
jeśli tylko

jeśli tylko, 22 february 2025

22 february 2025, saturday ( borowanie )

wobec własnego strachu każdy stoi sam
choćby był taki maleńki
jak przy borowaniu zęba
obca / cudza / trzecia ręka go nie zetrze
ale pomaga odwrócić uwagę
zużyć inaczej czas który krzyczy pytaniem
czy modlić się by przeżyć
czy lepiej nie dożyć..

number of comments: 2 | rating: 4 | detail


oleksy, 8 september 2023

6 september 2023, wednesday ( Ortodonta w Szczecinie )

Zdrowy uśmiech to klucz do pewności siebie i dobrej kondycji jamy ustnej! Jeśli marzysz o pięknym i zdrowym uśmiechu, to jesteśmy tu, aby Ci pomóc. Nasza klinika ortodontyczna w Szczecinie oferuje kompleksowe leczenie ortodontyczne, które pozwoli Ci osiągnąć wymarzony efekt. Nasza oferta: (... więcej)

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Wiadomsky, 28 march 2021

28 march 2021, sunday ( Junkies )

We're all junkies trying to fill the chasm with void.

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Wiadomsky, 9 december 2020

9 december 2020, wednesday ( Proverbium )

Sometimes the only way to dislodge elephant from the room is to set the house on fire and burn it to the ground.

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Ice, 1 december 2018

1 december 2018, saturday ( so over with life )

..recently I've been thinking a lot of things and I can't help but be depressed.. like why I am living??? I can't see any reason why I should still exist.. besides my family I dont think there's anyone who cares to me.. yes I have friends but I can't feel they appreciate me like (... więcej)

number of comments: 4 | rating: 2 | detail


Ice, 26 november 2018

26 november 2018, monday ( It's Been Too Long )

I can't remember when was the last time I logged in here,, it's been years.. recently I've been thinking things,, so much things,, I want to write it all down,, so it made me remember Truml.. so good thing I still know my password and even my email add,, so I was able to check my previous (... więcej)

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Roger Ferdrer

Roger Ferdrer, 2 february 2017

2 february 2017, thursday ( Fix all Email issues of yahoo with the help of contact number )

From time to time, there has been too much change in the each spectrum of life. As you are going in the modern time, you should have to take some modification over the pre-existing services. Same principle is applicable to the communication related services. Now, the advancement of the communication (... więcej)

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 11 june 2016

11 june 2016, saturday ( Quatrain 153 & Simple Observation 134 )

Quatrain 153
Oh my tempestuous mind and aspiring soul
do not ever lose control or forsake the goal.
Always be calmly active and also actively calm
holding the staff of wisdom firmly in your palm.

Simple Observation 134
No matter how bad our life experience or (... więcej)

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Wiadomsky, 10 may 2016

10 may 2016, tuesday ( Proverbium )

Ludzie mają naturalną zdolność do tworzenia problemów.
Niektórzy rozwinęli ją do rangi sztuki, którą można określić mianem cudotwórstwa.


People have a natural ability to create problems.
Some developed it into an art, which can be described as thaumaturgy.

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Roger Ferdrer

Roger Ferdrer, 2 may 2016

20 december 2017, wednesday ( Away from the Complicated Issue Yahoo Id with Aid of Tech Support Team )

In this digital driven age, there are many channels for meeting to the countless users at the global platform.With the interaction of this platform, geographical distance does not make a difference between two persons.Among the various web portals, one has to take the brief overview of the different (... więcej)

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