| Adam Pietras (Barry Kant) |
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Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 29 august 2024
The Introvert
Emptyness sealed
Devil plays his dysharmony
Running among the ruins
As I am a king
Of things unseen
Forgotten and unknown
Such a nice way to describe
The drama of dreams
Of existence turned
To it's own core
With a hope of
Transformational power
As I can give and take
Only to myself
Unseen, forgotten and unknown
Absurdal agonist
Screaming no longer
A horse
A crafstman
The trickster
The tired jumper
As I can't choose between
Fascination and disdain
Sickness and joy
Tragedy and a dance
Despair and a humour
Loony tunes on the moon
Flag in a far place
Goddes in dreams
Love so far
Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 29 august 2024
The Introvert
Emptyness sealed
Devil plays his dysharmony
Running among the ruins
As I am a king
Of things unseen
Forgotten and unknown
Such a nice way to describe
The drama of dreams
Of existence turned
To it's own core
With a hope of
Transformational power
As I can give and take
Only to myself
Unseen, forgotten and unknown
Absurdal agonist
Screaming no longer
A horse
A crafstman
The trickster
The tired jumper
As I can't choose between
Fascination and disdain
Sickness and joy
Tragedy and a dance
Despair and a humour
Loony tunes on the moon
Flag in a far place
Goddes in dreams
Love so far
Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 3 july 2024
Some say we are rather in Heaven
And only the song reminds that it is endless
Then it looks like to live is to tempt
It is a letter or a book somehow
For someone it reminds of a wound
Not by the matter of disdain towards what there is
For it is just fallen and hurt
There is a wound inside the existence itself
For someone it reminds of the worlds seen
As they travel the more they tempt
As they get crazy they wish to live so long
Just to intensify the longing
Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 3 july 2024
Some say we are rather in Heaven
And only the song reminds that it is endless
Then it looks like to live is to tempt
It is a letter or a book somehow
For someone it reminds of a wound
Not by the matter of disdain towards what there is
For it is just fallen and hurt
There is a wound inside the existence itself
For someone it reminds of the worlds seen
As they travel the more they tempt
As they get crazy they wish to live so long
Just to intensify the longing
Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 27 june 2024
1. Carnal Dream
(Music arrangement on souncloud.com / A.pietras982 - VII - F 4 - Carnal Dream)
I: I've came to the lowest of grounds
Just to tempt
Although words should be sharp
Athough I wondered how to express
There is but an emptyness inside
A body that is dwelled by a thought
Challengeing all that is to challenge
With no sence of deeper reason
In this formula I mean
I've seen many worlds and became empty
II: A letter has got a shape
Perhaps some meaning I have forgotten
But so far as I can't recognize my voice
And see only the easiest way to satisfy
To focus on something that is not the pain inside
But perhaps it is good - how can I know
Some say that there is only light
Though it blinds
There is sky benath and it is so low
There is an outer space but just desolated
I look among the people around
I wonder what they are
As far as I can understand a stone or a tree or a bug
But not a human
I can reach them but with my senses and confabulation
And I think that there is no one inside
The self is multiversal as I expirienced
It is a story enslaved in time - somehow
I have been a human for a time
Then I've became my moors
I've been a view
Once I thought that there is something to build
That there is something to conquer
That there is something to explore
But now I think that there is just an existence
The eternal crossroads unable to escape
The dreams that has gone blank and so untrue
A spark of consciousnes that travels from fingers to mouth
And some kind of wordless meaning on the edge of all perceptions
I can't say if it is not a hallucination
I try not to think too much about that
For it tortures me and baths me both in despair and disdain
For a lie
III: Is all I know a lie
Shouldn't everything be completely different
Or at least it could be so
I don't know why the world exists
2. The Heaviest of Wonderlands
(I shall also arrange something as I get more time for artistic stuff)
Couldn't say this Tomb has no charm
A craft of fine engineery and manpower
And that my cage is not made of materia
The sublte cold in touch and stories
Of prisoners - philosophers and murderers
I don't believe in ghosts but I can try to affirm
The holograms in my imagination
Songs about quark transition under what is seen
I can try to think that it is fine
I can try to think that I am a part of the race
That nobody knows where it ends and where it begins
I don't believe in fate but I can wonder if it is individual
Though I am just a kind of my own selve's priest
So useless as all the depths
I can wonder as the world is a Diamond
Through the works devided and roles
Someone is now old and dead
Perhaps I don't know something about him
Perhaps this consciousness now dead buries remembrance of Love
Perhaps he is an engineer
Perhaps he built my cage in this Dream
As I hear voices on the bazaar I can think of the race
That no one knows where it begins and where it ends
Perhaps I walk among saints
That's the trick I can make with my imagination
For it is so nice to affirm
As I can't do anything else
In this Tomb
A girl ashamed of her mortality
Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 23 april 2024
---Living inside a Master-Piece
Nothing to say living inside a Master-Piece.
As I've been younger - I searched for existential police.
All is left to overlook and to smile
Some challenge zen for a while.
Angelic women believe in something - that's so far from my mind
Although I've become an indifferent kind.
For me? Precisely everything - can be so very nice
As I get my whiskey with ice.
I don't mean there is something too bad
It just looks as I am - of rather ironic clad.
There is a little bit of hate in my wound.
Nobody knows how those muddy things
Come inside;
A spark from far away dives into the World
Though it's hard to love one's own dirt.
---With no Craft
Empty sadness as I laid
Though someone - needed me to stay;
And I used to comtemplate this subject:
With no Craft - I found myself an object.
So deeply pleased - as the Other enjoyed my fruits
So I stood up and worn my boots -
Let's take a mile or seven
Follow me - we'll go to Heaven...
Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 23 april 2024
Empty sadness as I laid
Though someone - needed me to stay;
And I used to comtemplate this subject:
With no Craft - I found myself an object.
So deeply pleased - as the Other enjoyed my fruits
So I stood up and worn my boots -
Let's take a mile or seven
Follow me - we'll go to Heaven...
Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 12 april 2024
There is a little bit of hate in my wound.
Nobody knows how those muddy things
Come inside;
A spark from far away dives into the World
Though it's hard to love one's own dirt.
Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 12 april 2024
Nothing to say living inside a Master-Piece.
As I've been younger - I searched for existential police.
All is left to overlook and to smile
Some challenge zen for a while.
Angelic women believe in something - that's so far from my mind
Although I've become an indifferent kind.
For me? Precisely everything - can be so very nice
As I get my whiskey with ice.
I don't mean there is something too bad
It just looks as I am - of rather ironic clad.
Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 30 march 2024
A. Hollow Songs
Umysł faluje a ciało spada. Życie jest dobre. Trawa, zie-
Mia, błoto i światło. Umysł faluje a ciało spada. Koło do-
Mów, na ławeczce, wśród wróbli i gołębi. Życie jest dob-
Re. I pustka, odblask światła w oknie. Ziemska, nasłone-
Czniona pustka. I dymiące kominy. Pustka i trawnik ko-
Loru khaki. Umysł faluje a ciało spada. Życie jest dobre;
Niekiedy spada podczas spaceru.
XII. Barwa
Na przedmieściach słowiki. Duża ilość zieleni. I wspa-
Niałe, barwne Le Corbusiery. Popielne paprocie, żela-
Zne kraty, ziemskie sklepienia. Popielne dziewczęta i
Łagodne wierzby. Szkoła wśród wierzb z żelazną kra-
Tą. Popiół, popielne paprocie. Popielne dziewczęta. Ma-
My piękne osiedle z dużą ilością zieleni i wspaniałe,
Barwne Le Corbusiery. I śpiew słowików, głęboka zie-
Mia, ziemskie sklepienia.
Przychodnia i spacer. Tam, koło poczty, spacer na rauszu.
Myślałem, że się przewrócę. Takie było kuszenie. Tam, na
Bruk, gdzie świeci słońce. Za ustępem. Gdybyście widzie-
Li nasz gmach szkoły. Cieszą wszystkie korytarze. I okna
W żółtej ścianie. Tam, koło poczty. Człowiek szaleje z bez-
Czynności, i kto ma zdrowe ręce, ciągnie na budowę. A na
Poczcie? Jakie tam siedzą dziewuchy! Ale wcześniej trzeba
Się dobrze upić. Takie jest kuszenie. I tam, na bruk, gdzie
Świeci słońce. Przy cokole.
B. Ustawienia Hellingerowskie (Chropawe pieśni).
Lęgnie się w mózgu piękna i krwawa motylica.
II. Sportowy
Aż do tego cienia kołysze się w miejscu basen
Za schodami kołysze się w rytm spacerującego
Który kołysze się być może nie wie o własnym
Za poręczami stokrotki za zbiornikami do cienia
W budynku w sukience za schodami kołysze się
W sukience teraz pije w miejscu za schodami
Który kołysze się za zbiornikami w budynku
Za schodami kołysze się w miejscu do cienia
Teraz pije w budynku w sukience za poręczami
W budynku kołysze się w rytm spacerującego
W sukience o własnym między drzewami
III. Tubal-Kain
Aż do tego cienia który kołysze się w rytm Za
Podwójnymi drzwiami Są tu okna i baseny,
Nenufary, stokrotki i kaczeńce Za poręczami
Za zbiornikami wodnymi kołyszą się w rytm
Spacerującego ciała Są w nim okna i baseny,
Nenufary, stokrotki i kaczeńce Za podwójnymi
Drzwiami, za poręczami, za zbiornikami wodnymi
Są w ciele okna i baseny, nenufary, stokrotki i
IV. Mysz
W ciszy odkrywa się pustkę. Życie, ktoś pyta.
To prawie boli, bo w ciszy odkrywa się pustkę.
To boli, a życie upływa. Nic się nie zaczyna. Nic
W ciszy. Ktoś mówi, to prawie boli gdy mówi
Zbyt cicho. Bo w ciszy odkrywa się pustkę. Ży-
Cie, ktoś pyta. To boli i pogrąża. To boli, gdy ktoś
Mówi zbyt cicho. Tak to się dzieje. W ciszy odkry-
Wa się pustkę. Tak to się stało. Życie, ktoś pyta. To
Boli, a życie upływa, bo tylko tu jest życie, żywioł,
Kochanie. To prawie boli, gdy mówię zbyt cicho,
Bo w ciszy odkrywa się pustkę. Życie, ktoś pyta.
Tylko w ciszy, tylko w pustce.
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Eva T.
24 march 2025
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22 march 2025