
Satish Verma
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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 23 lutego 2018


The spirit hovers. 
I am not interested in a 
séance. Let me come face to face 
with the book to share clean 
or unclean thoughts. 
Not able to print my deep 
angst. A clash of cultures. I 
will call the unprinted scream. The 
dismembered limbs begin 
a dance of unfolding 
the hate. 
It was a jig. 
Of scaffoldings for the 
peacocks to shed their wings. 
Everyone was falling for the green-gold 
to be embossed on the dust 
cover of life.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 lutego 2018

The Judgement

You had the numbers. 
The reverse trends begins- 
with uneasy and dark ambush. 
A fatal miscue. You 
will get the message. 
The fingerprints will stay on the wall. 
Enduring the onslaughts. 
Remaining sky-clad I 
will wander in your arms. 
Fighting with the curves, 
on sleepy islands, will 
you hail my outstanding landing? 
The revelation has a price. 
You will not open the envelope 
till I am dead.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 15 grudnia 2015

Living Legend

The flame will not die.
I pursue the path of smoke
the virtue of suffering
gives the pure light.
The book knows my inside truth
and tells no one. I weep for the swallows,
I could not feed.
I lay one white
stone for each death.

You will scatter my ashes,
in the abandoned land
where silence walks
and words lie like microcosm
of contemporary hunger.
Life was a cupful of tears.
The voices always spilled challenging
the fidelity of flowing water.

The living legend turns in grave,
I pray for peace
I promised myself to stand erect
when the quake comes.
I will save the flora
and the grass of dying earth.
I ask for one more life
to clear the debt & bleach my guilt.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 listopada 2015

Ending Of Time?

The identity moves ahead
of the shadow of truth
I search for the absolute
in vain. Can I remove the emptiness
and talk to myself?
The core feeling is same.
We flow in our own separateness.
I want to outlive my brethren
and eat my death alone.

Mindful I watch the kernel,
swaying tree is silent
I am here due to a fault in the genes.
Grief is not my skull house.
Each night I sleep with dry lips
dreaming a lake.
My pillow floats like a chopped moon.

Silence of anonymity
in the heart of a storm.
It is a curious apparition.
The vibrations of distant whispers
fill up the lungs,
ripping apart the veins.
My inside blood utters
a shrill sob.Where to go?
We cannot return back. Ending of time?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 marca 2013


A randon creation
convulsed by grief.
Death of a pendant was not able
to recall the cleavage.

Kosher scream, the grandchildren
will not know the fakes of
reality show,

pure as honey, then the
scratching starts: look the tiger
was sitting on the branch.

Miracles will happen again
when the prince manipulates
the throne.

The dust melts in the local crowd.
Amid droughts there was a rivalary
to pick up the left over grains in field
between urchins and squirrels!

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 marca 2013


When the hate began
where were you?

My clothes were on fire.
When you climbed the lips,
words were livid on tongue:
beyond the earth and sky,
water and air,

You stutter?
Speak not truth.
I don’t exist;
my flesh has become food
red meat,
dirty orchid!

I will forget me! !

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 marca 2013


Standing on a beam,
holding a black dawn,

my phoenix roving on dark river.
The bell still clangs;
I hear the footsteps.

A weird thought
spreads out on peripherals,
makes holes,

the undone communiqué
of a war
between knuckles;

the blind eyes
lift the fallen globe
of light.

I move from tree to tree.
Who was left unburned?
The sky was overcast.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 lutego 2013


I turn around
an amputee

to live, for not living
fighting the inner war
like neanderthal in cave

my weapon
the serrated moon
cried in fluted dark

a glimpse of bare bones
the ash of a bleeding dawn
my shuttered courage
in urn
there was only one evening

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 30 października 2012


Fire in kidneys
was burning the basket.
Privacy of green thumbs
was intimately involved.

Let us share the candle light march
for the blossoms,
who would not stay
for old birds,

Read me again the epitaph
of the martyr, who wanted to remain
unsung, for the sorrow of
the flowing river.

Frenzy of a lone wolf was
inconsolable, when the dam spilled
the dead wood on the empty
bed of roses.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 kwietnia 2012


Before sinking to knees.
I will talk to flowers.
Day of arrival has come.

In death, wisdom of trees
will eject the seeds
of fire on hip-locked roots.

A miracle will raise the bones
from the rage of crowd.
The king has agreed to depart.

Darkness sings in the
valley of sun.
Tongues are free to weave the moon.

Till the words are ready
to walk on street of sorrow
to remove the blood soaked prints.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 14 lutego 2012


An image was talking to you
in your mind.
There were fudged voices
of foot soldiers of half-gods.

I was scared of synthetic leaves
and black stars.
It was a most explicit blood dance
baring-all, the hiss of cones.

You wanted to define yourself
by overexposing the bisexual
stain. Celibacy was
unleaping in shadow.

The blessings will not wait.
You stay in coma after the haemorrhage.
The bloodbath will find the answer
in fever of sheer size.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 lutego 2012


Lapis lazuli:
like a crazy theme of
hostile doctrine,
spawning a fierce battle
of bulge.

It was scary
like a scrawny lizard
climbing on the breasts.

The hoarse retreat of the arm,
when the lamb did not
squeal under the machete.

Poking in frozen mud,
to find the footprints of a mammoth,
when trees were bleeding.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 lutego 2023

Living With Grace

Didn't agree to
sell the dream, for afterlife.
There was dread of
crossing the graves.

Moon intends to
come one step closer, to
find your candor. The innards
wouldn't take off the veil.

There was no iconic
shadow. Hope was fading.
Time to confront the unexpected
assault. Light enters from a crack.

What could be a
second coming of realization
on week legs, in twilight
of disturbing truths?

I am holding the mirror
at a distance.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 września 2022

Listening To Sky

Keeping the end at bay,
spurning advances in dark,
going for a witch-hunt.


For the truth. The man and
the beast were one. You will not cry
for the sake of progeny.


The swift fall of pen
breaks the barriers. There was no
one to read the scriptures.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 września 2022

In The Spin

To save the last bruise,
after an encounter with
a kiss of the breaking rock and melting voices.

I did not want to
remember you in twilight
of dementia. There was no birthday for me.

A brown girl drowns
in my deep poems. You had become
a river without a bed.

Can you give me a
name― for my unborn child?
I loved him to measure you my mate.

After all I refuse
to die inspite of all the falls.
Beyond the bricks lies my blessings.

It were only you.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 23 września 2022

Defying Time

Sitting before the white
screen, thinking―
what to write today.
Suddenly you will appear to
take a sweet revenge.

Proding the sensitivity,
you will not utter a single word.
I will start burning my―
paper boats on the banks of brows.
River dried, no water was
flowing from the dams of eyes.

Only the moon was watching me.
Tomorrow you will find a―
washed out body in dew of a
poem, half buried in red sands.

It still becomes relevant.
You pick up the remains of a saga
make a shrine of the god anonymous.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 11 września 2022

Nobody is Safe From Fire

Not easy to write off life.
Let me go whole. Was it a striptease
of knowledge? Where are the saints?

My averted pains boil.
We are so small. Wingless. It is time to
pray. Is it a Tiananmen moment?

I got nothing in paying
the debt. But I come at par with the
god. I am going to live in a barn.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 maja 2022

Weird Dreams

Will ask hibiscus―
in twilight, to let moth
live its one night.


The bougainvillea
leaves, falling one by one,
always frighten you.


Bends like a bow,
the sickle moon, to pick up
its child in water.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 11 maja 2022

Repealing The Command

Like sheltered, as in fist,
the firefly―
my poem shudders
in your cavernous eyes.

You will not bend down,
to pick up the dropped
coin of moon.

A benign lump
refuses to melt for a
speckled beam of light.

The charred bones
of the burnt-out church,
wait for the second coming.

There was no
curtain drop. Everything
will happen before the weeping grass.

The father and son,
were both guilty― of killing
the mother moth.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 31 marca 2022

Sage Flower

O my baby pain―
this house is on fire.
My body is going to war.

A lonely path, in life
and death― where does it
lead to― in wilderness of home?

The mob only loots.
Lynches and hangs you from
the lone tree of love.

I confess, there was
a chink in my armor, not
light but water seeps through it.

You start fearing the
windows. Not noises, time
was slipping pout, never to come back.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 sierpnia 2021

Pangs Of Truth

There was nothing to hide.
No jewels, no gold. I
wanted, to get the replica of afterlife.

Meet me in some moonless night.
I will show you a slice
of my bruises, offering it as
my panacea.

You were hurting yourself
invoking the baby god
on the night of lights.

It was hallucinating,
stabbing yourself in a
virtual suicide.

As the last rites started,
you got up from the funeral pyre
and walked away.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 1 sierpnia 2021

The Hidden Sky

In my sanctum,
you walk in― like
my first child, to join
my innerness.

Trying to decipher―
the moral code of angels.
I just wanted an embrace
of a flame to kiss the sparks.

I hear your footsteps,
sometimes near, sometimes far away―
in the valley of burning tears.
This space and, a gouge hold the
secret of melting lips.

Still unborn, a voice in
cul-de-sac, waits for the grievers
to open the darkness―
for a ray of light. It was very
lonely where you had scripted the clouds.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 11 lipca 2021

Facts Of Life

The decay has―
killed the dream songs,
of shut mouths.

Trees were rolling
down on beach
when hurricane collapsed.

It was raining,
carbs and limbs, when
clouds gathered.

You love the
potholes, underground
caves, to hide cardinal sins.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 lipca 2021

Three Vistas

Do not count.
Do not return my poems―
written for you,
in memory of hot pink
flamingoes, that had not returned
to their abodes.

Flashbacks. Fear of colors
arises. You shut your eyes.
Idolatry soaring. Night
will ask the stars. Why am I
carrying the burden of a rock
on my shoulders?
Moon laughs.

You stay quiet,
will not commit any kill.
A train whistles by. Evening
plays a thief, stealing your demeanor.
Inside you burn. No smoke was
coming out. No reference―
to smiles and tears.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 maja 2021

What You Were

Cessation had no direct threats.
You had stopped thinking.

A shadowy future starts hating
you and your financial motives.

The September light falls on leaves
ready to go, yellow-brown-red.

You are still warm, still receptive
of the hollyhocks to welcome you.

A guiltless flight with singing birds―
homing to their mating abodes.

You want to arrive
without qualms, without fainting.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 stycznia 2021

Losing Oneself

What would you give
when I ask for nothing?

A mysterious lineage
of the soul. It has no sequence,
no flesh, no body.
I was heading towards the edge.

Did you know the perfect
no home? It has no crumbling walls,
no hurting windows. The gray roof of sky?

The earth, the damaging
winds. An hour of awareness
in wait. You start
exploring jinxed mind,

hearing voices, but no words.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 31 sierpnia 2020

Compressed Emotions

I had met the flower
after a longtime.
The rose.

And its fragrance
hauls me to childhood
after the big dying.

A tender, scented dream
will touch me,
to become a poet.

Lying on dewed grass
you think, a promiscuous
microbial libido begins.

The explosion will eject
free verses, waiting in silence-
to witness- the April fall.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 21 czerwca 2020

Brilliant Stroke

Unstable like a mercury
drop, when you hold
a pen, hiding your
icy thoughts.

Like an archer, ready
to abandon the bow, without
shooting at the target.

The bull's eye was a
blue rose, sitting in the dark
niche, afraid of light.

In synesthesia, of
nights assault, you fume
and sizzle, when the dew
drops hit you.

You will not give the name
of slayer, who killed you with a smile.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 15 maja 2020


Why the pink words
float in black eyes?
I swear, I will not look
at the moon again.

The city burns in snow.
A jump of small
legs, takes you far
from the roar of falls.

The blackbird was my
mascot, sitting on the white
birch, dreaming blue.

A white sheet covers the
shrieking nails. You
cannot walk barefoot
on smouldering candles.

Why again you are climbing
the volcanos?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 20 lutego 2020

Show Me Your Jewel Box

Not reaching somewhere,
I was not today,
what I was.
You seek a hand
for a handshake, and I watch
the dirt gathering
on the nails.
Sky does not give you
an award.The soot
collects on the windows.
The blue skulls dance
to defy the earth.No forehead
was formed.How would you
read the destiny?
I swear, I did not fathered
the deity in a-
monotheist gathering.
A black hijab covers
the moon.

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10 - 30 - 100  

Pozostałe wiersze: Over Your Dream, Watching A Miracle, No Complaints, Between Whips And Tether, Travesty Of Truth, The Saga Of Breakup, The Saga Of Breakup, Playing Chess, The Trial, Leaves Are Changing Colors, Broken Bridges, Misty Memories, In Temperature, O Trinity, Studying Life, Nonetheless, I Write With Red Ink, Everything Is Black, Tangerines Sing, Touching Everywhere, Taking Revenge, Poetic Justice, Suffering Was Right, I Was Lost, Dogmatically, Justice Pure, Amnesia, Compromised, By Kisses, The Entity, Quartz, The End Starts, Echoes Travel, Picking Relics, To Dying Muse, The Voyager, Itinerant, Between Done And Undone, I Remember, I Am You Are, Greek Thoughts, Unseeing You, The Man And God, Savagery, Waiting For Flames, Deep Voices, Jumping The Wall, Beside The Truth, Bifurcation, In Deep Dark, Humanized Pain, It Is Getting Dark, Wearing The Crown Of Thorns, Good Bye, Unstable, You Deceive Yourself, Not To Annihilate, Virgin Defeat, The Pain Was Not You, Art In Dying, I Will Survive, Nameless Agony, Flagellation, Repeat Sins, Pencil Eyes, Clear As Water, Getting Solace, Knowing Myself, When You Had Left, Past Actions, Another Harbinger, Black Masks, Missing Words, Falling Man, I Ask Nothing, No One Survives, Going Into Space, The Essence, Abrasions, Unsung, Celestial, Divine Revelation, Departing, Don't Touch The Black Sun, Noiseless Murder, Nothingness, Parting, Not I Not You, Deceiving Self, I Go Outside Me, Absolute Being, Silver Moon, Believing In Myths, Where Do The Sprits Go?, I Was Unknown, Searching Peace, Holiest Dilemma, My Vision, The Crescent Moon, Quiet Introspection, Untraced, Sisyphean Ambition, Stalking The Spring, Motionless, Convulsions, Convulsions, Blood Prints, On Naked Paper, Curtain Call, Like Memes, Seeking Peace, Embracing Dark, Whispering Clouds, Into Dark Abyss, Talking To Spirit, Art In Pain, Raw Dreams, After You Left, Naked Truths, Searching My Voice, Prayer's House, Released, The Walls Are Rising, Inheritance, Prerogative, Summer Solstice, Fairy Dance, Dark Circles, Song Of The Sky, Vision And Vibrations, Vision And Vibrations, Of All Time, Don't Die, Gospel Truth, Predicament, Learning You, Thought To Thought, Trembling Vibes, At The Edge Of Life, The Madness, Your Empathy, Sad Protégé, After Thoughts, Blue Sunstroke, Blue Sunstroke, Empty of Answers, Were It You?, Changing Name, Multicast, No Regrets,

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