29 april 2015
The Road Home
Once upon a time there was a Princess who wanted nothing more that to keep her Queendom safe. Her Queendom was on a beautiful island surrounded by miles and miles of ocean. The Princess loved her island Queendom and all of it’s inhabitants, but the inhabitants didn’t always love each other. The Queendom had two opposite gangs in which the princess had friends in both. The King and Queen, in fear that the Princess might get in trouble, sent her to the mainland to finish school at a different school. The Princess hated her new school and couldn’t wait to return, but she eventually got distracted by her new friends and the Prince she met while she was away. Halfway through her sentence on the mainland she received a horrible message that her best friend back on her Island had died. She couldn’t believe it and was so depressed that the King and Queen flew her back for a visit so she could say goodbye. The Princess, though sad about the death of her friend, was so happy to go back home that she couldn’t believe anything could go wrong during her visit, but it did. As soon as she saw her Island Queendom she started to panic. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t go back to her island Queendom without her friend waiting for her. She ordered the plane to turn around and take her back to her school. Though the King and Queen were worried about the Princess they gave her her space, checking in only once every few days to make sure she was doing alright. The Princess finished out her high school life at her new school with her Prince who couldn’t understand why she was so upset about the dead boy from her Queendom. When the school year ended for her last time she readied herself to go back to her Island Queendom, it being her turn to rule the Queendom. Her Prince came home with her, keeping her calm and happy and trying to keep her from looking out the window so she wouldn’t have time to get the pilot to turn around. When the plane finally landed the Princess was surprised to see what greeted her. The opposing gangs had ruined the peace that she had always found on her island. The ground was covered in litter, the buildings were covered in grafitti. The Princess sent the Prince to her castle and went to confront the gangs. She walked up to the first one, the one that her friend had always told her to stay away from, and announced her return to the island. “I am the Princess of this island Queendom. What business do you have ruining all that I take peace in?” The gang leader bowed his head and from his lower state said “Princess, the other gang has been causing more and more problems ever since you left. The death of their leader has sent them into turmoil. We are merely trying to keep them under control.” The Princess paused at this, surprised to hear that her friend had become leader in that short time. She stopped to think about what the man had said. “Then you shall take me to them so we may both voice our opinions.” The man agreed and led her to the other gang’s hideout: her favorite boardwalk. She walked up to the door. “Where is your leader?” she bellowed. The reply came quickly “He is dead.” “Then let me speak to all of you,” she yelled back to the boy. The doors to opened and they entered. “I am the Princess of this island Queendom. Things have been hard for your gang and trust me, no one understands more than I. Your leader was my best friend and his death has hurt us all, but you cannot go around defiling this island. He would not have wanted that. He loved this Queendom as much as I did. How can I help you fix this?” The gang thought for a moment before the boy from earlier spoke up. “We need a new leader. The last one never appointed someone to take over.” The Princess was stumped at this. Who could lead a gang in her friend’s place? Then she knew. “You shall be led by the Queendom’s Guards. Follow me.” She led the gang to the Guard’s Chambers and found the head Guard. “These people require a leader and I have chosen you. Do not disappoint me Guard.” The Princess left and went up to see the King and Queen. “I have taken care of a problem in 20 minutes that you haven’t fixed in 2 years. Now that I am done I am going to visit my friend. Send no one to follow me or I shall have my new guards dispose of them.” She left for the Island Graveyard and searched until she found him. She knelt by his headstone, tears building up in her eyes. “My sweetest friend, how I miss you so. You should have been my Prince.” The Princess sat there for hours, crying for her lost friend and lost love. She began to sing “When I sing I re-mem - ber ma-ny lives that share my song____ Brought to-ge - ther in a mo - ment, find-ing some-where to be - long, And I re-mem-ber you,_____ my__ friend____. I re-mem-ber you,___ my___ friend________.” She sat there a moment longer, basking in the warmth she felt in that moment, as if he were holding her like he always did when she cried. “Goodbye, my sweetest friend.” She left his grave and never came back, afraid of what she might feel. She soon became Queen and ruled with her new King by her side. She kept the gangs in line just like her friend would have always wanted. She never forgot him and when she had kids of her own she kept him in mind and how he always wanted her to believe in what she believed in. He was always in her heart. He was her road home.
6 march 2025
6 march 2025
5 march 2025
5 march 2025
5 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
3 march 2025