Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 12 kwietnia 2012

Earthly Life Cycle

Fresh, cool spring air fills the morning breeze
The awakening russeling sound from dormant winter trees
Yearning to burst their buds of new growth leaves
To contrast blue skies with brilliant green for eyes’ to please

Long silent sounds of returning migrating birds
Chirping their lively yet unknown words
Caroling loud to a point that for some may disturb
But only harken to a summer that’s just around the curb

Squirrels scampering about to loose their heavy winter coats
Outdoor camp fires replace the smell of wood-stove smoke
Early spring flowers green-shoots are seen to poke
All good things for happiness in all, to provoke

This timeless cycle to earthly life once again renewed
A rhythm theme contemporary humanity seems lost sight to view
This annual birth-awakening disposed to lesser things to do
A precious nature-gift freely given to All, and not just the few.

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 9 kwietnia 2012

The Internet

All society’s demographic find it all the rage
Internet channels to express love and or enrage
A wireless medium for most to digitally engage
Even religious faiths have now found its electronic stage

Only two decades since its incipient birth
Already in the of billions of dollars its worth
From e-commerce to wood-fires in virtual hearths
But for some practitioners a growing, addictive curse

The abundance of pornography some would make claim
Is the root to the medium’s spontaneous, rapid rise to fame
Arguable but then, just the same
The Internet is forever and forever it will remain

Technological advancement conjoined with social networks
Text messaging and video connectedness the availing quirk
That’s eroded boundaries between personal time and work
365, 24-7 communication: for some a detriment, others a perk

Regardless of how one views this 21st Century technological craze
Its tentacle global reach makes definite it is not a passing phase
But what has yet to be determined are its full implications as societies age
Will it prove a healthy benefit or a plague that has just begun to contage?

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 29 marca 2012


I’m mentally weary, I must desist
Doing what is hard to resist
Expressing my inner-thoughts
Most often, what life has brought
It’s become a trait of burden
Needing to speak of life’s excursion
Though there seems yet much to express
I’m emotionally weary, I must desist

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 13 marca 2012


A guiding hand offered to another without condition
May garner results for which there is no provision
Leading to a need to alter, to make revision
To one's approach when influencing another's position

In the end, each mind is shaped toward its destiny
Often with life's choices made without consistency
Some guided by faith of luck, other's, faith of divinity
Rendering an outcome that is beyond prescription of remedy

So one need consider when dealing human behavior
The lack of results need not be confused with failure
For outward signs of change are not there to savour
As each individual, ultimately, is its own and only saviour.

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 6 marca 2012

Poet’s Mask

Hidden behind the poet’s mask:nom de plume
Purpose being: the reader to assume
The words written are not to presume
They are of the author’s suffering. loves or doom

This device to severe any personal tie
To salacious nature of subject that might imply
Guilt of connection that might belie
Merit of reason the poem is meant to cry

A work of fiction then one could conclude
Artifical circumstance or meaning to extrude?
Not in the least, it is a mere device
Often exercised to protect from guilt of vice.

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 6 marca 2012

Profound Reason

Angst born from pain of a lost love
Becomes the soul to poetic song
A lover’s cry for what is missed
And for what once more is longed

Countless words express this ageless throng
A seemingly endless tale of heart-ache and tears
Filling volumes of ink-stained pages 
Telling the unending story of love’s loss, over the years

Poetry a timeless gift to purge a hurting soul
Born from unknown place within the human spirit
A needed device to mend an ailing, broken heart
Profound reason for all humanity, to endear it.

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 5 marca 2012

Poet’s Creed

Reading of another human’s suffering through verse
Makes real the notion:emotional pain is a global curse
No matter one’s race, religion or creed of belief
Expression through poetic word provides some relief
But for those for whom this gift has not been bestowed
Are for life burdened, their emotional baggage always in tow
So to the few who are bestowed and honored with a poetic gift
Help by sharing with those less fortunate, by filling this cathartic rift
That your words expressed will relate to their unfortunate toil
And serve to lance forever. their growing emotional boil,

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 14 lutego 2012

Last Human Standing - Ostatnio Human Stały

Falling deeper into the abyss of our making
This life on Earth seems forsaken
Though remedy of solution viably in-hand
But ignored, for reasons becoming clearer to understand

Global power held by the unseen elite
Are determined to manifest humanity’s defeat
They will not rest until their destructive plan is complete
Instigated with common people fighting each other in the street

Economic collapse is their efficient tool to instigate
Knowing empty belles’ are much easier to infuriate
Whilst poised in their ivory towers left to masturbate
While goon-squad militarized police, the uprisings, mitigate

It would take a fool’s mind not to see what is happening
The civilized structure of the last hundred years is set for collapsing
Then by their design a New Order for civilization is ready for hatching
To render a commoner’s life to impoverishment by servitude, ever-lasting

These are not words to echo the cry of humanity’s impending defeat
It is a call to recognize what is about to come and its receipt
Demanding if it is to happen - common people take their stand on the street
Poised ready to fight until the last Human standing on their feet

Spada głębiej w otchłań naszej podejmowania
To życie na Ziemi wydaje się opuszczony
Chociaż lekarstwo roztworu viably w rękę
Ale ignorowane, ze względu na coraz wyraźniej do zrozumienia

Globalna moc posiadanych przez niewidzialnego elity
Określane są dla ludzkości uzewnętrzniania porażki
Nie spocznę, dopóki ich destrukcyjny plan jest kompletny
Wszczęte z zwykli ludzie walczą ze sobą na ulicy

Załamanie gospodarcze jest ich skuteczne narzędzie do wszczęcia
Znając puste belles "są znacznie łatwiejsze do rozwścieczyć
Chociaż gotowy w swoich wieżach z kości słoniowej pozostawione do masturbacji
Podczas goon-squad zmilitaryzowane policji, powstań, łagodzenia

Zajmie to głupca umysł nie widzieć co się dzieje
Cywilizowany struktura ostatnich stu lat znajduje się na zawaleniem
Następnie przez swoją konstrukcję New Order dla cywilizacji jest gotowe do wylęgu
Aby uczynić z ludu życia do zubożenia przez niewoli, zawsze trwały

To nie są słowa echo wołanie ludzkości zbliżającym się klęską
Jest to wezwanie do uznania tego, co ma przyjść, a jego odbiór
Wymagający, jeśli ma się zdarzyć - zwykli ludzie podejmują swoje stoisko na ulicy
Gotowy gotowy do walki aż do ostatniego człowieka stojącego na nogach

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 9 lutego 2012


Daily confronting a blank computer screen
I the tool write what is mentally seen
Whether it be of good or what is obscene
Often what comes, comes from a dream
The words themselves, flow not unlike a water stream
Transiting ether to reality’s scene
Rendering what is often  not forseen
Compilation of words ideally, with message to glean

The message in what is written, is for others to discern
Though not my position to tell what one is to learn
These compositions meant for readers to accept or to spurn
Some even worthy of nothing more then to burn
So as author, there is but one thing for which to yearn:

    Is the impulse, to the next page, to turn!

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 9 lutego 2012

Future Reflection

As this earthly-world revolves around the Sun face
Life increasingly moves at an obtusely, intrepid  pace
And, with its time passing, departs further from humanly grace

History distorted reflects an uneven course
Bent to the illusion and whim of the ruling force
Rending a present that emulates the same destructive discourse

Bones to dust of million of souls serve as testament
To humanity’s failing to achieve regiment
Toward shared goals of cognizance

This infused blithe seemingly gaining by genetic code
Will to this and, future human generation, be source to erode
Any semblance of intent for which it was meant to evoke

The corruption of mind and body that is the ill
Is easy for the seeing, not difficult to distill
Yet what remains elusive, is the remedy pill

Eons of earthly-human presence, should it remain
Conjures curiosity if reflection to this past will be a refrain
Especially should the moment of retrospection, read the same

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