
Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 october 2023

If The Road Doesn't End

Where will you go?
I am not accepting
myself in a windowless

The luxury of
kinship takes a toll.

Will it make a
difference, if you don't
fill in the missing words
in the message unwritten?

It works to kill
yourself for the sake
of dying light,
before the blood moon rises.

There was nothing
left to say.

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steve, 18 october 2023

"In My Head"

The wind blows gently through the trees, as I stare up at the moon...
While the leaves all dance in the moonlight, which looks like a big balloon,
I sit here with thoughts of you in my head, stuck in the same lucid dream...
Hoping and praying someday I'll get through, a life that is not what it seems,
It's a heartbreaking tragedy, the one I love is stuck in a preconceived hell...
Effectively closing any doors that I've opened, ensuring my chances to fail,
How do I reach you before it's too late, as the hourglass sand runs out...
How do I show you what we stand to lose, if I can't make you let go of doubt,
Please give me a chance I'll give all that I have, to save us from dying alone...
Let go of the doubt to what lies ahead, we could find what we've never known.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 october 2023

Silence And Stealth

In first particles of universe,
was there a beginning?
0r ending of kiss?

Can I study you
in a small shrine of words
where gestures fail?

Into the grace of
surrender, why the flames want
to leave ashes?

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steve, 16 october 2023

Scarlet Blue

I wish things could be different, as my world is "scarlet blue"...
If only it were black & white, as is my love for you,
I wouldn't sit here crying, over things I cannot change...
As cupid hits me yet again, when he knows your out of range,
I'll never lay beside you, on a moonlight summer night...
Never feel your lips on mine, never hold you tight,
I'll never feel your touch, caress any part of me...
And I can't even fathom, what love from you could be,
My whole world is "scarlet blue", when you're not around...
A grain of sand on an endless beach, hoping to be found,
A dream without an ending, no answer to a prayer...
Live this life pretending, that I don't really care.

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steve, 16 october 2023

Finally Realize

You'll give away to anyone, what I need from you....
I'll beg, I'll cry, I'll plead, but I just can't get through,
My pain and tears of anguish, fall upon deaf ears...
You could end in minutes, what I have felt for years,
Why do you let me suffer, your supposed to be my friend?
You know from where my torment comes, why don't you make it end?
And how is it "not selfish", to leave me here to die...
I've always been there for you, but you won't even try,
Do you have "no love" for me at all, do I need to walk away?
Friendship is a two-way street, but your only going one way,
I'll love you till the day I die, do I have to wait that long?
Before you "finally realize", you couldn't be more wrong.

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steve, 16 october 2023

"Take A Chance"

I don't want to say the things, I always say to you...
And I don't want to cry the tears, that I always do,
I don't want to ask again, for something you won't give...
When your here it hurts too much, and that's no way to live,
Goodbye's the only answer, to rid me of the pain...
"Out of sight, out of mind", might just keep me sane,
It's not a choice I choose to make, it's what I have to do...
This broken heart can take no more, of living life askew,
If we'd done this, or I'd done that, if you'd given me a chance...
If you'd learn to let your heart decide, it might of said "just dance",
I'd like to think I'm more, to you than just a friend,
But you won't let me get that close, and I cannot pretend,
If you never "take a chance", on understanding something new...
How much have you missed, when it's right in front of you?
Life is taking chances, and learning as we grow...
If you never try another path, how will you ever know?
And though this is goodbye, I leave with you my heart...
It's something that belongs to you, and has from the start.

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steve, 16 october 2023

You Don't Want Me

It hurts...that you can walk away... without a second thought...
When all I do.. is think of you.. wanting to or not,
The days are long without you.. as the smile I wear's pretend...
And the black abyss.. that we call night.. seems to have no end,
I can't make you care for me.. but I can't just walk away..
Until I hear it.. from your lips.. what you have to say,
This hearts already broken.. from that old familiar pain...
But I'd wait for you forever.. even in the pouring rain,
So look into this heart once more.. beyond what you might see...
Feel the love that's there for you.. and say "you don't want me",
Tell me whats inside your heart, it's what I need to know...
Tell me that you'll never care, so at last I can let go.

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steve, 16 october 2023

"Fairy Tales"

Is it ignorance.. or denial.. that just won't let you see...
The reason pain and anger.. still dwells inside of me,
All the nights you left me.. to sit there by the phone...
All the nights I cried aloud.. and waited all alone,
All the pain you put me through..and all the lies you told...
And all I ever wanted.. was to have you there to hold,
Its as though you don't remember.. like.. you don't have a clue...
Of the sacrifaces that were made.. out love I had for you,
You've never done a single thing.. to prove your love to me...
And everything I've done for you.. you pretend you didn't see,
And yet somehow.. I'm to blame.. according to your lies...
Why place blame on anyone.. when its time to cut the ties,
I just wish I hadn't wasted, all those years on you....
But it's my fault for believing, that "fairy tales" come true.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 16 october 2023

My Silver Bleeds

Life slips through
pores of skin, and eyes
of all needles.

A fawn doesn't know
how to go back home after
losing the track.

Did you ever go
in the den of wild cats to
offer immaculacy?

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Andrzej Talarek

Andrzej Talarek, 15 october 2023

Psalm Trzydziesty Siódmy. Kiedy dostrzegasz zło dokoła siebie

Biblia Tysiąclecia: Los złych i dobrych
Jan Kochanowski: Nie obruszaj się, że kto niewstydliwie

Kiedy dostrzegasz zło dokoła siebie,
nie złorzecz Bogu, który gdzieś tam w Niebie
lub nie trać wiary myśląc: nie istnieje,
bo tyle złego dokoła się dzieje.

Boga nie dano ci na zawołanie.
Masz wolną wolę, więc wspieraj się na niej.
Możesz w nieszczęściu do Boga wznieść modły,
lecz gdy nie słucha, nie klnij, że jest podły.

Świat z samym dobrem zaistnieć nie może,
zbyt słabe na to nawet moce boże.
Więc dobro ze złem Pan nam waży stale,
prosząc o miłość, co przeważa szalę.

Wierz, zło czyniący jak trawa przeminą
i nie zostanie ślad po nich, jak zginą.
Blizny zarosną dobra nowym ciałem,
zapomnisz nieszczęść, które cię spotkały.

Bóg jest przypadkiem w braniu i dawaniu,
szczęściem w nieszczęściu, modlitwą w wołaniu,
z nim prostsza droga przez życie nieznane,
zwątpienie z wiarą na zawsze zmieszane.

Wskocz, kiedy sił ci w zwątpieniu zabraknie,
w nurt Bożej rzeki. W niej każdy, kto łaknie,
ugasi pożar, który w nim się pali.
Nie patrz, nie czekaj, bo inni wybrali.

Swą zapalczywość i gniew swój temperuj,
a oburzenie ku zgodzie nakieruj,
by zła uniknąć. By sprawiedliwego
uzyskać miano, zrób choć ciut dobrego.

Kto sprawiedliwym? Ten, kto w Boga wierzy,
czy też bez wiary jego miłość szerzy?
Czy przeciw niemu występni zło knują?
A może wszyscy wszystkich prześladują?

Jestem już stary i wiele widziałem:
sprawiedliwego z poranionym ciałem,
opuszczonego przez dzieci rodzica,
i dzieci głodne, które zżarła lwica.

Lecz nadal wierzę w dobro, w nim jest siła,
bezbronnych oręż, co w walce niebyła.
Pan ją podaje jak kawałek chleba
na długą drogę, na zgodę, do Nieba.

Odstąp od złego, czyń dobro gdzie możesz,
w swej maleńkości też Boga wspomożesz.
Pan sprawiedliwych nad innych wywyższy,
mimo że głos ich w tym świecie najcichszy.

Nie śmierć nikczemnych i nie rzeź ich dzieci –
niech śpiew psalmisty gdzieś w niebyt uleci.
To nasi bliźni, módlmy się za nimi,
mimo wrogości, duszami bratnimi.

Głoś mądrość Bożą na przekór trudności,
niech prawo Pana wciąż w twym sercu gości.
Łatwiej ci będzie wtedy iść przez życie
z czołem wzniesionym, dumnie, a nie skrycie.

Mimo zasadzek, gdzie zło się gromadzi,
wciąż miej nadzieję, że Pan cię prowadzi.
Przejdziesz bezpiecznie przez ciemną noc życia,
ty, który nie masz w nim nic do ukrycia.

Twój wróg niedawno w pysze stał nad tobą
jak dąb mocarny, słońce mu ozdobą,
ale gdy minął dzień, jego nie było,
tylko nad dobrym słońce wciąż świeciło.

Ciesz się prawością, strzeż twej uczciwości,
a w końcu Pan ci da czas pomyślności,
gdy grzeszni skończą swoje ziemskie życie,
tobie w Niebiosach nagrodzi sowicie.

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