Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 10 february 2013

A Broken Heart

It has been so calm in the house
Since our last argument; you could beg for more than silence
I surmise that it is almost over
The tension is unbearable; who dares, wins
I know my heart will be broken , but will keep beating, nonetheless
Why must you be so distant in your efforts to make me feel so alone
Love to me is like a war, easy to start but hard to stop
We were more than lovers once; we were friends
Friends who smiled at each other and didn't go out in a crowd to smile at strangers , instead
Why must you be so heartless in finishing our lives together, so cold
Like the snow gathering on the window pane
Once more I beg you to finish it as it started; a tear runs down my cheek
Please take your leave and I'll take mine; a fine goodbye and a good wish for the future

number of comments: 2 | rating: 3 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 8 february 2013

Wonderful Love

Love never dies a Natural Death
It has to be killed or put to rest
Lovers come and then they go
Real Love stays eternities Plus one day, you know
I've seen good love and I've seen bad
Some I wish I wanted and didn't have
True love will give you unconditional peace
It will last a lifetime and never cease
It is the only thing that can calm man
He will look to the future with everything he can
And see the Heavens in his own eyes
For he has his beauty and that's his prize
For Love never dies a natural death
It has to be killed or put to rest

number of comments: 5 | rating: 5 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 6 february 2013


So, didn't you find love or salvation 
In what they do
Heart is filled with Gold
Fairies they are, too
In the hands you hold

How long can we ignore
Build a little more
Pray a lot for what's in store

I cannot turn around
The angels see me, now
Goin' where I'm bound
Smiling at me somehow
The world has been found

Ref:  Wake Owl                                                

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 5 february 2013

Wishing Day

Today is my wishing day; for all things to come to pass
For all man to be equal; for all man to be free
I wish for the beauty that others see
Wanting not only for you and I; but for all mankind.
It seems that the world has slid downhill
And now we are at an empasse; a great standstill
Why can't we just all get along
Must we fight each other; must we kill one another
It is so sad to see, the burying of children from gunbattle
The murder of our souls, the killing of our destiny's
Let us live in peace and harmony
Let us kill to be free.....

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 4 february 2013

One Red Rose

I know you so well; I have met you before
I have seen you in the cold blue light
And in the damp darkness; of the moonlight
Do you wish me well; or is it a game you play with me
The low voice of intimacy; the face in the crowd sometimes
I have left and come back
I have freed you and returned
Are you still angry now?
I must be with you if I am to survive
Can you call me and  tell me you are fine 
I know you are with her and it burns my soul
That empty space; that aching hurt 
I will just wait for one Red Rose........                                                                                                                  

number of comments: 4 | rating: 4 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 28 january 2013


He Haunts me.....I know he is watching
He Teases me.....I know he is waiting
It is a powerful connection but we have never met
I just want to say hello.........
Are we being overcautious because of our pasts?
We PRAY because we need to
I see him in my dreams.........
But only sometimes........
It plagues me to think that it may never come to be.......
Maybe it is just a fantasy
It is always with me.........
In my Head

number of comments: 0 | rating: 2 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 28 january 2013


I put my pen to paper to talk about my trance
And then I hear the TV talk about an Avalanche
The snow was in the mountains way up high
So white and foamy it could almost touch the sky
The skiers were all skiing and it was a gorgeous alpine day
Then the TV said the whole thing went astray.........
The sheets of snow started sliding, it was a beautiful, terrible sight
Nature's wrath of winter; no one could stop with all their might
Not one but two slides of snow came to rest
No skiers were in view, the ski patrol was called to do it's best
They started making markers of where the skiiers might be
There might have been twenty or more
They found two by a tree
The troupe worked throughout the night and dug the glossy snow
The whole thing was such a fright-seven skiiers left to go
The only thing that they could do was say a long, long prayer
For all the skiiers to make it and be in their loving care
It seems as if the avalance had taken them away; but they were found 
three hours later after everyone had prayed.....

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 27 january 2013


I sat on the beach and I looked at the sky, I asked myself a question and I wondered why
How many heartbreaks and how many traumas have to happen before I can cry
It has been a long 10 years and now I am done , trying to reason with all of it still
If, I don't leave it and move on it can possibly kill
My mind as I know it, my heart and my love for man
I've went to therapy, I have done all that I can
I am happier now than I have ever been
I can laugh at a laugh and grin at a grin.........
My life has not been so easy but I am not alone
I've met other people like me; who are in the mindframe of not going on
I realize that certain people help, they brighten your day
You don't have to see them, Just a freindly hello or hey
I want my friends to know I am really O.K., just sometimes sad...
It is normal you see, but better than always "acting" and being mad
So, I wrote in the sand..."It's a good day today"  and then I said my blessings
Then I wrote this , so no-one is guessing

After visiting the graves of my family........

number of comments: 1 | rating: 3 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 january 2013


She rides the bus each morning; wishing she had a car
The smell of the fumes are overwhelming, but she has no choice
At each stop someone "New" or the daily person gets on
Most of the time she gets a seat but when it is crowded she holds on to the upper bar
Once in awhile someone nice will ask if she wants a seat
She looks around to see all the different colors and patterns
Shoes, Coats, Dresses, Briefcases, Suits, Umbrellas
Someone talking louder than all the others
The Bus Driver looking in the rearview mirror.........
Seeing what there is to see
She thinks to herself.......
Driving must be better than riding the bus?                

number of comments: 2 | rating: 3 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 january 2013

For Kristen and Rich

I said a prayer for you today; For all the times you went astray
I still care for you; none the less
Even though "WE" are such a mess
It seems it's been going on so long; and we haven't been that strong
Why can't we just let it go? It's dead and something we both know
We used to laugh and smile and love; From all the Grace we got from up Above
Now we fight and call each other names; You say we just "play little games"
I think you are wrong and I am right; Somewhere in this drama fight
For Love is blind and Fool's can't win; what is put right in front of them
Let's end this war right now
And go on with Life
We will make it somehow
Through all the strife
Cause only GOD knows; we are ready to bow                   

number of comments: 3 | rating: 3 | detail

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