21 january 2015
Grace and Truth: A Side of the Truth You Probably Don't Want to be True
Truth is, if God is Who really He says He is, we don't want God to be wholly true. We all want God to be just loving and just merciful, but we don't want Him to be perfectly merciful and at the same time, perfectly just. Because that's what He says He is and therefore, what He really is; His mercy is perfect, but so is His justice.
And we may say, "Oh, yes we know that. We know He is perfectly merciful and perfectly just. In short, He's perfectly good." But do we even know what "perfectly good" means? Because when I found out what it means, I was horrified. The moment that I found it out, I became fully aware of who I am - a sinner.
"So what's the deal? Everyone's a sinner" Well, that's not just it! Because as a sinner, I have sinned against God Who is perfectly good, perfectly holy, and perfectly just - the same God Who created everything,Who owns everything, and makes everything work so I can live. And yet, I am sinning against this perfectly good God! That means it is rightful for God to condemn me to hell!
Do you know what's even more horrifying? That is His ultimatum - that sinners deserves punishment! He said in His word that sinners "shall have their portion" in hell (Revelation 21:8). And since God is perfect, no one can go against that ultimatum - especially me who is also a sinner! What's even more disturbing is that God cannot lie and so He cannot go against His own Word. Therefore, if He said that He is going to punish sinners (that includes me), He will do it!
Well, that is God and this is us. That's what His Word says. If God is true, then His Word is true. And His Word says God is perfectly good and all of us have sinned against Him. He said in His Word that He looked down to see if there is anyone of us who is without sin and He found none (Psalm 53:2-3). Because of this, God proclaimed His law to show us that we all deserve to be punished (Romans 3:19-20). Is this the God that we want? Naturally speaking, NO! But there the truth is; and if I'm going to accept the reality of God's existence, I'm in a great trouble!
So there it is - I deserve to go to hell because I'm a sinner. So, there any hope for me? Thanks be to God - He provided a way for the hope of my salvation! He proclaimed it through a prophecy about a Man who will be punished for my sins, Who will be a silent sheep before His slaughterers (Isaiah 53:1-9). And He proclaimed through that prophecy that He will be pleased to crush that Man on the account of the sins of people like me (Isaiah 53:10).
And this Man is Jesus - the One Who is worshiped by the angels (Hebrews 1:6) graciously went below the level of His heavenly worshipers just to experience the death that we sinners derserve (Hebrews 2:9). He Who is eternal (John 1:1) came and became a Man (John 1:14) so that His blood will satisfy the wrath of the Father (Hebrews 9:22). And He proclaimed in His Word this ultimatum - everyone who will believe in Jesus will be saved (John 3:16).
My dear friend, will you follow through God's ultimatum for your salvation? Or you will let God follow through His ultimatum against sin? Please choose wisely!
- Shim'onai :D
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