Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 15 august 2012

Futile Wish

Each cycle of earthly creation is born to eventually die
Save for the raw elements of earth and sky
Though power of human intellect and wealth strive to try
Immortality of body is a miracle that nature does deny

Ages of humanity stream from origin unknown
Countless seeds of life-creation sown
Artifact to their presence cluttering strata has shown
Fruitless attempts for eternal-life left only for a future to bemoan 

Each epoch of humanity through millennial time does persists
To dream of an immortal presence with body to enlist
But with frailty of flesh and bone that decay cannot resist
Should humanity not finally  discard the wish: forever to exist?

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 11 august 2012

My Sovereign Bed

This is my sovereign bed
Where I retire, lay my head
At the end of each day’s light
Where my soul by dreams, takes flight
To travel the cosmos, the universal realm
Subconscious navigating, captain of the helm
Oh what wondrous places I have been
Beyond anything conscious eyes have seen
Only to once again into this reality, be subdued
But for it be revived, be renewed.

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 11 august 2012

Finding Our Ruins

Searching for sound reason on which to believe
There is substantiation for why to breathe
Hopelessness fueled by life’s futility, I see
I suspect this thought by others too, not just me

Rationality is irrationally becoming lost
Everyone other seems want to be boss
But no one seems ready to bear the burden cross
To give sound reason for mass human suffering and loss

Earth’s presence in the cosmos will forever last
And when this civilization’s time has long past
Future earthly inhabitants finding our ruins will undoubtedly ask:
Why were these people so keen on not wanting to last?

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 10 august 2012

who knew?

the future fate of the world truly lies in the hands of those with freedoms to choose
the irony lies in the fact that these are the same who appear not so-much interested in the NEWS
especially NEWS that brings on depressing facts that demand attention to construe
to differentiate what is really facing the world and what their elected leaders will ultimately decide to do
so as each new day for decades til now, human conflict of all sorts becoming a common brew
those of the presumed ‘free-world’ will one day find themselves emersed in this broiling, rancid stew
when it will be too late; leaving  these same peoples to dumb-foundedly ask: ‘Who knew?’.

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 16 july 2012

Taint Of Remembrance

Awoken to a dream beyond sleep
Floating beyond reality’s keep
Presence of being without need of feet
Left to mind-paint fantasy’s treat

Episodic in their unique unfolding
Characters comprise of the known and unknowing
Each visitation finds comedy, drama or love growing
Left to embellish with mind-paint fantasy’s sowing

Dream amnesia pronouncement to the sudden waking
All illusional emotions gain lost for the forsaking
Though taint of remembrance to an undertaking
Yields redemption: fleeting, pleasure-glance, re-embracing

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 11 july 2012

Will the Rain Ever Stop?

Like the rain that falls from the sky
Tears stream from my eyes
For the pain that runs so deep
I dream of it even in my sleep
It is pain for the world that suffers
Under the tyranny of others
For the brutality that prevails
From bullets that fall like hail
When will this insidiousness stop?
Whose wisdom will unveil the plot?
To bring humanity back to its senses
To take love and peace beyond consensus

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 11 july 2012

Word’s Communication

The weaving of Words
Can be the Undoing
To forfeit an End
Or it’s Ensuing
Fomented in the Minds
Of the Unassuming

Structure and Context
The frame of it’s Intent
The Goal of its Inventor
For Minds to be Bent

Objective or Subjective
Neither is of Concern
The Outcome the Objective
Is what need be Learned
And for the World to Discern

So Heed this Warning
For What it is Giving
Lost to the Mind-Dead
Left to the Life’s Living

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 11 july 2012

What Awaits Us?

How frivolous the world has gotten
All the seriousness want to be forgotten
While things get sicker and rotten
YouTube, twitter and facebook are just’a rock’n

Duality, schizophrenia what you may call it
This journey into madness is gone hyperbolic
Ensuring humanity’s demise is catastrophic
And believe it or not - some will still try to profit

Doomsday scenarios have long been prophecy
But none can match this current lunacy
A world divided by countless conspiracy
That all seem eluding a true sense of human decency

What eventually manifests is obviously unknown
But from what our historic past has shown
What awaits us our own seeds have sown   
And for that, as a civilized people, we have not truly grown

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 11 june 2012

A-lien Face?

(Reference Graphic A-lien Face)

A face: intuitively came to mind
A face: drawn with eyes blind
A face: instinctively reverent and kind
A face: known by a different time?

A face: different then that known
A face: that spoke of once a home
A face: of happiness and love shown
A face: meant for me alone?

A face: lips full and eyes blue
A face: I know, once I knew
A face: that beckons to renew
A face: from whom I grew?

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Naykd Poet

Naykd Poet, 28 may 2012

Carney-ride To Nowhere

Standing outside, detached, observing willing participants on this carousel of life
Amused watcher to the systematic structure of its repeating traditions
Vocal critic to its unified, cyclical rotation of delineated similarities
Purposely and perceptively disconnected from its contrived ups and downs
That are unquestioningly assumed by most to garner reward: to define purpose
Achievable by pre-set objective: to capture the visible, yet purposely elusive, golden, glimmering ring of inspiration to success
That is tantalizingly hung, dangling, just beyond the measured reach of most daunted players
Yet generation upon generation fall victim to this derived, cognitive societal plan
A contrivance of an invisible, self-appointed force of despotic intellectualism
An elitist minority cult of humanity safe-guarded behind reinforced walls of fractal economics
Blindly defended by legions of the same mindless ticket-holders to this carney-ride to nowhere.

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Other poems: Behind Bars, The Snake, Nature's Seed, Challenge, Share, April's Mule, Fortune’s Street, Day-dreaming Drem'n, Artiste, Loving You, Expressive Response, Dumpster-Divers: A People’s Revolution - Śmietniku-Divers: Revolution Ludowa, Poetic Lethargy - Poetic Letarg, Morality’s Grasp - Moralność jest Grasp, Tale To Freight - Opowieść dla transportu towarowego, The Awe of Christmas - W Awe Bożego Narodzenia, Help!, SHoned Steel Blade - Szlifowane ostrze ze stali, Nature At Play, Defiance - Dunt, Debt - Dług, Author - Autor, Remembrance 2012, failure is I?, Poemat dla naszych czasów: 2012 and Beyond Zinstytucjonalizowane Fear; Zawsze zwolniony?, Poem For Our Time: 2012 and Beyond Institutionalized Fear; Forever Absolved?, Psycho-Sadistic Pleasure, Dissention, Poetry, Word’s Offering, Futile Wish, My Sovereign Bed, Finding Our Ruins, who knew?, Taint Of Remembrance, Will the Rain Ever Stop?, Word’s Communication, What Awaits Us?, A-lien Face?, Carney-ride To Nowhere, Symbol Symbolism, New Seeds To Sow?, Brooding Frustration, Joyous Tributary Ride, Proclamation, Posthumous Reward, Miracle of Nature, You, Merit of Presence, Paul Goodman - Not Forgotten?, Earthly Life Cycle, The Internet, Weary, A GUIDING HAND?, Poet’s Mask, Profound Reason, Poet’s Creed, Last Human Standing - Ostatnio Human Stały, Compilations, Future Reflection, The Penny, Global Conflagration, Stephen Colbert, Why?, Seed To Salvation, Ultimately, Underworld Of Existence, A Fish Named Don - Ryby Named Don, Forlorn Indenture - Forlorn Obligacji, FUTURE? - PRZYSZŁOŚĆ?, Voyage to Fate - Podróż do Fate, Paradoxical Clue - paradoksalne Clue, Music - Muzyka, Sanity’s Sound - Sanity Sound, Seasons - Pory roku, Life Eroding Strife - Życie erozji Strife, Laughter’s Hidden Reward - Nagroda Ukrytych śmiech, Dream’s Domain - Dream Domain, New Prosperity-Era Of Goodness - Nowy Dobrobyt-Era dobra, Artistry – A Gift To Give - Artistry - prezent dać, Blissful Nape’s Kiss - Błogi karku Kiss, Love Willing - miłość Willing, Humble Author - Humble Autor, Simple Words - Simple Words, Life Given - życie Biorąc pod uwagę, Pound for Pound - Funt na Pound, Eye - oko, Harsh’n Cruel (Lollabye) - Harsh'n Cruel (Lollabye), Paradoxical Truths - paradoksalne Prawdy,

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