9 october 2023

Minor Gravitas

Jan Jelinek & Masayoshi Fujita - Birds, lake, objects
Living between simple and warm bulbs

(une petitte gestalt poesie)


Blue wall impresses as a first time paltry
Through its shades projected in the air and its immense
The glance is subsistent just on a moth not to purge
Somehow I like seeing it as still


Tendency clear and mild
Sometimes to allign with idleness.
Water in a cup of a color of ash
And endless habituated windows,
A frowzy shack with boiling roof.

Lazy impatience is common.
As it goes physical bare nowness
The uncareful become nervous;
But I rather hollow the precision
Of forseeable act.


As it's physical
And not projected
Yet forseeable
It's still motion
A time beyond
The grain of care


More as a room for decomposition
All the soft glances, quiet bones
Moths and statues
The far sound of a city
Subsistence on what is precisely now
With numerous indifferent shades
Burnt temple of the past
A handful of achievements


Next spur in the way you speak of dose of sugar
(Though I never use sugar to my coffee)
As clear as the sound of city in the afternoon idleness.
It is as simple as holding hands with you
Bones are quiet but there is a little regret in a glance,
And you wouldn't say if it is the true source of


Allign with transparence.
It is soft.

It sets the things.

As a dose of sugar
And the clear timbre of noon.

Spur and indifference.

Still you are quiet
And I draw a common line in the air.


A view perfectly white
Ever calm mass of air
Stagnant field


An act.
The storm.

Ink the timber.

It feels
like air.


A cup of tea with a little gloss.
The clouds. We always look at the weather.

Say, the voice of stillnes was almost heard
As you were passing the city.

Marble green of willows in an African district.
Yet they blossom.


A little turn with looking glass.
She spoiled the nubs over table.

But the day harms.
Her mind is being curved to a perfect structure
Of ice.

And the velvets. Doubt got fastened.
Perhaps the openness still disposes
To take a step.

Minor Gravitas

Hallucinate a sound
A sip, a breath -

That embell the careful.

Water in a cup
In a color of ash.

other poems: The Coldest Beauty (ENG), The Coldest Beauty, Two poems, Three poems, With no Craft, Regret, Living inside a Master-Piece, Z któregoś z etapów, Mixtape, O bzdurach (stare), Modne wiersze, Takie tam, Fraszki - warianty, Słodko - gorzki, *** (I will pay with...), *** (I'm not the most...), Z klasyka II, Z klasyka, STARE (ok. 2011), Motto z kiedyś, The deepest trick, Bittersweet (PL / ENG), Fertile (ENG), Beat, Valentine's Day, Poezja ciemna (Uwaga, Heavy) (ENG), Rysunki tuszem / Po południu / Nocne motyle, Spokój jasnej listopadowej nocy, Of lucidity and stillness (eng), [Fantazmat], Langeweile - Mixtape, Noir Au-Revoir, L'ecole normale, Przyśniło mi się, Wisława Szymborska - Jaskinia, To coś, Tekściory, Niecodzienna idea, Sen, Fernando Pessoa - Harveswoman, Fragmenty ze mnie, Dwu klasyków, Florencja w deszczu - Iwaszkiewicz, Cytat z klasyka (Rilke), Świadek myli się z natury rzeczy, Vesperale, Sylwester, Rymowanka, I dance between the Old Dreams, Kondensacja, Ezra Pound - Francesca, Hymn młodych konserwatystów, Plus ratio quam vis, Quasi-fraszki, Kiedyś zanotowałem, Fraszki, Cytat z klasyka - Domoklos Szailagyi, Bilecik, Minor Gravitas, A mnie po prostu nie ma.rtf, Na marginesie, Nitka (Opisanie fali), Czas o którym milczy się, Wrzutka (PL / ANG), Igrzyska sportowe IV, Igrzyska sportowe III, Igrzyska sportowe II, Igrzyska sportowe I, Piosenka głupia, Heliograwitura (scherzo), Ballroom, Dimitryj (Symetria), Cytat z klasyka - Tadeusz Różewicz, Wiatr - poruszenie, Mysz, Tubal-Kain, Cytat z klasyka, Admirałowie, Ars moriandi, Ostrość, Moje słowa nie mają mocy, Kondensacja, Kochaj dzikiego łabędzia, Na początku (ok. 2015), Wiersz o paleniu papierosa pod klatką, Martwa natura, Trzy wiersze gwatemalskie, Niech boli, Pisanie, Okno - cień., Husserl's Electronica, Trzy wiersze (Witka), Ugly Boy, Bóg mieszka w domu naprzeciwko, Rozprężenie, Agnieszka - Staurologia, Dyptyk, Gąszcz, badyle, czerń i błoto, Rzędy realności (pogoda), kamień piaskowy, Dwie płowe wstążki, Pusta miska, Cztery wiersze, Co ma byt?, Hollow Songs, Gry i zabawy, Kolory, Sportowy, W transfiguracji, Pusto jest na polu i brzęczy próchno, Baśń, IV wiersze dla samego siebie,

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