26 december 2014
I Do Not Despise Haters But I Despise Their Hatred
"I love haters."
This is the slogan that became a trend among some of my fellow artists in the hip-hop industry. With this slogan, these artists glorify people who hate people with, may they be haters of cops, women, rival gangs, etc.
Having been once a diss-track rapper, I am so disgusted by the spirit this unrighteous hate-culture has now that I have been delivered from it. For this reason, my initial reaction to this slogan was to despise it. But being reminded of the Lord's commandment about loving my neighbor, I have decided to change my view about it. Like what the pastors and theologians say, eat the meat and throw the bone. So, I adapted the slogan but discarded its idea. "I love haters", but I will never stand with them in their unrighteous hatred.
As I have said, I was once a diss-track rapper and thus, a member of the unrighteous hate-culture. That is why I know exactly what spirit this kind of culture has. For it was the same spirit that had inspired Cain to murder his brother hatred. It was the same spirit that has inspired a ultranationalistic groups like Nazis to commit genocide. And it is the same spirit that has inspired all murderous riots in many places on earth, especially in America. It is the spirit of murder, and it has been leading many to the pits of hell. No wonder did Lord equate unrighteous hatred to murder (Matthew 5:21-22). As it is written in Revelation 21:8, "... as for murderers... their portion will be in the lake of fire and sulfur, which is the second death" (ESV).
Yes, I do love haters - and I want them to be saved. And having received the truth and being saved, I will have to warn them of their ways, which are leading them to hell.
- Shim'onai :D
4 march 2025
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4 march 2025
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