Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 22 stycznia 2013

God Knew

God led us down this path
To learn from this journey
To open our eyes to the truth
To see our own short comings

Our time apart was not by chance
Time to mend our mind and souls
Our time apart was to ease the pain
Of the calming after the storm

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 22 stycznia 2013

Letting Love Define Me

Love is good, love is kind
But love can be evil and blind
Love controlled my heart and mind
For so many years of my life

Made me ignore all the signs
Of the bad things that I did
And all the things I did not do
How many people I've left too

All the poems I've written
All the songs I've sung
Were a little bad birdie in my ear
Singing the wicked praises of love

My dependence of loves dread
Love led me astray to regrets
Of bad decisions and lies
Were just evidence of my demise

The neediness of acceptance
The craving of bonding
The wanting of touch
The patience of sex

Love injured my heart and
Shattered my trust
Made me question my very souls
Worthiness for happiness

Leaving me emotionally spent
And physically weak
Was I just trying to repair
The broken child within?

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 20 listopada 2011

Sold Is My Heart

Sold is My Heart

I gathered the keepsakes
That used to be special
A box of mistakes
Lifeless, waiting to sell

Waiting for a new life to live

This love had worn out
Now a need to be without
Like an old pair of shoes
Cast aside soft and abused  

This lifetime broken, shattered and destroyed

Broken dreams
Broken promises
Broken hearts
Broken house

Isn't it funny that's not how it all starts

@Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 20 listopada 2011

Please Do Leave Me So...

Please don't leave me without
I'm in this lost condition
I can't bear to be without
I give you total submission
Let me feel your fire
Igniting my every desire
Let me feel you hand
Up against my breasts
I want your soft kisses
Down my neck and back
Oh, how I'm missing that
Your wet mouth is what I lack
How I hunger for you back
Let me have your manliness
And let me give you all of me
We can be one feeling free
With our body's friction
I feel weak to ponder
The heat you squander
A tremble that is growing
My mind unknowing
If you leave as I slumber
My body can only lumber
And wait till you return

So please don't go, I beg and plead so
What ends do I have to go?
To make you want me so…

@Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 20 listopada 2011

To My Music, My True Love

I miss the pleasure you gave me
I miss the goose bumps
I miss how intoxicating you can be
I miss how my heart jumps
I miss the rush of your fire
I miss how you took me away
I miss how the people would admire
I miss the power play
Did I lose you, where did you go?
You were my one true love
That one thing I could always do right
But you went away my love
Please find me again, I so long for you
No one see's what you mean to me
I say you mean the world to me
But their world seems is all they see
You're in the pit of my heart
And in the depths of my soul
When I close my eyes and let out one note
My feet lift up and away I float
I'm scared to find you
All alone like before
I have a good love at home
So I don't want to explore
Please try and find me
Help me find a way to sing
But not just in the car
Help me to be free again

@ Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 7 listopada 2011

Better Off

I’ve been doing some thinking  
About this new life path I’ll be taking
It’ll be really scary not to have you by my side 
When I’ve counted on you for so many things
I’m strong in spirit and will not give up and quit
I believe in my heart, that is just what you did you quit
I grew up in a house of love and hope
You grew up with common sense and dope
I am the dreamer, my eyes wide shut
You’re the controller, eyes on the buck
Our love was more than a whim
Yet we threw caution to the wind
We found the fantasy mirage 
And thought we could beat the odds
Oh how we struggled just to be together
I guess you were tired of trying to love another
I never gave up on love, but I gave on you
I guess that why I did, what I did to you
You’ve done me a favor
My future I’ll savor
Because “Better off” I’ll be
To finally live my life
For “I” and not “We”

@ Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 7 listopada 2011

A Storm is Brewing

A storm is brewing
I can feel it in the air
A storm is brewing
And it’s filled with despair
A storm is brewing
I can feel it in my bones
A storm is brewing,
And I’m all alone
Something is coming
I hear the big drops
Something is coming
And I can’t stop it
The storm is near
This is clear
The storm is near
I’m filled with fear
The wind screams a cry
Chills run down my spine
The wind howls like pain
I try to escape the rain
2 days after I wrote this, my husband told me he did not love me anymore and wanted a divorce.

@ Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 7 listopada 2011

A Second Chance

Your love for me has spared me
You gave me a second chance
My love for you was always strong
But I'm ashamed of how I yearned
A second chance to cherish you
When you were so ignored
A second chance to make things right
A bright new day, a new life
We fight for our love
We fight for our souls
We fight for a second chance

@Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 6 listopada 2011

A Prayer for America

I said prayer for you today
I hope you didn't mind
I asked God to comfort you
And put you tears behind
I prayed for peace and mercy too
To help you through these days
And for his loving guidance.
As he leads you on your way
You need not walk this path alone
Just turn around you’ll see
You have families and friends
To help make your pain ease
I prayed for miracles
And hope and happiness
And also asked to bless you...             
When you are so stressed
I said prayer for you today
I hope you didn't mind
I just wanted to make sure
As I knelt down to pray
Please god, bless us America

@ Karen Foiles

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