15 may 2013
15 may 2013, wednesday ( Light at the end of the tunnel )
Things are on the bright side most of the time.
I finally found someone special in my life, we are together 4 months now. I wouldn't know how i would get throught the day without her.
I finally found the energy to pick my life up again and do what i love to do.
I'm sporting again like i used too before my emotional breakdown.
I'm kickboxing, I always loved contactsports.
It's very heavy and disciplined, but i love it.
Pain strengthens the body and the discipline is good for me.
It also helps me to let go of some rage i need to stow away every day.
Not everything is good.
I'm attending college to become a teacher in history and Dutch.
But the teachers there are fools.
They can't organize anything but blame the students.
I hate people that think they are better than the rest.
A few weeks ago the told me that I had to be at school, so i hurried to get there in time.
When i got there, there was nobody.
It was like they were playing a joke with me.
It's been like that a few times.
I got very angry and then they tell me it's not their fault.
If i didn't do some kickboxing i probably would have thrown a few punches on the teacher.
And then there's Tom. The biggest moron of the entire school.
He organizes all kinds of student events that are compulsory.
But in the end, the students have to organize everything. A student even overheard him telling it to some fancy guy in a suit. Tom was boasting like: Ha yes in the end, the students do all the work, saves us a lot of time and money. The students don't have a choice, it's compulsory so they have to do it.
Then he lauged. F*cking idiot.
He also breaks us all down. When he needs to give us feedback on something, he only says bad things and some don't even make sense.
I can take bad feedback but it has to make sense and the goal of feedback is too learn not to get sad and depressed because you feel like a total failure.
Luckily for me i don't care what Tom says. People that i don't respect can't hit me even if they are right. Tom is just a waste of space to me.
But i hate injustice, and he's full of it.
He always acts like this macho who holds ultimate power over us mere students.
But i'm glad life is better now. Now that I have that special someone who always cheers me up, nothing will drag me down.
Not even Tom.
And the year is almost over so i'll be rid of his stupid face for 2 months.
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
3 march 2025
3 march 2025
3 march 2025
2 march 2025
2 march 2025
2 march 2025