Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 25 lutego 2013

No Regret

I still can see your face
In an unexpected place
On TV or on the street

I can see your smile
Every once in awhile
Though, it was bitter-sweet

My thoughts slip back
As I close my eyes
To think of darker times

You were on your knee
Pleading, asking please
So sure I would not retreat

So crushed you were
When I shook my head
Too shaken to even speak

You knew before asking
Just what I’d say
But took a chance anyway

Again, I shake my head
and with no regret
Event though you cried and begged

Still, I would not commit
My heart belonged to another
A true love above all other

That is not what we were
This, I will not bend
So please do not contend

If you say you love me
Let me go for if I stayed
I may not love you in the same way

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 25 lutego 2013

I Got An Email Today

I got an email today
It said an old friend of mine
Had died today

God had drawn the line
And his weary body
Was ready to cross it

His family is at a loss
But just maybe
His spirit is ageless

I got an email today
It made me think of tomorrow
And to reflect back at the time borrowed

What would you do
If the doc told you
Your time has grown short

Get your life in order
And say your goodbyes
To your husband or wife

Say your goodbyes
To your kids
When they were your life

I got an email today
It told me life is too short
To short to sit back and waste it

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 23 lutego 2013


I remember I woke to the sound of chaos

First I thought it was another bombing inIraq

Turned off the radio and turned on the news flash

I couldn’t believe this was an attack


All those people caught in panic and terror

When the first tower fell, I thought was an error

Then the second deflated like a bag of air

But with the utmost despair


All those people running for their lives

I couldn’t believe it to see such demise

Fear and disbelief running ram pet

An un-waking hideous nightmare of time


The news cut in and said, the pentagon was hit

Oh my gosh I thought, could this be it

I look up to the skies as I drive to work

I hear there was another plane, it hit the earth


They said it was headed for theSearsTower

Oh no, that’s where my husband works

I tried to call him, and I couldn’t get through

I don’t even remember my 2 hr commute


I felt guilty as hell because here I sit

He could be Bin Laden’s target

When I heard they changed their rout

I rush came over me, I let it all out


I finally spoke to him, he was scared as a boy

The building was roped off, they let everyone out

The train station was packed, people were jumping the tracks


All they were doing was looking to be safe

That was all that mattered


Panic and hysteria filled the air

But once on the train he said it was eerie

No one said a word, only the sound of a radio

Everyone hanging on every word


A sign of relief as they drove further away

No one on that train will forget that day

They could have been the next to die that day

And instead they go home and feel safe again


I never felt so happy about a plane crashing

But my husband, my life, my everything

Was not going to die at least not that day

I thank the passengers that gave their lives that day


They knew they would never see their families again

They knew they were traveling a human bomb


I feel for the families who lost their loved ones

I cannot imagine how they felt

The parents, the wives, sons and daughters

Sisters and brothers, friends and lovers


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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 23 lutego 2013

A Birthday With No Presents

I don’t care how much is spent
When it’s my birthday
I like to open presents
It could have been anything
A silly little poem
wrapped with a bow
I bought my own present
I said it was from you
But you didn’t pick it out
Now did you
The card was beautiful
I gotta give you that
You then took a 10 hour nap
Here I am feeling guilty
Cause I’m being a brat

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 23 lutego 2013

Cast Judgment

“Live free n easy with no resentment”
Oh what a careless statement
I don’t think that’s even possible
In a world that casts judgment
So quick to accuse when challenged to a duel
A cowardly try to get you to cry
Even when your feelings were feared
You’re not there to be sheared
And laughs when you’re made the fool
Since they have the power to be cruel
Heed the signs or cast the stone
Ignoring the screaming groans
When you’re the one cut to the bone
Then expect your help in return
Expect reward when their job is done

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 23 lutego 2013

Better off

I've been doing some thinking
'Bout this new path I'll be taking
It'll be really scary without you
When I've counted on you for everything

I'm strong in spirit
And will not give up and quit
But I believe in my heart
That is just what you did

I grew up in a house
Of love and hope
You grew up with
Common sense and dope

I am the dreamer
My eyes wide shut
You're the controller
Eyes on the buck

Our love was started in sin
Yet we threw caution to the wind
We found the fantasy mirage  
And thought we could beat the odds
Oh how we struggled
Just to be together
I guess you were just tired
Of”trying” to love another
I never gave up on love
But I gave on you
I guess that why I did
What I did to you

You've done me a favor
My future I'll savor
Because "Better off" I'll be
To finally live my life

For "I" and not "We"

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 23 lutego 2013


Looking out the window
Looking for your car
Wondering if that’s you
Looking from afar
Can’t wait to touch you
Can’t wait to see you
Can’t wait to feel you
Can’t wait to breathe you
When I hear your voice
When we talk on the phone
Oh, how my impatience grows
I want to see you so
I can hear your car
Pulling in the drive
I stand waiting inside
My heart racing with desire
As I hear your footsteps
Walking down the hall
Place your things next to the wall
Oh was that my heart that leapt
I finally see the love of my life
Waiting for me!!
With a gleam in your eye
And your arms open wide
Your arms wrap around me
Oh so warm and safe
As I look up into your eyes
I feel my knees start to cave
You’re who I waited for
Each and everyday

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 19 lutego 2013

Hidden Talents

Many times you've heard them say
"You never know until you try it"
Who cares if it's less that perfect
Your reason to try, can be many things
Boredom, a dare, a bad dream
A time in your life for growing
So you sit down and write
And to much to your delight
Who knew you'd have a new talent
They've been inside your head
You can wait to see
Just what all these words mean
They have a life of their own
A story evolves, the words unknown
You can't wait to get to the end
When it's time close and the story is done
You take the time to sit and ponder
My goodness was this me
I can't believe that
I made this masterpiece!

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 19 lutego 2013


Runaway into the night
Runaway without a fight
Have you slept at all tonight?
Have you thought about your future?
This is not something you can suture
This is such a hard way to mature
Do you have shoes on your feet?
Do you have enough to eat?
Are your plans set in concrete?
You think that this will solve
The problems you can't resolve
Are now problems that will compound?
It's not too late, but the clock ticks
Come back and face the music
Come back and share your feeling
Things aren't always what they seem
Come back, and let out a scream
Share your pain, and let your healing begin
Let the hope of love get under your skin
And bring you back home again

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 19 lutego 2013

Another Chapter

Another chapter ending and another to start
Another heart descending, another heart departs
My life is an open book, for all to see
As I write these painful memories, and my wonderful journey
Excited about the future and frightened by it too
Each day grows closer to my new history
I take a step towards the bright mystery
Discoveries to be sought and lessons learned
Who know what they will be
For only god does know that for sure

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