like me
And that the first thing guys look for in girls is confidence
Well what if i did have confidence,but one day i looked in the mirror and hated what i saw?would i have any confidence then?
My mother keeps telling me if i want (... więcej)
katty, 13 november 2012
growing up is a bit scary. Because then you start realizing things you've neve noticed until now.Things about yourself you've noticed..or things about other people. Reality hits and you cant do anythings about it. Reality is like learning how to ride a bike,once you know,you cant forget.You (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 11 november 2012
I went to the Dr. Yesterday and he was telling me how STRESS could contribute to seizures. I told him I was stress free. It seems as if everytime they cannot catch something on a test, i.e. EEG etc, if you are a woman, it is STRESS!!!!!! I am not stressed. WOW, now I am stressed from not being (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 2 november 2012
I have been having this thing called partial siezures where my eyes are involved. They are very scary and I am having a lot of testing done this coming week. At least before the holidays. I want to get something done about them as they affect my writing sometimes. I am writing a book and haven't (... więcej)
Joe Breunig, 18 october 2012
Heaven is for Real, is a compelling read; most people can devour this book in under three hours, given its straight-forward approach to its storyline. This book is about the true, near-death experience of Todd’s son, Colton, before his fourth birthday. Any parent, who has dealt with significant sicknesses (... więcej)
Kahlia Mazacalletti, 13 october 2012
I started my diary today, as good as any other. I am meloncholy as it is a holiday and no mail ; while I wait for some important letters. They will arrive tomorrow, nonetheless. I have been very busy thinking about my patriotism to whom I shall vote for in the November election. Maybe neither. (... więcej)
LuLu, 27 september 2012
i don't know what to say
everyday is new...but...
to me it's all the same
get up, get dressed, eat food
i walk all the time now
i always walk alone
it suits me.
the loner
that's me
i walk eight to ten miles a day.
and if that's not enough
i eat a ton too...
but (... więcej)
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