4 may 2015
Brainwashed Blind Follower?
Before you accuse me of being brainwashed by these people that you call "churchians," please know that I was once like you people who had so many doubts with Christianity.
I tell you what - I grew up in an ideally disappointing Evangelical family. With that kind of environment, I have to admit that at some point of time, I lost my faith in Christianity. I was just so disillusioned by the disappointments that I had with my family.
You know what they say? A Christian family is not suppose to be disfunctional - they are suppose to always love and lift each other up. But that's not always the case with my family. Truth is, I can no longer remember the number of times that I saw my Dad battering my Mom. What's even disappointing was that while our family was respected in the church, we found it hard to respect each other.
Adding to the discouragement was the hypocrisy that I saw inside the churches that my family had once belonged. For so many times, I've heard about - and even encountered - pastors being involved in scandals and power abuse issues. I even got to the point when I can no longer trust pastors - and that's because I was traumatized by the abuses that my family suffered from a number of so-called "born-again" pastors.
As a kid who grew up going through those experiences, my fellow Christians can't blame me if I say everything that I saw in the church as a kid were a bunch of gold-tongued hypocrites who can't even practice what they were preaching.
No, I wasn't brainwashed - I just came to understand what GENUINE Christianity really is. And it is not the kind of Christianity that you usually find in the backsliding West. What I discovered is Christianity as Christ had intended it to be - the true Christianity that brings real change to people like me.
- Shim'onai :D
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
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