
Marek Gajowniczek

Marek Gajowniczek, 22 february 2025

Grypowym grypsem

Wschód i Zachód są czerwone.
Czarne - drzew patyki.
Trudny idzie w naszą stronę
nacisk Ameryki.
Drżą przed jutrem słabsze,silne -
chronione wyjątki.
Przygotować się powinne
na Nowe Porządki!
Nieco nowe... nieco dawne
głębie pacyficzne -
ciemne, skryte i niejawne -
Rury, kable i sonary
gdzieś w Rowach Marianów
pilotują system stary
w Czarnych dziurach Stanów.
Odkąd jest najlepszym wzorcem
głupszy dla głupiego -
Nie wiesz, co czynią pod korcem.
Nie dojrzysz nic z tego.
Komponują, koncertują
na dwa fortepiany.
Spokój świata demolują
od ściany do ściany!
Nie wiesz jaki jest dla draki
Ziemi stan kwantowy?
Na wszystko dla niepoznaki
musisz być gotowy!

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 november 2024

Metaphysics Of Shrine

It was heart-wrenching
when you wanted to leave this earth,
by royal grave or by burning ghat.

Did you ever come
out from yourself, to find the
meaning of life versus death?

Mathematics of love
was a dark matter. The loneliness of
success had made you a purdue.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 november 2024

Too Prudent

Wisdom reinvents.
You were burning yourself.
Just my way don't go.

It is the power game
you never played. You may
be sold out in fish market.

Life demands a pound
of flesh. You walk on cinders
to reach the desert to find gold.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 16 november 2024

Collective Loss

In grey zone of life
I find you under bodhi tree
searching footprints of Buddha.

In war we take off
our shirts chasing the pain of
poverty. Do you doubt yourself?

In grief I was learning
from you. How to paralyze yourself
in voices of fake slogans.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 15 november 2024

In Your Own Temple

Between direct and
indirect lies futurism. How
to take on the inevitable?

Will you leave my
hand? I asked the scented wind.
In sanctuary god takes turn.

You speak via eyes,
how to live in sanctum sanctorum
without dying?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 11 november 2024

I Don't Know

It was most beautiful
your broken heart
in the grip of twilight.

Who speaks the truth
after gaining the heaven a
double edged sword cracks.

I cannot decide
who wins and who lost
in the war of words.

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steve, 10 november 2024

You've Already Gone

It may be true that your still here, but you've already gone...
You packed your love, and locked the doors, and left me on my own,
You don't even try to understand, the things you do to me...
I guess that makes it easy, so you won't have to see,
If that's the way you really feel, I guess were too far gone...
And every face you've showed till now, have all been painted on,
I know that I have made mistakes, but you havce made them too...
If we can't admit when were wrong, then were as good as through,
Why do we say the things, to cause eachother pain...
Why do we hurt eachother, when there's nothing to be gained,
I thought you said you loved me, did you mean to lead me on?
If your trying to kill my love for you, it will soon be gone,
Look inside yourself, and tell me what you see...
Are you flesh and bone or made of stone, are you longing to be free?
You want to put the blame on me, well I'll take my share...
But it's time you looked into the mirror, and decide how much you care,
If you can't see it's killing me, without you by my side...
Then walk away but never say, that I never tried.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 10 november 2024

In My Painting

You pry out my eyes,
when I look at your hands,
which were rough and cracked.

Were you digging
your future? Pomegranates
always left red scars.

Don't ask the god
who was helpless, sitting
on sun to cool you.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 9 november 2024

To End The Poem

When you walk
on moon in February, I take-down
the clouds to become wet.

Your memory lingers.
I gather the monarchs to
play with my past.

I am not sure, when
the dark moves on to give space
to imprisoned pain.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 8 november 2024

Never Found You

I do not know
when to stop my steep ascent
after a random fall.

My dreams prick
me. Time to hang my boots.
Enough was enough.

But the tears won't
dry on the cheeks of love.
I start my last journey.

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