
Jack Strange

Jack Strange, 30 april 2022

Future Creep

Jerry’s stomach always knew when his wife Keisha was due to pick him up for lunch. It started growling at 12:45, and at 12:55 he got the text: “Here in front.” Finally, he thought.

He saved his work on his computer, locked up the office, and walked carefully down the three flights of stairs (... więcej)

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Jack Strange

Jack Strange, 30 april 2022

the blood

it’s in the blood and not the hand: the corrupt blood of great great grandmassa freret through great grandpa cleo and grandpa cleo and paps and then me; the empty hand to which grandmassa bequeathed some of his fortune to be stolen by his other (white) line under the law by which the court declared (... więcej)

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Jack Strange

Jack Strange, 30 april 2022

Motion Day

Friday was motion day in Judge Dupart's division of Civil District Court. On Friday morning from about nine to nine-thirty, the Judge typically reviewed the docket sheet prepared by her docket clerk, Wenona, and the hearing notes prepared by her law clerk, William. Judge Dupart took the bench at (... więcej)

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Jack Strange

Jack Strange, 30 april 2022

Gator Bait

During the long days of summer, Tara seized every available opportunity to leave work early and drive to the Pier 90 Bar & Boat Launch on Bayou Verret to rent a pirogue and fish for bass. Today she had no pressing deadlines, and the weather was perfect for fishing with an overcast sky and light southeast (... więcej)

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Jack Strange

Jack Strange, 29 april 2022

Afterword on the Surviving Works of Jack Strange by Morris E. Jackson, Esq.

A client who prefers to remain anonymous retained me to manage the literary estate of a close relative. The relative, who died in 2017 at the age of 59 in a high-speed car crash, left an olographic will bequeathing the copyrights in a number of original literary and musical works to the client and her (... więcej)

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Scott Clark

Scott Clark, 1 april 2022


Religion and Government or politics are the major causes of war and hatred on the other hand, the arts and sciences have been effects for peace and unity. We need to lessen the effects of the first two and increase the awareness of the other two.

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Scott Clark

Scott Clark, 1 april 2022


“An object will seek (or adjust to) its equilibrium in an enveloped environment.”

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 6 november 2021

Some Christian Controversies and Mysteries

If Lord Jesus Christ is said to sit on the right hand side of God the Father in Heaven then who sits on the left side?

When Jesus was born it is recorded in the Gospels that He was visited by three wise men who came to see and honor Him by following a star from the east. Did they actually follow an (... więcej)

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Angelika, 3 july 2021

About talent

A gift of God isn't given twice.

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Angelika, 3 july 2021

About love

The rose blossoms in love.

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Angelika, 3 july 2021


Who doesn't think about the future, that remains in the past. Who remains in the past, that doesn't live in the present.

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Wiadomsky, 6 april 2021

Made of stone

Sometimes we burn ourselves to ashes trying to kindle someone's heart without knowing it is made of stone.

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Wiadomsky, 5 april 2021

Final Credits

If you are not her best candidate for the lead in her life,
just let it go
or you'll end up being an understudy or a dummy
and you won't find your name
even in its final credits.

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Wiadomsky, 5 april 2021

No matter what

Even if she doesn't love you, but respects your feelings,
she won't let you drown in sorrow or burn with envy.
If she cares about you, she always finds a moment to say a few words
that will allow you to catch your breath
and not struggle with guesses for the next few hours.
No matter (... więcej)

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 september 2019

The Wound That Took Ages To Heal

This is a true story which might be distressing for some people
and hopefully may also be a kind of help or revelation for others.
It was like a cut or rift in the soul which seemed to be fuelled by anxiety and the sometimes innocent presence of others where the sufferer or (... więcej)

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Roy Davenport

Roy Davenport, 22 may 2019

The Unbelievable Case of the Haunted Dog

I am not one to normally buy into the whole ghostly thing and used to think that people who believed in them were just a bit touched in the head.  After all, I have never seen a ghost or even heard their ghostly wails.
But that all changed last Friday! 
I had just made a quick stop at a local hardware (... więcej)

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Roy Davenport

Roy Davenport, 20 march 2019

A Brief History of Tuckertown

Chapter 1
A Brief History of Tuckertown
Jubal Tucker was not exactly your typical pioneer type.  He owned a tavern outside of Boston in the late 1700’s and married Susannah McClesky, the daughter of a well-to-do landowner named Tobias McClesky.  In addition to being basically a lazy, shiftless (... więcej)

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Roy Davenport

Roy Davenport, 20 march 2019

The Hanging Bridge

The Hanging Bridge
A crowd had gathered at the entrance to Macon Bridge to watch the hanging.  As long as anyone could remember, executions decreed by Judge Clemmons had been carried out on the old bridge.  At some point a stout beam had been attached that extended about three feet out from the side (... więcej)

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Anthony Fry

Anthony Fry, 27 december 2018

"Chocolate Liqueur Patch."

My April The First Fun write For 2017.


"Chocolate Liqueur Patches."
Are available as of today 01/04/2017@ Your local chemist Free if over 18 Years of age. 
These cell patches may eventually become routine and regular patches for Alcoholics.
Now "Chocolate (... więcej)

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Anthony Fry

Anthony Fry, 27 december 2018

Stem Cells (A Fun Write.)

"Stem Cell Research." By: Anthony Fry 2006. (A Fun Write.) But Becoming So True Today 11/10/18.

Anthony Fry 2006. 
Stem Cell Research. 
A cladistic analysis is not good enough for this sensitive topic you must get a suitable regulatory framework positive. 
That determines the evolutionary (... więcej)

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Minister Peacefulpoet

Minister Peacefulpoet, 26 december 2017


You hate at one million miles per hourPointing your sticky little fingers at othersAccusing them of things you could never beWhen will you see that they are you and you are they

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 29 february 2016

Cosmic Consciousness

(A Concise Modern Perspective and Study)
The whole of the visible universe appears to be just like the tip of an iceberg floating in the ocean of Infinite Consciousness; the body of God, expressing itself as space, time and matter, which converge and are fully integrated in the universal mind of (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 26 october 2015

A Sunday Night Note: A Warning Against Worldliness and Exhortation for Godliness

(original script written in 10/25/2015)

If your heart finds the earthly things more desirable than God, God can give it over to them  and let you perish with them. But if being enlighened by the truth, you find God exceedingly desirable and you find pleasure in fellowshiping with Him, He shall dwell (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 24 october 2015

The Folly of Seeking Satisfaction in Sin

(original draft written in 10/14/15)

"O God, You are my God;
     early will I seek You;
 my soul thirsts for You,
     my flesh faints for You,
 in a dry and thirsty land
     with no water.
 I have seen You in the sanctuary,
     to see Your power and Your glory. (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 18 october 2015

Why Would a Loving God Condemn People to Hell?

The perfectly loving God doesn't just love mercy - He also loves justice and righteousness (Jeremiah 9:24). God already made a way for sinners to be forgiven and be redeemed from the curse of sin through the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross - and this is how the perfect mercy, perfect justice, (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 5 october 2015

A Friday Night Prayer

God, Who are You in this life of mine?
You are the very Source of it. You are the Creator of all things, and none of all that began to exist existed apart from Your wonderful and unimaginable power of creation. From the farthest stars in the heavens to the abysmal depths of the (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 28 september 2015

How Do I Know That I Am Saved

A brother in a Christian forum asked this topical question, "If you die right at this very moment, do you have assurance of going to heaven?"

By the following points, I have the assurance that I am saved:

In light of the Scriptures, I know that I am saved because I see in my life how (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 21 september 2015

Four Things About Jesus A Story of Miracles Reminded Me Of

I was reviewing my Sunday school lesson for September 20, 2015 and the passage that I was meditating on was Mark 5:21-43. To be honest, I was tempted to settle with simply teaching my young pupils that Jesus is the Miracle Maker. But as I was meditating on the passage, I was reminded of these four wonderful (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 7 september 2015

God's Saving Grace for the Infants

DISCLAIMER: This only applies to the case of those who died in infancy. In no way does this imply universalist soteriology. Remember that God in His sovereignty has an appointed time for the salvation of every individual believer (Acts 13:48) - and that includes the infants. 

How does God redeem (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 25 august 2015

If You Hear His Voice, Do Not Harden Your Heart!

"Moreover, the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, so that he did not listen to them, just as the Lord had spoken to Moses."
- Exodus 9:12, MEV

Why did God hardened Pharaoh's heart? Because he committed the only unforgivable sin - to resist and blaspheme (i.e. to be defiantly irreverent (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 9 july 2015

Two Major Misconceptions About Salvation in Today's Christianity

* "Salvation is not a license to sin. A true Christian will continue to do good work, as Christians are not only appointed by God to be saved but they are also appointed to do good works before the foundation of the world.  “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 7 july 2015

About the Doctrine of Trinity

The Trinitarian nature of God (i.e., God existing in three equally Divine Persons, and yet being one God) just one of the incomprehensible teachings in Biblical orthodoxy - meaning, no human mind (which is just finite and therefore limited) can fully comprehend this teaching. As it is written in Deuteronomy (... więcej)

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chunye, 6 july 2015


i believe we can librate humanity by approaching every single wrong
with a right attitude, approaching every flame of furry
with a storm of serenity.
Let all d dark places be flooded with light, Let every light bearer guide others to follow this illuminated path.
not by conviction or compulsion, (... więcej)

number of comments: 1 | rating: 5 | detail

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 2 july 2015

Why Study Theology If You're Not a Even Pastor?

Somebody asked, "Why take so much interest in theology when you're just a children's department teacher? You're not a pastor, are you?"

First of all, in my humble opinion, I think that question is a bit of nonsense. To say that only pastors should study theology is somewhat (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 1 july 2015

About Christian Perfection

Somebody (who is presumably a charismatic "Christian" of cultish kind) called me a "false teacher" just because my view about Christian perfection seems to be different from his own view.
I do agree with him that true Christians strive for spiritual perfection (Matthew 5:48). (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 23 june 2015

You Only See Me When You Need Me!

A friend in Facebook complains in her post, "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot, I only exist we you need something." I'm not sure whether or not she actually meant to address it to somebody. But I can only imagine if God will say the same complaint to us. And to be honest, I sometimes wonder (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 21 june 2015

A Personal Reflection on Father's Day

As I start to write this composition, I honestly don't know what to say here. Hmmm... Should I start by saying, "Happy Fathers' Day, Dad"? Or, "I love you, Dad and God bless you"?

Nonsense. First of all, Dad won't be seeing this post for the simple reason that he (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 17 june 2015

Why Gamble?

♫ Throw a quarter in the sky, before it falls to the ground,
Gotta' call heads or tails
Throw my nickels and my pennies and my dimes
In the wishing well ♫
- Christon Gray
Throwing all that you got in "the wishing well" with hopes of "winning somehow" as you take (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 16 june 2015

When a King Sheds Blood, a Kingdom Is Established

As a young learner of history, I have observed that bloodshed is always involved in founding a new nation, kingdom, or state. Figuratively speaking, every kingdom or nation in current existence was founded on bloodshed.

Throughout the history, we learn about kings and statesmen who shed great amount (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 14 june 2015

Faith and Common Sense

Somebody said, "Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to."
I honestly am not sure what the author of that quote meant by that. But as for me, I believe that a wise believer uses his faith without having to absolutely abandon common sense. And I just can't understand (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 13 june 2015

The Love of Money

Somebody asked, "If money is the root of all evil, was it money that caused the devil to be evil? If it was, how was it possible when there weren't yet any form of money in existence back then?"

Actually, it's not the money itself that is the root of all kinds of evil. Because (... więcej)

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Leonard, 8 june 2015

The most serious, most original, most non-cliche, most super 100 real 2spooky story to ever exist in the history of history, or A story of trials, tribulations, and our Lord and Savior.

My name is Kyle, I’m 12 years old, and I am plagued by the supernatural. Not the good kind of Supernatural, the bad kind. But, excuse me, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning.
I love video games, especially Sonic the Hedgehog. Tails is my favorite character. That’s why (... więcej)

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Leonard, 8 june 2015

The Gang

I always seemed to find myself walking. There was never much to see on the dull, except for polluted skies and polluted people, but I still walked. I guess it was one of the only outlets I had. I lived in Atlantic City, deep in the heart of the city and deep in the heart of the ghetto. I grew up with (... więcej)

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Leonard, 8 june 2015

PLEASE NEVER TELL BILL ABOUT THIS: A story of the most inspirational hairpiece in history

Heads, The final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Hairpiece, in its 56 year mission to explore strange new scalps, to seek out new bald spot and new alternatives to Rogaine. To baldly go, where no wig has gone before!
Yes, it is I, Captain Weave, the true star of the trek scene, the glue (... więcej)

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Leonard, 8 june 2015

My stepdad said this was the worst story he's ever seen: Story of trials, tribulations, and my glaring inadequacies, plus some zombies. aka The Wonder Team

Day: Tuesday Time: 7:20 Am.
Day one of infection

The last of Mr Alten's first period class shuffled into their seats as the late bell rang monotonously. A low rumble of conversation rolled through the room. Mr. Alten still hadn't showed up, and talk was abuzz with hope that a substitute (... więcej)

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Dee Snuts

Dee Snuts, 8 june 2015

Senior Citizen Takeover Day

The school buses pull up in front of the building in their usual parking spot. As the bell rings the passengers step off, they’re all old people. As they walk into the building announcements play overhead.
Good morning students and welcome to senior (... więcej)

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Dee Snuts

Dee Snuts, 8 june 2015


Somewhere at night in New York City, 2002. Sagara and Soma Majithia, a married Indian immigrant couple, are walking through the streets. Soma is obviously pregnant and occasionally stops to arch her back. The couple stop outside of their new restaurant, Khanna. The restaurant is dirty and almost falling (... więcej)

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Dee Snuts

Dee Snuts, 8 june 2015

Peach Time

It was early in the morning and the man was hungry. He sat up in his bed, yawned and stretched, and put his feet into his slippers. The man stood up and walked into the bathroom, knowing that it would be another day of immense pain. His kidney stone hadn't left him yet. He had always wanted to get (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 30 may 2015

Does God Want Us to be Perfect?

I read the Bible and learned that God wants to perfect us.

Let's be clear there. I'm not saying God wants us to be perfect or else He'll not love us - that's called legalism. What I'm trying to say is, God, in His great loving kindness for us, wants to perfect us by His grace. (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 21 may 2015

In Dealing with the "Lucky" Chain Messages

Just keeping it real, it kinda' pisses me off when somebody passes a chain message to me which says, "Share this and you will have good luck; ignore this and you will have bad luck." And what would piss me off all the more is that those who share things like that to me are... *sighs* grown (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 10 may 2015

A Mother's Day Lesson from a Sermon and a Song

♪♪ When was the last time you said, "I'm sorry"?
When was the last time you said, "I love you"? ♪♪
This was the song that played in my mind as I was hearing a sermon in the church. The pastor asked the congregation in her sermon, "When was the last time you (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 7 may 2015

Can a person be saved from his sins by the prayers of others?

Let's say I am a citizen of a kingdom that is under traditional type of monarchy. And I am one of the king's closest friends.

Now, I have a brother who is a rebel. And because I love him, I sent petitions to the king, asking him to grant my brother an amnesty. As my close friend, the king (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 4 may 2015

Brainwashed Blind Follower?

Before you accuse me of being brainwashed by these people that you call "churchians," please know that I was once like you people who had so many doubts with Christianity.
I tell you what - I grew up in an ideally disappointing Evangelical family. With that kind of environment, I have (... więcej)

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Zofia Wingmaker

Zofia Wingmaker, 29 april 2015

The Road Home

Once upon a time there was a Princess who wanted nothing more that to keep her Queendom safe. Her Queendom was on a beautiful island surrounded by miles and miles of ocean. The Princess loved her island Queendom and all of it’s inhabitants, but the inhabitants didn’t always love each other. The Queendom (... więcej)

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Zofia Wingmaker

Zofia Wingmaker, 29 april 2015

College Education Essay

Essay 4: Free College Education

Though the debate over free college education may have begun in Europe in 1636, this problem causing discussion has finally made it’s way to the land of the free. The main fight over the topic of College Education is how “worth it” it is. Those against it bring (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 27 april 2015

I Hate to Be Single, but I Still Have to Wait!

A man that I deeply respect once said that "A happy wife equals a happy life." Well, he's married; so obviously, I believe him in that statement.

Problem is, that statement makes me hate the fact that I'm single. To be honest, I want to experience those joyfully painful headaches (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 19 april 2015

Another Suggestion for NYers Who Want to Ban Balut in NY

I just recently understood why the NYer animal rights activists want to ban balut in their state. I believe that the actual reason behind this is the fact that common sense is exponentially becoming a very scarce commodity in America... or pretty much, in this progressivistic world.
So, to the animal (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 14 april 2015

Why Can't the Rich Be Satisfied with Their Money?

“Why can’t the rich people just be satisfied with the money that they have?”, a friend asked in Facebook.
First of all, this is not to generalize that all rich people are greedy. We’re not discounting the possibility that there are actually rich people who wish they can’t get any (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 11 april 2015

To The New Yorkers Who Hate Our Street Delicacy Called 'Balut'

Let me get this right. So, aborting a human fetus is a woman's right, but cooking an underdeveloped duckling is wrong? Seriously, American liberals?

Okay, so when we Christians and conservatives protest against abortion, you'll say, "That's just a clump of tissue." Oh, well. (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 4 april 2015

About Repentance - My Own Renewed View of It

Repentance is not only a matter of what one should turn from but also of Whom one should turn to. For repentance is a redirection of what the heart wants or so desires from something to something else. In it, the heart changes its course of direction and makes a half round turn from its former way; for (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 27 march 2015

Should We Fear Death?

I believe that only those who do not know what life is should fear death.
First of all, if a person would only observe the diversities in life, he should be convinced that there is one God Who created it. This should cause him to have a conscientious feeling that he might be offending this God in (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 22 march 2015

The Value of Life

I remember a time when my Mom asked me to play my song on her phone. After playing it, I jokingly asked her, "So now, you love hip-hop?" She frankly replied (well, she's an Ilocana, so it's very natural that she would), "No, I hate [hip-hop]. I only listened to this song because (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 16 march 2015

A Sudden Thought About God, Idolatry, & Atheism


By nature, we don't want a God Who would tell us what to do and what not to do. So, it's either we'll just imagine a version of God Who's okay with everything that we do  - after all, He is forgiving; or, we'll just totally suppress the (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 15 march 2015

Faith In Humanity?


"In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes." - Judges 21:25, KJV

These past few years, I've been frequently hearing news about people committing some extremely unacceptable crimes. And whenever I hear a news like those, (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 15 march 2015

Heart Vs. Mind: Which One Should You Really Trust?


Well, the "philosophical"/figurative heart and and the mind are essentially one. The "philosophical"/figurative heart is the vessel of thoughts and passions; therefore, it is in the same faculty with the mind.

And here's a problem: the heart/mind of man is corrupted (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 8 march 2015

Something More Important Than Pentecostalism

I just read a post in the Facebook with a statement that says something like this:
"Sa mga nagcricriticize about sa slain in a spirit and speaking tongues:
Slain in a spirit and speaking tongues is the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Kapag Hindi ka nagpabaptize in the Holy (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 28 february 2015

My Personal Problem with Piety & Servitude

"Piety towards God and servitude towards men."
That is the code of honor that I'm trying to live up to. But I'll be honest - it's very difficult code of honor to live up to; at least, in two parts.
First part is the "piety towards God". In philosophy, piety (... więcej)

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Michael Warner

Michael Warner, 20 february 2015

Goodness for anyone

To be or have a good father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, wife, husband. To be a good person regardless of relationship.
These are gifts, to and from ourselves, to and from each other.

To look in our hearts, seeing the the flow of goodness like a tide coming in and going out.

To look (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 2 february 2015

Why Porn is NOT For Real Men

As most of those who are acquainted wth me knows, I was a terrible porn addict when I was younger. And as a former porn addict, I believe I have the legitimacy to say that porn is NOT for real men.

But then, what is my definition of "being a real man" at the first place? As a Christian, (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 21 january 2015

Grace and Truth: A Side of the Truth You Probably Don't Want to be True

Truth is, if God is Who really He says He is, we don't want God to be wholly true. We all want God to be just loving and just merciful, but we don't want Him to be perfectly merciful and at the same time, perfectly just. Because that's what He says He is and therefore, what He really is; (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 19 january 2015

Should Christians really listen to rock music?

As an underground contemporary Christian music (particularly, hip-hop) artist, I believe that Christians have a right to do so. And I also believe that only a spirit of legalism would tell him that rock is of the devil and therefore Christians shouldn't listen to it.

The Bible says "The (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 10 january 2015

A Friendly Reminder Regarding Literary Evangelism

Before you use a term in sharing the Gospel message through literature, you have to be careful in doing so. Before using it, you have to be sure of what it means exactly. It's even wiser to first define the term properly for the readers before the further use of it. Otherwise, an audience might (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 6 january 2015


To all my Protestant brothers who are unwittingly embracing doctrinal relativism, 
First of all, let me clarify that I have no problems with the idea of Protestants and Catholics living together peacefully in a community. As a matter of fact, I have Catholic friends and I love (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 6 january 2015

No Religion is Above the Truth!

An Eastern thought says, "No religion is above the truth." Well, it's true! And I tell you what, followers of the Eastern thought: Jesus is the Truth!

He is far greater than all the teachings and philosophies of man which are in confusion. For in the midst of the dark forest of human (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 26 december 2014

I Do Not Despise Haters But I Despise Their Hatred

"I love haters."

This is the slogan that became a trend among some of my fellow artists in the hip-hop industry. With this slogan, these artists glorify people who hate people with, may they be haters of cops, women, rival gangs, etc.

Having been once a diss-track rapper, I am so disgusted (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 26 december 2014

Gracious Truthfulness

"For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." 
- John 1:17, KJV
The law, which was given to Israel through Moses, presented strict yet just rules for men. It demands justice and shows no mercy to the violator.
But grace and truth, which were given to (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 24 december 2014

Born Poor To Make Us Rich

"For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich."
- 2 Corinthians 8:9, KJV

In the richness of His grace, Christ the Son of God and Heir of all things subjected Himself to the poverty (... więcej)

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Pridham, 23 december 2014

Justin Timberlake Misses Lance Bass, Michael Turchin Wedding

Former boy band N 'sync singer Lance Bass has married aspiring actor Michael Turchin in Los Angeles.
While "Mirrors" hit maker Justin Timberlake missed the wedding due to his current tour, other former members of N 'sync Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick and JC Chasez attended their (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 13 december 2014

Philosophy Of Man & His Depravity

I have always thought of philosophy as simply “the love of wisdom” (Gk. “philosophia”). And by wisdom, I mean “the ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding” (Lockyer p. 1103). On these bases, philosophy for me is carefully knowing (... więcej)

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raj thampi

raj thampi, 15 september 2014

Few days from the life of Niranjana F(39)

Translations: Didi - Elder Sister
Sandesh - A kind of sweet (Northern India)

Most probably this will be my first work, published. The entire story is built against the timid, secretive, tabooed Indian culture, within, loads of things happen only in the dark.

Niranjana = Pure form of anything (... więcej)

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Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCI

Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCI, 16 august 2014


The dock birds
pull me to the sea
like I am pulled to suffering,
to Istanbul, that wrings sorrows
that fall on me.
Solitude without you.
In this obscure city,
my blood clotting,
I am snowed under with dreams.
The wide streets accentuate your absence.
Istanbul takes me from city (... więcej)

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Tinker Bell

Tinker Bell, 29 july 2014

The Only Girl On Which The Spell Worked

It was unusual. She wasn’t mean or jealous or, ever said anything bad about others. But the wrong thing happened when she looked in that large round-shaped beautiful mirror that hung in the room for so many years. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t look away.
It spoke to her (... więcej)

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TOUFIQ UL ALAM, 4 july 2014

Interpretation of 'The Woodpile' by Robert Frost

Frozen = lifeless, death, colorless, empty.
Swamp = a low lying land seasonally flooded and has woody trees.
Gray =  colorless, old, lifeless, decaying.
A small bird = personification of nature.
The uniformly cut pile of wood = symbol of industrialism, charmless and dead uniformity of machine. (... więcej)

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TOUFIQ UL ALAM, 3 july 2014

About Robert Frost's After 'Apple-Picking'

Apple= the fruit of knowledge, sin, fall of man, temptation, immortality.
Ladder to heaven = Jacob's ladder.
Winter = everything dies in winter. it is a symbol of death....
Night = is the absence of Light or Good, it seems evil and dark. Presence of ignorance.

The poem starts off with (... więcej)

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TOUFIQ UL ALAM, 3 july 2014

My understanding of 'Mending Wall' by Robert Frost

Wall = symbol of boundary, limitation, lack of freedom, conservativeness

It is in the nature of humans to be possessive and create a personal circle into which they do not want someone else to come and go as they please. They have in their nature a sort of secrecy and definiteness and they like (... więcej)

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TOUFIQ UL ALAM, 18 june 2014

On a rainy day

It had been drizzling from the morning. It is not that I hate it. But drizzle over a long period of time seems too depressing to me. I do not know- but today a dark and gloomy emotion is stirring my heart to no ends. My eyes are wet with tears.
I close my eyes I discover my consciousness afloat in the (... więcej)

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Scott Clark

Scott Clark, 9 june 2014


“Much of personality is developed from our meditation of what people think about us and how much we are concerned about that and our reaction to our conclusions.”

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Scott Clark

Scott Clark, 9 june 2014

Life is....

“Life is a complication of polycentric environments whose dominance is obtained through Eminent Influence.”

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Scott Clark

Scott Clark, 9 june 2014

Anything is Reasonable

Anything can be made to seem reasonable; mathematics, philosophy and religion are instigators of this. Their disciples will hide all their mistakes.  They will only admit to their successes and never to their failures. It’s like their followers are all in some quasi-demented state of believing only (... więcej)

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 28 may 2014

Terminator Chicken

Two friends are trying to decide which grocery store they should go to , to do their weekly food shopping.  
One say to the other, " I think we should shop at a whole foods store,be cause their meat come from animals that were  raised with out the use of steroids ."
Other guy asks  his (... więcej)

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 23 may 2014

Doggy Santa

You ever come a cross one of those dog lovers that has a screw lose in their head?
 You know the people that buy designer outfits for their dogs ,and force their pet to  wear them.
The people who buy their dog's meals from the most expensive restaurants in town.
The people who think dogs should (... więcej)

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 14 may 2014

Simple Solution

One  day I was feeling so ill while I was at work,I thought I might be having a heart attack.            My whole abdominal   area had sever craps,it felt like a horse kicked me and someone was stabbing me in the stomach at the same time.      While having     pain in my chest, followed (... więcej)

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 11 may 2014

Passing Through

An Artist goes to Long Island New York for an Opening Night Art Show Party.
He first check into his hotel.    As he is going through the entrance to the hotel lobby, the Door Man say," Sir you need to get rid of some of that baggage your carrying."
 The Artist looks down at his very small (... więcej)

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Stephen J. Vattimo

Stephen J. Vattimo, 3 may 2014

Good Vibrations

I went to the doctor's the other day to have an operation set up to fix a lower hernia I have acquired from heavy lifting at work.      The surgeon told me that during the procedure  he might have to cut a nerve in my leg if it causes a problems when He puts in the mesh to repair the hernia. (... więcej)

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cauchy3, 17 april 2014


World and busines and peace...
Actions bring some change in mind or in deeds.
Actions reacted are also changed.
What are causes are events of fates.
Some effects can do and fixed.
Axioms of truths derive to theorem of life.
All human need morals and laws abiding.
Peoples (... więcej)

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cauchy3, 17 april 2014


World and busines and peace...
Actions bring some change in mind or in deeds.
Actions reacted are also changed.
What are causes are events of fates.
Some effects can do and fixed.
Axioms of truths derive to theorem of life.
All human need morals and laws abiding.
Peoples (... więcej)

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cauchy3, 17 april 2014


World and busines and peace...
Actions bring some change in mind or in deeds.
Actions reacted are also changed.
What are causes are events of fates.
Some effects can do and fixed.
Axioms of truths derive to theorem of life.
All human need morals and laws abiding.
Peoples (... więcej)

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 15 april 2014

Comments On A Thesis

My Comments On A Thesis Titled:
Capitalism Sucks! Cold War Starts Up Again! Nuclear War Looms! 
(See Note 1 below)
By Wolf Larsen on March 27th, 2014, 6:32 pm 

Hi Wolf,
It is very pertinent that you have posted this thesis in "In the Trenches" section of the AT forum and it seems that (... więcej)

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TOUFIQ UL ALAM, 23 march 2014

On 'The Birthday Party'

The Birthday Party, written by Harold Pinter, is a three act drama about a day full of inconsistent events which mentally break a man, Stanley Webber, down and forcefully taking him away from his abode.
The drama The Birthday Party presents to us an incongruous story that involves a few members of a (... więcej)

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madster roberts

madster roberts, 12 march 2014

food for learning

why die for another man idea, why not live to make your own, are we so self absorbed in wanting to belong, that we can't seem to shape our own lives

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