4 march 2014
March 4, 2014
To every lady out there,
A blessed day to you, sister!
Before anything else, I want you to know how much I appreciate that God made you. For me, you are one of the most special creations that God made in this world. Why do I say so? Remember the story of creation? In the day that God created man, He saw that it is not good for the man to alone. So, He made the woman. After that, the whole creation was completed. In other words, it was the creation of woman that completed the whole creation! That's why for me, you are a very special handiwork of God.
For this reason, I love you with the love of Christ. And because I love you, I respect you.So when you dress up in a very tempting way, I try hard not to look. That's because I believe that you deserve respect no matter what you wear. But then, please be gracious and do me a little favor. Please stop dressing in a way that tempts me to disrespect you. Again, I want to respect you as a man who desires godliness. Now, you may see me as a godly man who has control over his desires. But I also want you to know that no matter how godly I look like, I'm still a young man with weaknesses. As a young man, there are times that I struggle against the urge to undress a lady in my mind. And I'm fighting for you in those struggles. That's how special I think you are! Because for me, your real beauty is worth fighting for. So I need you to help me in my fight against those sinful urges. And you can help by clothing yourself with dignity (read Proverbs 31:25).
Remember that you are a very special creation of God. You deserve respect. That's the reason why I'm pleadingly asking you to dress in a respectful manner. I want to appreciate the beauty that God has made in you, but your seductive lifestyle can spoil it. So please have a love and respect to yourself. Be beautiful inside, because that's the beauty that I'm looking for in a girl.
Your loving brother,
Yehoshua Shim'onai :D
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
3 march 2025
3 march 2025
3 march 2025
2 march 2025
2 march 2025