Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 6 january 2015

No Religion is Above the Truth!

An Eastern thought says, "No religion is above the truth." Well, it's true! And I tell you what, followers of the Eastern thought: Jesus is the Truth!

He is far greater than all the teachings and philosophies of man which are in confusion. For in the midst of the dark forest of human (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 26 december 2014

I Do Not Despise Haters But I Despise Their Hatred

"I love haters."

This is the slogan that became a trend among some of my fellow artists in the hip-hop industry. With this slogan, these artists glorify people who hate people with, may they be haters of cops, women, rival gangs, etc.

Having been once a diss-track rapper, I am so disgusted (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 26 december 2014

Gracious Truthfulness

"For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." 
- John 1:17, KJV
The law, which was given to Israel through Moses, presented strict yet just rules for men. It demands justice and shows no mercy to the violator.
But grace and truth, which were given to (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 24 december 2014

Born Poor To Make Us Rich

"For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich."
- 2 Corinthians 8:9, KJV

In the richness of His grace, Christ the Son of God and Heir of all things subjected Himself to the poverty (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 13 december 2014

Philosophy Of Man & His Depravity

I have always thought of philosophy as simply “the love of wisdom” (Gk. “philosophia”). And by wisdom, I mean “the ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding” (Lockyer p. 1103). On these bases, philosophy for me is carefully knowing (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 5 march 2014

A Note On Women's History Month

Just  to keep it real, I don't consider myself a feminist. As a matter of fact, I still consider myself a conservative in spite of my hatred towards legalism and hyper-traditionalism. But it's just that I am so marveled at the beauty that God has made in the entire creation. And what I admire (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 4 march 2014


March 4, 2014
To every lady out there,
A blessed day to you, sister!
Before anything else, I want you to know how much I appreciate that God made you. For me, you are one of the most special creations that God made in this world. Why do I say so? Remember the story of creation? In the (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 13 february 2014

The Poem "In Our Own Eden: A Prince's Song To His Young Wife" - The Author's Commentary Notes

The poem "In Our Own Eden: A Prince's Song To His Young Wife" is another reflective work that I wrote for Song of Solomon, after 'Love And Purity.' It shows the beauty of sex within the boundaries of marriage, as God designed it to be. 
"Let marriage be held in honor (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 12 december 2013

I Guess The Good Old School Days Are Gone Forever

As some of my former Facebook posts indicate, I'm a that's-what-we-get-yaggin'-about Gospel hip-hop artist. I love listening to some boombastic, 'bass-ful' beats. And what I love the most about those moments that I listen to instrumental hip-hop tracks is when I imagine myself (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 20 september 2013


When I was a little boy, I had a habit of browsing my elder brothers’ textbooks to look for anything interesting to read. I remember seeing a drawing of a dog in one of those textbooks. The dog had a bone clamped in its mouth as it stares at its reflection through a probably deep river. Under the picture (... więcej)

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Other prose: A Sunday Night Note: A Warning Against Worldliness and Exhortation for Godliness, The Folly of Seeking Satisfaction in Sin, Why Would a Loving God Condemn People to Hell?, A Friday Night Prayer, How Do I Know That I Am Saved, Four Things About Jesus A Story of Miracles Reminded Me Of, God's Saving Grace for the Infants, If You Hear His Voice, Do Not Harden Your Heart!, Two Major Misconceptions About Salvation in Today's Christianity, About the Doctrine of Trinity, Why Study Theology If You're Not a Even Pastor?, About Christian Perfection, You Only See Me When You Need Me!, A Personal Reflection on Father's Day, Why Gamble?, When a King Sheds Blood, a Kingdom Is Established, Faith and Common Sense, The Love of Money, Does God Want Us to be Perfect?, In Dealing with the "Lucky" Chain Messages, A Mother's Day Lesson from a Sermon and a Song, Can a person be saved from his sins by the prayers of others?, Brainwashed Blind Follower?, I Hate to Be Single, but I Still Have to Wait!, Another Suggestion for NYers Who Want to Ban Balut in NY, Why Can't the Rich Be Satisfied with Their Money?, To The New Yorkers Who Hate Our Street Delicacy Called 'Balut', About Repentance - My Own Renewed View of It, Should We Fear Death?, The Value of Life, A Sudden Thought About God, Idolatry, & Atheism, Faith In Humanity?, Heart Vs. Mind: Which One Should You Really Trust?, Something More Important Than Pentecostalism, My Personal Problem with Piety & Servitude, Why Porn is NOT For Real Men, Grace and Truth: A Side of the Truth You Probably Don't Want to be True, Should Christians really listen to rock music?, A Friendly Reminder Regarding Literary Evangelism, FOR PROTESTANTS ONLY, No Religion is Above the Truth!, I Do Not Despise Haters But I Despise Their Hatred, Gracious Truthfulness, Born Poor To Make Us Rich, Philosophy Of Man & His Depravity, A Note On Women's History Month, MY LOVE LETTER TO ALL LADIES, The Poem "In Our Own Eden: A Prince's Song To His Young Wife" - The Author's Commentary Notes, I Guess The Good Old School Days Are Gone Forever, WAS IT REALLY CURIOSITY THAT KILLED THE DOG?, Insights from Acts 12 (III), Insights from Acts 12 (II), Insights from Acts 12 (I), Effects of Sin (Insights from Genesis 3-5), BAYANI, Man: The Most Special Creation of God, Sovereign Yet Restraining, A Dream by Yehudah (Jhuart Dizon), Attitude Check!, Words of Wisdom, Pisiya: Little Gems Yet to be Discovered, Tanaga: A Filipino Treasure,

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