11 kwietnia 2015
To The New Yorkers Who Hate Our Street Delicacy Called 'Balut'
Let me get this right. So, aborting a human fetus is a woman's right, but cooking an underdeveloped duckling is wrong? Seriously, American liberals?
Okay, so when we Christians and conservatives protest against abortion, you'll say, "That's just a clump of tissue." Oh, well. Now that you're protesting against eating balut, let me tell you: that's just an unhatched duckling.
And of course, you'll say, "It's not just a duckling! It's a living animal!" Oh, you're concerned about that animal's life? How about the human fetus? So you're saying animal life is more precious than a human baby's life?
And by the way, according to the naturalistic science (the science that you believe), humans are basically animals. You say you're all concerned about animal rights. Why not be concerned about Homo sapiens rights? They're also animals, right? Why not raise an awareness about a Homo sapiens' right to what he wants to eat? Consistency please?
I wish I can get my phone back so I could post a selfie of me eating balut. By the way, what if I tell you that banning us Filipinos from selling balut is considered an insult to our culture? Can I call this discrimination? I mean, seriously, you have just offended the Filipino community.
You want rights for everyone? How about our cultural rights? Please be consistent. God bless you. And Jesus loves you.
- Shim'onai :D
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