27 june 2024

Two poems

1. Carnal Dream

(Music arrangement on souncloud.com / A.pietras982 - VII - F 4 - Carnal Dream)

I: I've came to the lowest of grounds
Just to tempt
Although words should be sharp
Athough I wondered how to express
There is but an emptyness inside
A body that is dwelled by a thought
Challengeing all that is to challenge
With no sence of deeper reason
In this formula I mean
I've seen many worlds and became empty

II: A letter has got a shape
Perhaps some meaning I have forgotten
But so far as I can't recognize my voice
And see only the easiest way to satisfy
To focus on something that is not the pain inside
But perhaps it is good - how can I know
Some say that there is only light
Though it blinds

There is sky benath and it is so low
There is an outer space but just desolated
I look among the people around
I wonder what they are
As far as I can understand a stone or a tree or a bug
But not a human
I can reach them but with my senses and confabulation
And I think that there is no one inside
The self is multiversal as I expirienced
It is a story enslaved in time - somehow
I have been a human for a time
Then I've became my moors
I've been a view

Once I thought that there is something to build
That there is something to conquer
That there is something to explore
But now I think that there is just an existence
The eternal crossroads unable to escape
The dreams that has gone blank and so untrue
A spark of consciousnes that travels from fingers to mouth
And some kind of wordless meaning on the edge of all perceptions
I can't say if it is not a hallucination
I try not to think too much about that
For it tortures me and baths me both in despair and disdain
For a lie

III: Is all I know a lie
Shouldn't everything be completely different
Or at least it could be so
I don't know why the world exists

2. The Heaviest of Wonderlands

(I shall also arrange something as I get more time for artistic stuff)

Couldn't say this Tomb has no charm
A craft of fine engineery and manpower
And that my cage is not made of materia
The sublte cold in touch and stories
Of prisoners - philosophers and murderers
I don't believe in ghosts but I can try to affirm
The holograms in my imagination
Songs about quark transition under what is seen
I can try to think that it is fine

I can try to think that I am a part of the race
That nobody knows where it ends and where it begins
I don't believe in fate but I can wonder if it is individual
Though I am just a kind of my own selve's priest
So useless as all the depths

I can wonder as the world is a Diamond
Through the works devided and roles
Someone is now old and dead
Perhaps I don't know something about him
Perhaps this consciousness now dead buries remembrance of Love
Perhaps he is an engineer
Perhaps he built my cage in this Dream

As I hear voices on the bazaar I can think of the race
That no one knows where it begins and where it ends
Perhaps I walk among saints
That's the trick I can make with my imagination
For it is so nice to affirm
As I can't do anything else
In this Tomb

A girl ashamed of her mortality

other poems: Two poems, Three poems, With no Craft, Regret, Living inside a Master-Piece, Z któregoś z etapów, Mixtape, O bzdurach (stare), Modne wiersze, Takie tam, Fraszki - warianty, Słodko - gorzki, *** (I will pay with...), *** (I'm not the most...), Z klasyka II, Z klasyka, STARE (ok. 2011), Motto z kiedyś, The deepest trick, Bittersweet (PL / ENG), Fertile (ENG), Beat, Valentine's Day, Poezja ciemna (Uwaga, Heavy) (ENG), Rysunki tuszem / Po południu / Nocne motyle, Spokój jasnej listopadowej nocy, Of lucidity and stillness (eng), [Fantazmat], Langeweile - Mixtape, Noir Au-Revoir, L'ecole normale, Przyśniło mi się, Wisława Szymborska - Jaskinia, To coś, Tekściory, Niecodzienna idea, Sen, Fernando Pessoa - Harveswoman, Fragmenty ze mnie, Dwu klasyków, Florencja w deszczu - Iwaszkiewicz, Cytat z klasyka (Rilke), Świadek myli się z natury rzeczy, Vesperale, Sylwester, Rymowanka, I dance between the Old Dreams, Kondensacja, Ezra Pound - Francesca, Hymn młodych konserwatystów, Plus ratio quam vis, Quasi-fraszki, Kiedyś zanotowałem, Fraszki, Cytat z klasyka - Domoklos Szailagyi, Bilecik, Minor Gravitas, A mnie po prostu nie ma.rtf, Na marginesie, Nitka (Opisanie fali), Czas o którym milczy się, Wrzutka (PL / ANG), Igrzyska sportowe IV, Igrzyska sportowe III, Igrzyska sportowe II, Igrzyska sportowe I, Piosenka głupia, Heliograwitura (scherzo), Ballroom, Dimitryj (Symetria), Cytat z klasyka - Tadeusz Różewicz, Wiatr - poruszenie, Mysz, Tubal-Kain, Cytat z klasyka, Admirałowie, Ars moriandi, Ostrość, Moje słowa nie mają mocy, Kondensacja, Kochaj dzikiego łabędzia, Na początku (ok. 2015), Wiersz o paleniu papierosa pod klatką, Martwa natura, Trzy wiersze gwatemalskie, Niech boli, Pisanie, Okno - cień., Husserl's Electronica, Trzy wiersze (Witka), Ugly Boy, Bóg mieszka w domu naprzeciwko, Rozprężenie, Agnieszka - Staurologia, Dyptyk, Gąszcz, badyle, czerń i błoto, Rzędy realności (pogoda), kamień piaskowy, Dwie płowe wstążki, Pusta miska, Cztery wiersze, Co ma byt?, Hollow Songs, Gry i zabawy, Kolory, Sportowy, W transfiguracji, Pusto jest na polu i brzęczy próchno, Baśń, IV wiersze dla samego siebie,

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