
PROFILE About me Poetry (1) Diary (4)

13 november 2012

21 november 2012, wednesday ( growing up )

growing up is a bit scary. Because then you start realizing things you've neve noticed until now.Things about yourself you've noticed..or things about other people. Reality hits and you cant do anythings about it. Reality is like learning how to ride a bike,once you know,you cant forget.You come to the conclution that you not you anymore,now that these things have hit you,your a differnent person.Maybe not physically,but mentally,your different. It might be a good different,like you okay with knowing theses things.It also might me a bad different,where you dont want to know theses things,because theyre killing you inside.You start to notice things about other people,like those who have been there for you,and those who dont give a damn about you.Phiscally,you start to notice things that have never bothered you before,like you weight,or your facial features.Some people say growing up is a great experiance. Not for most people.Not for me,defenatly not for me.

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