
Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 march 2024

Black Masks

I am hurt, when I
don't know― whom I was
talking to in dark.

A lazy moon smiles.
I will do it again.
The murder of boby thoughts.

Measure the real time.
The sulphur smells.
Someone was done for life.

How much will you need
for the blood of raccoon.
It promises not to wash
its prey in water.

My prayer will
save the golden peacock.
God sleeps for eternity.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 march 2024

Missing Words

If you must go
empty-handed, the sacred
hymn will always follow you.

Poems had
entered into you. Enough,
you said. You were overwhelmed.

I will wear the cloak―
you had left behind to,
read your beautiful, mind.

Will not give up to find
out your lost footprints. Criminality
on its own would be erased.

Pain was universal.
Coming and going will continue.
Curtains will not come down.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 1 march 2024

Falling Man

I take the big
space. Coming of age was
visible. Can you
bend the time?

An ant runs on
the mirror to land on the
moon. There was the cabal
to defame beautiful.

Violence, who will
control the uncontrollable.
We stand in mudslide
to reach mountain.

Steering blind, do
you know how to die
in moonlight, when god's conspiracy
of silence is uncovered.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 february 2024

I Ask Nothing

When a poem writes
you, I smell the
crimsoned moon.

Were you a possessed
angel, printing
desire on my palms?

Smeared on forehead,
the ash had left
the scars of kissed end.

You turn me on,
for a smile, before the honey
traces the question mark on lips.

There was no miracle
to retrieve the third eye
from the hidden love.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 february 2024

No One Survives

Out of nowhere,
a miracle takes place.
Silence starts speaking.

Years roll by to―
engage the asteroid
not to strike tiger.

Reason has failed.
The black hole of human
mind sucks all the truths.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 february 2024

Going Into Space

Why do I think
different, gripping senses
to catch the god.

Rugged hands have
soft lines to reach truth
by pursuing blood.

The honesty suffers
when you go the other
side of moon to lie.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 february 2024

The Essence

I would be time.
You were the space. It
happens in scars.

Back and forth, I will
touch your absolute truth.
Bruises weep.

All the comings
and goings were vague.
Who will stand the ground?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 24 february 2024


A small galaxy
had been devoured. I was
watching earthworms.

Blots reached the moon.
Aborted, the last year's plan.
No starfish moves.

Scooped the dust
of ruins. Brilliant gems were
scattered by you.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 23 february 2024


Cannot see blood.
Someone had drawn a line
on wrist with a blade.

You were not
aware of living dead,
tangled. No snake.

Bite. Browning skin
cracked. Sleeping along orchid.
Now ultima Thule.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 22 february 2024


Lime green you
were navigating in
the light of moon.

Who had fallen in
mid of journey, giving up
the bronzed body?

A giant tree
walks with us, sending some
signs of the surrender.

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