Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 26 czerwca 2014

Poem: In Him Alone

In Him alone, I find perfect rest for my spirit.
My soul’s satisfaction is girded by Salvation;
Christ is my rock, my fortress of protection,
and the lasting source of my Faith’s foundation.

In Him alone, I place my entire, unshaken trust.
Today, the enemy continues to assault my soul,
using his pain weapon of lie-laden speech;
yet, His Love exudes power that makes me whole.

In Him alone, I have placed my heart’s hope.
My dependence, remains on Christ, as my refuge.
Therefore, I stand with my personal conviction,
against the enemy’s onslaught and false deluge.

In Him alone, I have gained the final victory.
The sting of Death has been eternally conquered;
spiritual provisions were provided in advance;
in the cleft’s rock, my life has been anchored.
Author Notes:
Loosely based on:
Psa 62; 1 Cor 15:55-58; Exo 33:12-23

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 19 czerwca 2014

Poem: Christian Ideals

Absolutely essential, for saved people,
is the true concept of Christian ideals.
For they serve as inspirational guidelines,
in the development of holy, inner steel.

These ideals motivate Christians to action,
on behalf of the Christ, within His Will.
In addition, one strives to humbly live,
without the trappings of religious frills.

These principles affect one’s attitude,
in doing what aught to be done in service.
They provide vision with sacred direction,
whereby one is unashamed and not nervous.

Ultimately, when one is truly Spirit-led,
Christian ideals enables one to focus
on the important missions of the Kingdom,
thus achieving… success of divine purpose.

Author Notes:
Loosely based on:
1 King 8:18

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 12 czerwca 2014

Poem: Shout Hosanna!

Hosanna! Hosanna!
Salvation is near.
Hosanna! Hosanna!
Salvation is near.

Lift up your voice,
come lend your ears;
hear the message of Love
and joyfully rejoice!

Hosanna! Hosanna!
Save us, Dear Lord.
Hosanna! Hosanna!
Save us, Dear Lord.

Soften our hearts,
teach us Your Word;
draw us closer to You;
keep us, in one accord!

Hosanna! Hosanna!
Your mercy is here.
Hosanna! Hosanna!
Your mercy is here.

Erase all fear;
cleanse my mindset;
Holy Ghost flow in me-
continually this year!
Author Notes:
Loosely based on:
Isa 62:11; Matt 21:9; Psa 118:26; Eph 1:13

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 5 czerwca 2014

Poem: Overcoming Evil with Good (Spiritual Secret)

Ongoing failures of the Church to act,
will guarantee the sure success of evil;
for faith without works is… still dead
and visible today is spiritual upheaval.

The internal chasm between the members
of both sides -the presbytery and laity-
must be bridged with faithful cooperation,
girded with policies that last permanently.

Even today, God is quietly waiting on the Body,
while the unsaved are queued up for Hell.
Individual Faith is a person’s responsibility,
but the Great Commission impels us to tell…

others about God, His Love and Christ’s Salvation.
After 2000+ years, The World has not misunderstood.
A final solution is required and not yet in place-
each of us must desire to… overcome Evil with good!
Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
James 2:14-26; Obad 1:11-15; Gal 6:7-9;
Matt 5:45, 28:16-20

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is
that good men continue to do nothing -Edmund Burke

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 29 maja 2014

Poem: Spirit Filled

We’re not to vex or grieve the Holy Spirit;
instead, we need His anointing on our lives
to spiritually achieve personal victories
and that faith in God- is continually revived.

Being rooted and established in His Love,
we can be dispensers of the Spirit’s fruit-
Manifesting these traits on a daily basis
should be behind the desire of a Holy pursuit.

Peace, Patience, Love, Goodness, Faithfulness,
Joy, Kindness, Gentleness and Self-Control
enlighten the innermost core of our existence
with God’s consummate soothing of our souls.

Having these loving characteristics instilled,
demonstrates that we are indeed… spirit-filled!

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Eph 3:14-19,4:29-30; 1 Thes 5:19; Gal 5:22-23

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 22 maja 2014

Poem: Good Works

There seems to be ongoing confusion,
regarding the ministry of good works.
After all, Christianity is a lifestyle
and responsibility must not be shirked.

Don’t be deceived by the religious leaders
saying ‘it doesn’t matter in what you believe’.
For the righteousness of Christ is available,
as soon as His promise, you willingly receive.

We are clearly taught within The Word,
that ‘real faith without works is dead’.
Although there is value with good deeds,
acts of Love should not swell one’s head.

We can be redeemed from Hell’s fiery pit
and easily avoid spiritual devastation.
For we are not saved by our human actions,
but by acceptance… of His gift of Salvation.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Jam 2:14-26; John 8:24; Rom 10:10; Acts 16:31

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 15 maja 2014

Poem: Strength Under Control

Blessed are the mild and long-suffering,
for they alone shall inherit the earth;
their happiness and contentment comes…
from only understanding their Godly worth.

Not worried about accusations against me-
my Lord continues to defend His children.
My Lord is the eternal and heavenly advocate
and His Blood overcomes all affects of sin.

Real meekness… is strength under control,
while gentleness demonstrates self-constraint
in the midst of trying, difficult circumstances
and walking in genuine Love without complaint.

I’m able to endure any, ungodly responses,
when acknowledging my dependence on Christ.
I will eventually receive the comfort of God,
from standing on His promises… for my life.
Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Matt 5:5; Phil 4:12-13

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 8 maja 2014

Poem: Ontological Dependence

Can I ever appreciate metaphysical studies
on the very nature of being and existing,
without consideration of God my Creator,
when I’m an extension of His breathing?

Did He not breathe life into Adam’s lungs?
Without Him, I can do nothing meaningful;
doesn’t practical application of The Word
teach me to live peacefully with life full?

I don’t require divine power to sit idly by,
since God acts when I chose to share my gifts.
He provided direction and correction, when I…
cleansed my mindset with His Paradigm shift.

Under the sacred unction of The Holy Spirit,
I have access to the Counselor and Comforter.
He is never repelled by my human weaknesses;
He anoints my hands as Providential Supporter.

I’m Stepping out in faith with my resolve-
desiring to be in sync with God and His flow.
Until heaven is brought down to bear on Earth,
how can I be satisfied with the ‘status quo’?

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Gen 2:7; Luke 4:18; Acts 2,10:34-48;
1 Cor 12:1-11; Eph 5:18-20

Ontology: The metaphysical study of the nature of being and existence.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 1 maja 2014

Poem: Empty Places

What is the full depth of my inner soul?
How far does it fall short of infinity,
given the known limits of my being human?
Can all of the crevices, cracks, fissures,
scissures and abyss of the empty places
in my soul be filled when I desire Your Presence
to consume every void of my existence?
While complaining, gossiping, and rage
can grieve Your Holy Spirit, I’m only posing
these questions… to expand my understanding.
I’m thankful that You will never run out
of forgiveness, patience, love and grace.
Walking blind in the carnality of the flesh
will keep me as a pathetic, miserable Christian.
As one of Your sons, I’ve embraced Your principles
while striving towards my spiritual maturity.
On many occasions, I’ve tasted small portions
of Your eternal Peace, Joy and Righteousness.
Continue to gently lead me by Your Holy Spirit,
so that the empty places… have no sway over me.
Author Notes
Loosely based on:
Eph 3:16-19, 4:30-31; 1 Thes 5:19; John 14:23;
Rom 8:8-14; Deu 10:13

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 24 kwietnia 2014

Poem: Alive to Righteousness?

Are you bearing good fruit?
Are you hungry for victory
and for more of His Presence?
Are you alive to righteousness
and Christ’s divine essence?

Faith without loving works
is still considered dead;
are you part of a local body?
What are you doing today?
What is it, that you embody?

From the greatest exchange,
our raggedness for His glory,
taken was our sinful shame-
Hallelujah to The Lord!
Hail to His Holiest Name!

Made right through Christ,
by the power of His Blood,
despite our human flaws,
we won’t be crucified…
under the punishment of Law.
Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
2 Cor 5:11-21; Jam 2:14-26; Rom 3:23-26; John 3:16-17

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2014, All rights reserved.

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Pozostałe wiersze: Poem: For the Birds, Poem: Clinging to The Cross, Poem: Heart and Soul, Warmed, Poem: Not In Haste, Poem: Morning’s Dawn and Dew, Poem: Unseemly Faith, Poem: Carrying Our Sins, Poem: Another World, Poem: Tethered Lambs, Poem: Failures of Self-Righteousness, Poem: Spiritual Earthshine, Poem: Unknown Future, Poem: Circle of Inclusion, Poem: You, the Moon and Me, Poem: Prayer of Repentance, Poem: In No Other, Poem: Human Expectations, Poem: Empty Rhetoric, Poem: Without Agendas, Poem: Hold On, Pain Ends (HOPE), Poem: Trencherman, Poem: Repentant State, Poem: Derailed Victories, Poem: Punishment and Pain, Poem: Evangelize, Poem: Remaining Sin Conscious?, Poem: Quiet Heart, Poem: Applying Practical Faith?, Poem: Tears Into Joy, Poem: Spiritual Abstractions, Poem: Dissections of My Soul, Poem: Experiential Reality, Poem: Atonement, Poem: Waterfall, Poem: Unlettered Poet, Poem: Upheld, Poem: Contact With The Divine, Poem: Unneeded, But Wanted, Poem: Confirmation Bias, Poem: Life’s Complacency, Poem: Wasting Your Wilderness?, Poem: Objective Morality, Poem: Shalom, Poem: Elective Ignorance, Poem: More Than I Imagined, Poem: Ever Glorious, Poem: Wheat and Tares, Poem: Eternal Dialog, Poem: Pain and Disappointment, Poem: Poetic Elegance, Poem: Guilty and Forgiven, Poem: Divine Mask, Poem: A Clearer View, Poem: Subtle Maneuvers, Poem: A Taste of Psalm 1, Poem: Confessions of My Brokenness, Poem: Connected to Hope?, Poem: Unveiled Faces, Poem: Facing Adversity, Poem: Tranquility, Poem: Crumbs, Poem: Mannequins, Poem: Can I Love… What God Sees in Me?, Poem: This Side of Salvation, Poem: Now is the Time, Poem: Live Fearlessly, Poem: Led By Love, Poem: Embrace His Grace, Poem: This Broken Road, Poem: Rooted and Grounded, Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart, Poem: Congregation of the Dead, Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart, Poem: Rise Up, Poem: Obstacles in Life, Poem: Moral Regulations, Poem: Let Them See, Poem: Raised in Glory, Poem: Darkest Moments, Poem: Pascal’s Wager, Poem: Haters Gonna Hate, Poem: Staying in Peace?, Poem: Still Doubting Yourself?, Poem: Behind Every Difficulty, Poem: Let Us Live, Poem: Better Than a Sermon, Poem: Now, That is Faith, Poem: Wild Flowers, Poem: No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets., Poem: The Shape of Love, Poem: Walking Worthily?, Poem: An Ease In My Soul, Poem: On The Cross of Calvary, Poem: Hurt by Unyielding Truth?, Poem: Unsearchable Things, Poem: A Glorious Man?, Poem: In Dawn’s Early Light, Poem: Broken Bread and Whine, Poem: Within This Circle, Poem: Happiness Will Be Realized, Poem: The Human Condition, Poem: A Privilege of Prayer, Poem: Promises Fulfilled, Poem: In the Direction of Joy and Hope, Poem: Joy is Possible, Poem: Bond of Peace, Poem: Pray. Read. Speak., Poem: Why Do We Bother?, Poem: With a Clear Direction, Poem: Gateway of Hope, Poem: Hallelujah!, Poem: Dear Doubt,, Poem: A Taste of Psalm 8, Poem: Tarnished Halos, A Taste of Psalm 50, Poem: Religious Ideologies, Poem: My Heartfelt Benediction, Poem: Capacity for Love, Poem: The Lens of Christianity, Poem: Shadows of Shame, Poem: Undeniable, Poem: Baptism, Poem: Blessed Solitude, Poem: For My Heaviness, Poem: Walk Through The Fire, Poem: No Escape, Poem: Human Candle, Poem: Never in Jeopardy, Poem: Religious Brands, Poem: Finding Holy Ground, Poem: Y-O-L-O, Poem: Moral Disposition, Poem: Invite, Thank, Trust and Serve, Poem: Imagine. Believe. Achieve., Poem: Unfettered, Poem: Greater Things, Poem: Intimacy with God, Poem: Turned Inwardly?, Poem: Untroubled Heart (II), Poem: The Kingdom of God, Poem: Unedited Truth, Poem: Intellectual Pollution, Poem: Continue to Be Still, Poem: Committed to Him?, Poem: His Love of Words, Poem: Having a Swell Time?, Poem: Saintly Seeds, Poem: The Grace of Giving, Poem: Generating Thirst in Others, Poem: Lacking Peace?,

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