2 february 2024

Of lucidity and stillness (eng)

Nice nihilism*

(Inevitable credits)

tags: "simple"; "glance"; "bones"; "black"; "care"; "nothing"; "air"; "tapes"; "embell"; "joy"; "sound";


“”there is nothing to express, nothing with which to express, no power to express, no desire to express, together with an obligation to express.”
- Samuel Beckett

Jan Jelinek, Giorgio Moriandi


A grain of comism in the endevaour, I mean
I'd call world mere as a reference to ones fatigue,
It happens that way.

So I'd love to greet some blanket joy beyond,
A hideout of hi tech rodents where we'd grasp ourselves,
With something cheery to say about subjectivity.

As phenomenons flourishing in nothingness,
That would be great.

--- A mild tendency

Precision and predictability
Are hollowed in physical world
There are many marks
Meant to depict.


Smell the trees out there.
Black. Green. Blue. White.
Bulbs are still warm.

It is truly simple. Help yourself with
Confection. There is nothing,
Nothing to speak of.

A little powder. Custom thoughts.
Agreements and ways to quit.
Our place is unaccessable.


Speak. Speak at prime.
And so, take a struggle to speak first.
Speak before the relate and speak after.
Speak about the valve that sinks
And about the every drop you hear.

Tell as you focus.
On the grey street or wherever you are
And nevermind what you see
So perhaps a bird on the lattern will let you remind better
Sleeples nights while listening to the broken valve.


A line in the air
Above some simple picture
Of grey.

It is living
Between the warmth of plains
And ridicule pink noises.

There is a bed in the evening
And nothingness.

---A mild tendency

Boiling roof
Water in a cup
Careful are nervous

Common ashes
Habituated windows
Bare acts.


It's a quiet music of bones
Clear as the glance of dancing girl*
And sound of the city by day.

---A room

It seems hard and black
Time hanging on the poles
With all it's beauty.

---Family man

A time compressed and its bone white beauty
Hanging on the line with those beloved
As the concience black and simply futile
That reminds a glance so soft.


A stain of plasticine
Matt light cutting angles
Time compressed
Red cord halt by the sticks
The perfect overlook
It's salient.

I mean the weather as you speak
Little black birds on the roof
Plains sunken.

A breath is shaped by utmost.


Nails by which breath is curved.


Mind shaped as a nail.


A shade
Cloud so calm in a while
The widest of days

It is a blossom
I mean that time
Something salient is broken.

It is the other
Or the touch of air
It is the light with a bit of stagnace.


Say nothing.

Tapes that still are being notched by

The middle parts
Are the most subverted.


Movement as a reminder
In a while enclosed perfectly
Just at it beggins to be vain.


My eyes are gloomy but they don't sleep
They turn to a different places at a time
When I persue I look at my feet
And hide.

(Ok. 2017)

other poems: The Coldest Beauty (ENG), The Coldest Beauty, Two poems, Three poems, With no Craft, Regret, Living inside a Master-Piece, Z któregoś z etapów, Mixtape, O bzdurach (stare), Modne wiersze, Takie tam, Fraszki - warianty, Słodko - gorzki, *** (I will pay with...), *** (I'm not the most...), Z klasyka II, Z klasyka, STARE (ok. 2011), Motto z kiedyś, The deepest trick, Bittersweet (PL / ENG), Fertile (ENG), Beat, Valentine's Day, Poezja ciemna (Uwaga, Heavy) (ENG), Rysunki tuszem / Po południu / Nocne motyle, Spokój jasnej listopadowej nocy, Of lucidity and stillness (eng), [Fantazmat], Langeweile - Mixtape, Noir Au-Revoir, L'ecole normale, Przyśniło mi się, Wisława Szymborska - Jaskinia, To coś, Tekściory, Niecodzienna idea, Sen, Fernando Pessoa - Harveswoman, Fragmenty ze mnie, Dwu klasyków, Florencja w deszczu - Iwaszkiewicz, Cytat z klasyka (Rilke), Świadek myli się z natury rzeczy, Vesperale, Sylwester, Rymowanka, I dance between the Old Dreams, Kondensacja, Ezra Pound - Francesca, Hymn młodych konserwatystów, Plus ratio quam vis, Quasi-fraszki, Kiedyś zanotowałem, Fraszki, Cytat z klasyka - Domoklos Szailagyi, Bilecik, Minor Gravitas, A mnie po prostu nie ma.rtf, Na marginesie, Nitka (Opisanie fali), Czas o którym milczy się, Wrzutka (PL / ANG), Igrzyska sportowe IV, Igrzyska sportowe III, Igrzyska sportowe II, Igrzyska sportowe I, Piosenka głupia, Heliograwitura (scherzo), Ballroom, Dimitryj (Symetria), Cytat z klasyka - Tadeusz Różewicz, Wiatr - poruszenie, Mysz, Tubal-Kain, Cytat z klasyka, Admirałowie, Ars moriandi, Ostrość, Moje słowa nie mają mocy, Kondensacja, Kochaj dzikiego łabędzia, Na początku (ok. 2015), Wiersz o paleniu papierosa pod klatką, Martwa natura, Trzy wiersze gwatemalskie, Niech boli, Pisanie, Okno - cień., Husserl's Electronica, Trzy wiersze (Witka), Ugly Boy, Bóg mieszka w domu naprzeciwko, Rozprężenie, Agnieszka - Staurologia, Dyptyk, Gąszcz, badyle, czerń i błoto, Rzędy realności (pogoda), kamień piaskowy, Dwie płowe wstążki, Pusta miska, Cztery wiersze, Co ma byt?, Hollow Songs, Gry i zabawy, Kolory, Sportowy, W transfiguracji, Pusto jest na polu i brzęczy próchno, Baśń, IV wiersze dla samego siebie,

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