| Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai |
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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 11 october 2014
(1/31/12 - 2/5/12)
She and You: how can I ever compare?
Or can I ever replace You with her?
For my heart sings softly when she is there
But my soul shouts praises when You are near.
For the presence of her makes me so weak;
She makes me as one on the ship: seasick
But her voice, though sweet, can't make me a wick
Nor can consume me like a burning stick.
But You, my Belov'd God, make my knees fall
And bow me low with the voice of Your call
For with Your majesty cries out my soul;
My heart sings loudly, 'Holy, Lord of All! '
O how I am delighted by her face
But she can't turn my heart filled with Your grace;
Yes, I loved her, but she can't take the space
Of my mind, outpouring with the Lord's praise!
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 19 august 2014
I see art in a canvas -
A painting of colors and contrasts -
Red, yellow and blue in sight
And black and white to shade and to light;
With hues blending together
All singled in one picture,
I see a beautiful harmony:
One painting - colors in unity.
I see art in a love song -
Words and letters in aesthetic throng-
With notes of sharpness and bass,
Each sound tuned with a musical grace;
With the heart, orchestrated
The notes and letters scripted,
I see a beautiful harmony:
One music - lyrics in unity.
I see art in a statue -
A piece of surfaces: flat and skew -
With curves carved by the sculptor
And angles modeled to show vigor;
With its limbs and its torso
Like a work of Donato,
I see a beautiful harmony:
One image - textures in unity.
I see art in a living -
Tissues and blood together clinging -
All minute cells so complexed
And organs that made healers perplexed;
With veins and a fistful heart
And systems doing their part
I see a beautiful harmony:
One creature - organs in unity.
I see art in the nature -
Lovely piece of God's architecture -
The lifeless and biotics
In the deepest depths and highest peaks;
With all creatures in motion
And all things of creation,
I see a beautiful harmony:
One earth - the whole world in unity.
I see art in Adam's race -
In every color, beauty displays -
'Tis pluribus e unum
Yet all unique in form and verbum;
With all the differences
Reconciled by friendliness,
I see a beautiful harmony:
One human race - men in unity!
- 8/19/14, 6 am
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 13 february 2014
Come with me, my love, my spouse; come with me;
Come with me to our chamber so that we
May fill it with love and intimacy
And enrich it with our sweet company.
Fill me with knowledge of you, my princess -
Let me see your beauty in its fullness;
Let me fully behold your comeliness
And show me more of your full loveliness.
Let me kiss you like a cup of fresh wine
That touches your lips - a wine sweet and fine;
Let me caress you like a tamed feline
That caresses your bosom, waist, and spine.
Let me cleave myself, O my love, to you,
Commit myself to be faithful and true
And let my heart be ravished more by you,
An Eden to keep and be caring to.
Join me, my love; let us be delighted
In consuming our garden on this bed;
Together, let's be intoxicated
With the fragrance of its roses so red.
In here, I'll give you your heart's sweet pleasure;
Your sweet desire I'll give in full measure:
Gently will I give it so you'll be sure
My love for you is true, selfless, and pure!
Come with me - let us enjoy our Eden,
Pleasing each other in this bless'd garden
For it's a gift by the Lord of heaven -
Together, let us come to our own Eden!
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 8 february 2014
You are a box of delights
. that I want to uncover
You are a closed garden
. that I want to open and explore
You are a spring of refreshing water
. that I want to dig in
You are a fragrant fruit tree
. that I want to climb
. to lay hold of its fruits
But God give me temperance
. that I may truly love you!
- Shim'onai
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 24 august 2013
Who is this daughter that's sweet to my sight
This maiden that's to my heart's a delight?
For my heart's taken by her smile so bright
And captured by her dovely eyes so light.
I beheld her with her peaceful glances
Gazed 'pon her beauty - her soul's quietness;
And I took delight in her loveliness,
Being taken by her face's sweetness.
For her beauty is not of jewelry
Nor of the aesthetics of the silly
'Tis not even of dressing fancily
Nor of seductive speech of her body.
But her beauty is of what is hidden
From her heart, desirable and golden;
Her beauty is of the woman within
And created by the Lord of heaven.
Behold, the innocence her smile displays
And the shalom that I see in her face -
'Tis the true comeliness I want to chase,
The love I'm asking from the God of grace.
The pur'ty in your eyes overwhelms me
Like those of the Shulamite - they're lovely;
Your face of calmness, so sweet and comely,
Is better than my delight in honey.
Your beauty, O daughter of the Highest
Is beauty which to me is the choicest
Like morning star 'mongst the hosts, shines brightest
Like a sweet wine in tavern, the finest!
Yet, 'pon God - should you be the one - I wait
In pray'r and work, holding on to the faith
For your worth is as the espousals' date -
I shall be waiting and shall not faint!
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 6 april 2012
Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy One
The enemy's already trampled on
And triumphantly doomed to destruction.
Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy One
Fully paid are our debts and transgressions
To us is complete justification.
Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy One
Our wounds are already healed by the Son
And in His name, our sicknesses are gone.
Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy Oe
All our chains He has broken and brought down
And our bondages He has made undone.
Tetelestai! For it's already done
Praise and glory be to the Holy One
For eternity in heaven's been won
And granted for us is the salvation!
*A Greek word which means "It is Finished/Fully Paid/Fulfilled/Completed/Done"
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 27 march 2012
From loftiness one becomes lowly
. and from lowliness one becomes lofty.
Consider the highest of the peaks;
. it has nothing but rocks and snow only.
Consider the lowest of the plains;
. it is filled with every kind of life.
Consider the biggest of the behemoths;
. the thoughts of its mind are all about
. food alone.
Consider the the smallest of the mammals;
. it can be shrewder than any creature.
Consider the tallest of the trees;
. it is the first thing that a lightning
. strikes.
Consider the shortest of the shrubs;
. no fiercest northern wind can uproot it.
Consider the heaviest of the clouds;
. it is the soonest water to fall.
Consider the slightest of the vapors;
. it shall continue its rise.
Consider the mature palm branch;
. it is brought down by its heaviness.
Consider the new and fresh leaf;
. its lightness lifts it up.
Consider the size of the elephant;
. by it, this animal would be the first
. a hunter notices.
Consider the smallness of the ant;
. with it, only a few is interested
. with it as a food.
Consider the fruits on the trees;
. most of them are useless when they fall.
Consider the crops on the ground;
. they are more useful where they are.
Still, consider the large watermelon;
. its stem cannot lift it up.
Then, consider the plum on its tree;
. its weight raises it high.
Consider the mass of the rock;
. it falls straightly to the ground.
Consider the lightness of the feather;
. it settles down gently.
And consider the top of earth;
. it is made up by mud and dirt.
Consider the bottom of the ground;
. gold and precious stones are found in it.
For the Great I AM has more grace
. for the humble than the proud;
. pay attention, you lofty ones,
. for there is wisdom in meekness!
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 27 march 2012
I. Body
The night 'fore His death, the Son of Man spoke
As He was holding a loaf which He broke,
"This is my body-flesh wherein I came,
Flesh where I went down in humility,
The body on which will be laid down your shame
Where will be judged Adam's iniquity"
"As this bread is broken into pieces
And as among you, this loaf is divide,
So will my body for your tresspasses
And for your sins will be afflicted."
"Do this, my friends, in remembrance of me,
Do this as you have me in mind to bear,
For I'll return with glorified body,
And return with glory to you I'll share."
II. Blood
The same night, God's only begotten spoke
Holding a cup of sweet wine which he took,
"This is my blood which's given for cleansing,
Life that the Father for you has given
That to you, the salvation I might bring,
That from your sins, you will be forgiven."
"As from this cup, the sweet wine is flowing
And as from the cup this grape's blood is shed,
So will the blood be flowing from the King,
So will the Lamb of God for you will bleed."
"Do this, my friends, in remembrance if me.
Do this as you have me in mind to bear
For I shall return with shout's of, "Holy!"
And in heaven, you'll take your place there!"
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 27 march 2012
Ang buhay na kay Cristo
Ay 'sang buhay na bago;
'Di na tulad ng dati
Ang inalay sa Hari.
(A life to Christ is given
Is a life that is diff'rent;
No more same as the old things
What is offered to the King.)
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 27 march 2012
Tanglaw ma'y 'di umilaw
At 'di man na umaraw,
Si Cristo'y aking ilaw
At karimla'y papanaw!
(Lamp may fail to become bright
And sun may cease to be sight
But Jesus Christ is my light
And fading will be to night!)
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