12 lutego 2012
This is going to hurt
Last week me and my
girlfriend were enjoying a romantic dinner in the embrace of candlelight.
The ruby candles
lit up brightly and spread a rose-like fragrance across the room....
Everything was so
perfect... she was so happy, you should have seen it dear reader, you should
have seen the smile..
A smile that would
awaken envy among a thousand other women. We held hands, they fit together so
Like scales tipping
inside the borders of a fragile balance called love.
She says to me: Dearest, do you love me?
Of course I do darling, I just can't find the words to describe how wonderful I
feel when you are around me.
She says to me: Are
you sure?
Me: Yes dear
because else I wouldn't have bought you this wedding ring.
She says: Oh this
is just so amazing, oh you're everything I hoped for.. This is so amazing..
There is nothing I wouldn't do for you dearest.. Please, marry me..
She says to me: Why
yes of course I want to marry you!!
She runs into arms and presses herself tightly against
Her eyes sparkle like stars in the dark sky, soft tears start falling from her
eyes like a small blanket of fog.
After a brief
moment of silence, we break the hug and I put up one of our favourite tunes on
the lp player..
As the tunes play,
we dance together until the energy has left our legs...
In this intimate
moment, lips entwine, eyes close and warm blood courses through our veins..
it all ended so
perfectly, so endlessly...
Now a few weeks
later.. I haven't seen her for 2 weeks
I decide to give
her a call...
-Hello Triss is
that you?
She says: Yes hello
dear how are you?
I'm ok it's just
that I miss you soo much, when will you be back from your business trip?
She: Soon hun, very
soon I'll be back in 2 days, I'll give you a call.
Ok dear talk to you
soon, I love you
She: Yeah.... love
you too
Two lonely days
pass, no phone call
I call her, she
picks up after several rings
Triss where are
you? Did something happen?
She: Oh No i'm
fine, i'm at the airport waiting for a cab.
Want me to come pick
you up?
She: No it's fine
dear i'll call you when I get back home.
Ok see you soon hun
She: Yeah...
4 hours later the
phone rings and I pick up
She: yeah it's me
we need to talk you should meet me at the restaurant we hired 3 weeks ago..
Yeah ok dear, but
what's wrong?
She: Just be there
in 10 minutes
Ok hun..
I hurry over to the
restaurant as she drops by by 5 minutes later.
So what's wrong
She; do you love
Of course hun
She: Would you do
anything for me?
Yes dear, there's
almost nothing I wouldn't do for you.
She: Would you
support me in every choice I make
Yes no matter what
i will understand and support you Triss..
She; good, than
you'll understand within time that I wasn't on a bussiness trip but I was
sharing the bed with your best friend and I was just 2 streets away from you
when you called...
Wait what I don't
She: I don't expect
you to understand.. I just wanted you to know because i'm tired of lying...
And you can have
this back.. save it for some lonely girl who actually cares for all this
romantic nonsense..
......... What??? I
She: It's over..
don't you get it... I've been sleeping with your best friend for 3 months and
you never noticed.. I just sticked with you those last moments because I
enjoyed the attention but when you chose to marry me that was just too much..
I just sit there
doing nothing... She gets up and walks away..
I left the ring on
the table and walked off...
Later that night...
I decided to go for
a walk outside, snow falling down
I walked past my
friends house.. I peeked through a window..
I saw him please
Disgusted I turned
away and pulled a gun from my coat...
I stood there for
several minutes, doubting.. should I just shoot them both or myself...
I decided to run...
back home....
3 years pass....
I still see her
everday going to my friend's house...
They say time
heals... well kids let me tell you...
Time heals
I called her..
She answered
She: Hello who Is
I simply said: When
the nightsky turns bright red...love will flow from my body and open a new
world for you to bask in... let my torment open the road to conscience.. so
that you may realize one day... what you did...
So that your guilt
finally awakens and you become human...
It was my favourite
verse in a book I wrote about suicide, a project I worked on before graduating
on university.. It was my favourite quote... I always said that to her...
I killed my
cellphone and turn the valve of the tap.
Ice cold water
shoots through into the rusty grate..
I place candles all
around me and lit them... the fragrance of rose fills the room... sounds
familiar doesn't it dear reader?
My veins thicken
under the rush of icy water that burns on my skin...
My ritual blade at
the ready... "made in England" "Topaz"
I follow the
like a beehive it feels
But an artist must
continue painting...
Through the pain...
keep painting..
Keep following the
Spilling fluids all
over the floor...
Writing a last note
on the wall...
before i faint from
loss of blood... I see her enter the bathroom...
I smile..
- You
She starts crying
and looks at the wall...
I hope this will
wake you so you can finally open your eyes and see the damage you have wrought
upon yourself and those that really cared for you....
Take care Triss..
for I no longer can't....
Trust me... this is
going to hurt... for the rest of your life...
5 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025