
Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 july 2024

If You Are A Human Being

When you predict
your end, I sell myself
to die on cross.

The trick to rise
from dust shows the strength
to make immortal―

Your name. why
do you like the game of power.
I will not play poker.

Many unanswered
questions still remain live
between lies and death of gods.

You will come back
to me one day for rebirthing
the old alchemy of love.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 24 july 2024


You were not normal.
Relentlessly you were trying
to kiss the flame.

Agni, goddess of fire
still invites. When nightingale
comes, you undo earthly pain.

To recover the lost
poem, black rose still haunts.
A jewel twirls in your brown eyes.

Erotica? No beyond
that. A desire sits on the lips of
bee-sting, the words wait.

Sylvia Plath, where
are you. I have still not
understood you. The Venus cries.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 23 july 2024

Sun Was Cooling

It was a weird
night. Recreating revenge by
throwing rocks on daisies.

You bring mummified
daffodils for the queen
to stop the resuscitation.

There was so much
noise between the full stops.
Words forgot to say prayer.

When you wear the face
of animals and insects,
death becomes a religion.

How many dreams
you had under the lids to
entice the wandering poet?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 22 july 2024


Life was behaving
strangely. You said I
have the right to die in
zero gravity. Blood moon―

flaunted a big smile.
The last kiss was on fire
I burnt my poems. There
was an eternal peace.

Why one should shut
the golden treasury. No
more ruptures. Was it not
a miracle? You were chasing still me.

You hire the tongue
of others to speak truth. Your
vernacular was changing. Why your
words were dipped in honey?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 21 july 2024

Lost In Thoughts

The template has
no commas. You have
taken away all my sleep.
I cannot breathe in your garden.

In remission who
wants another life? Blue
spots on my body invite
someone, to lick cobras bites.

It was sameness.
You were repeating yourself
forgetting that one day words
may lose the prowerss.

The art of dying
was very weird. You wanted
to defeat yourself. Eager
to know who were you.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 20 july 2024

In Order Of Being

A thousand moons
you walked to search me.
A sparrow waits at the
end of road to welcome a pilgrim.

You were wearing
the red linen to narrate
the story from birth to death.
How many rivers you had crossed?

The blue black sky
always glittered in moonless
night. Wine glass will
spill the elixir to meet gods.

Wake in my dream
O nightingale. It is god's
domain to find the answers
of perennial questions.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 july 2024

Smoking Guns

You wear a cult.
I come nude of veneration.
O god how you want
to be adored in dark?

Petrified I am
fighting the flames of hate
and jealousy. A merciless
sun won't cool down.

Come on my love,
it is time to talk. Honeybee
hive is swaying in storm.
Want to bite?

Amnesia. Age was
taking its toll. I don't remember
my face. The nameless god
will not join.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 18 july 2024

Come To Me As You Are?

You are landing
in all my poems. Mirror
speaks death from death
life from life.

Born in clay oven.
I praise god. You leave
your handprints.
Loaves were mine.

Was it not insulting
fire? A catastrophe? I
worshiped the goddess Agni
for its immaculateness.

An eagle makes
a preemptive dive
at interphase of lips and
tearful eyes.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 july 2024

Freak Happenings

When the moon
dips in lake in snowfall,
I let you forget me.

I am reverting
to count the beads in
memory of unborn kisses.

Rock prison of
roses, you don't want to
leave the enticing smell.

The grit, the mettle
was gone. Poem hunter goes
back to barn.

A new god may
take a rebirth to bury angst
from lust to dust.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 16 july 2024


Transcending the wall,
living in the shell of a moment.
I want to retrieve you.

The bush fires may leave
us separately. The wayfarer
has still the grit to walk.

You walk around
the mount, seven times to
prove the fidelity of legs.

I did not earn you.
Like a comet you crashed
in my lap burning a hole.

What was the desire
of a wailing night, never
reaching the ocean.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 15 july 2024


Yes I will not understand
the mathematics. It divides
you and numbers kill.

Nietzsche said― "Live
Dangerously". And the lost
ship agrees, takes in water.

A lump in throat
looks at the glittering knife.
What purpose does it meet?

Your pride should not
grow tall. The homelesswords
will search me.

In bright noon
your shadow shrinks. Fall
at your feet to beg.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 14 july 2024

I Think, I Don't Exist

I am reading
your eyes. Do you blink
when moon smiles.

This is my victory
day. A troubled poem has
found its muse in tears.

I beckon you to―
create a realm of understanding,
stopping at global heat.

I say to me
to become a colossus to bring
out the meaning of wall.

Was it not the pivotal point
of hate, conflict and wars?
Answer must be written in song!

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 july 2024


A birthplace turns
into religion. Poem goes
on trial. No delusion.

I was afraid of
persecution. Stay by me.
A mount burns.

Your hand made
doll dances along rapper.
Nopatience for peace.

Take care. You are
melting down. Sun has come
to meet you at door.

Give me a name.
Moon was becoming a paranoid.
He wants to adopt you.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 11 july 2024

My Gifts

Moon dust is falling
in melodious rhythm. Again
I remember you intensely.

An immaculate pain
spreads the white shroud. You
walk on it leaving red footprints.

Why I think, not to
think, amended by your tears
before you reached god.

God, I will not repeat
the sin, the crime to test the fidelity
of sun. he burns you to ash.

Ah! the poverty of words
cannot ask cobra to spread
the hood. I want to sleep under.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 10 july 2024

Pure Like Flames

Time knocks you
down O love. Why are you
always in my thoughts?

Death and life were
two sides of the coin, in
attendance of king.

No one was a slave.
I walk on my footpath
to reach my truth.

Is it the end of
the tale, as a prelude to
unchanging tragedy?

Irreparable was
the loss of virtue. I will never
be rich of new words.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 9 july 2024


It was darkest
night, when truth died.
Who will move the first step?

Rocks were older
than man. Don't throw the stones
on real roses. They bleed.

Ghosts were collecting
the black bones of peers.
They had long arms.

Don't ape my suffering.
I am always hurt on small
things. Weather is changing.

The contrast is deep.
Wash your hands before touching
the goddess. She smiles in sleep.

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Hanna Mazankiewicz

Hanna Mazankiewicz, 8 july 2024

Far too long (eng)

you’ve been holding your breath
far too long
awaiting for currents to shift
trying to spot
one ray of light
which could
illuminate your path

you’ve been waiting
for far too long
trying to see
outside the frames
the promise
of something worthy
of constant fight

you’ve been trying
far too hard
to cut through the curtain
which blocked the sun
looking for safe route
an easy crossing

I believe you’re done
not willing to walk any further
maybe it’s time
you ease your breath
stop at one place
and just disappear
into the morning dew

October 6th, 2023 20:57 - October 19th, 2023 21:25

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 8 july 2024

Reapers Are Here

God was right.
A wispy sin was must
in ethics of love.

The silent thoughts
revolt against the underlines.
From black to red.

Star-gazing was
on increase. Mannequins come
down for handshakes.

So far and so near.
How do I touch you O invisible.
An immortal was dying.

Beehive hides the
queen from the sun. Moon
shiners want to drop shutters.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 7 july 2024

God It Kills

Get to take call,
I will follow myself― and
open the old wound.

Of conscience.
The veins of leaves will knit
the face of a brute.

Ready to violate
November. The dilemma in
waves of lake rises.

How to pick cotton
flowers to celebrate snowfall.
We have reached moon.

Is that you, I
ask my poem, can you maintain
the purity of dawn?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 july 2024

Body Was Temple

I was so shattered.
What was your truth in
saving human fall?

It was all fake.
Few minutes before death,
a sample of god speaks.

You bury your dreams,
saying mantras to appease
the godforsaken land.

First I used to fight
with my father and now I am
fighting with my son.

Values are changing
I cannot jump out of boat.
It is sinking, sinking.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 july 2024

Divine Losses

I am defeated
by myself. My weaponless
democracy has failed.

By your own dignity
you carry a burning coal
in your hand to teach posterity.

A voiceless assault
of neoreligion spikes the truth
of armless lies.

Mountains want to
move. We have lost our
script of wordless commentry.

I say take away
my dead gods. Robots will
sit in temples of no gods.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 july 2024

Winter Tales

Blood suckers were
always bound by veins. Man
becomes very small.

Spitting venom was
a style. You walk precariously
on strings to hide hunger.

Don't look at the
moon. Life will treat you very badly.
Give me shovel to unearth god.

You cannot erase
the name of an angel forgetting
to resuscitate his lover.

What was the thrill
of burning witch hazels when
blood was still flowing?

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Adam Pietras (Barry Kant)

Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 3 july 2024

The Coldest Beauty

Some say we are rather in Heaven
And only the song reminds that it is endless
Then it looks like to live is to tempt
It is a letter or a book somehow

For someone it reminds of a wound
Not by the matter of disdain towards what there is
For it is just fallen and hurt
There is a wound inside the existence itself

For someone it reminds of the worlds seen
As they travel the more they tempt
As they get crazy they wish to live so long
Just to intensify the longing

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 july 2024

Green And Red

So much to think
of infidelity at the edge of
yesteryear living in a broken home.

All my poetry comes
out to recite elegy for the unspoken
tragedy. It was tumultuous..

Skeletons start working.
Was it dysmorphia? To revive the
narcissism? I drop the blood.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 july 2024

No Preface

My turf war was over. You want to write
your will in blood. My prodigy has collapsed..

New vistas are steamy colored dreams. I was
searching for my lost silver coin. Were you empathetic?

I will not count all your sins. Life is
altering every day. Small things are becoming big.

Waiting for a defining day? I believe in
pluralism. I don't want to hear myself.

The grey wall was surreal. You
cannot paint the brown bears dancing.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 1 july 2024

My Scars Were Red

Give me a moment to live; The love dies casually.
Why were you carrying the corpse of memories?

Ozena? What do you smell? The day
burns, night cries. A robust reprisal appears.

Do not wail Destruction has come.
It was rapid. The world has swallowed my poems.

The jasmines are drying now.
Did your answer turn blue?

Why did you lead me to lotus lake? Was
it the loss of cranium. There was no water.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 30 june 2024

Don't Grieve For Me

Far away was your
home. Do I give you to
moon from love to pyre.

I myself make me
cry in loneliness of strange
words. Nightshade stabs.

Nude picture of
nasty stings were ready to
slice you half and half.

The nebulae would
blind you to tract the alien's
footprint on your chest.

My thumbmark was
sufficient to give
order of beheading of black roses.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 june 2024

Pain Of Surrender

How not to break, I ask.
Will you give me a hug
in absence?

It is very dark
night. After stealing me, when
will you drink the moon?

Each word becomes
a snake, writhing to devour
the bodyless truth.

The fall has come
again. I am walking on dry,
pink leaves to recall you.

One day me and you
will meet again after melting inside.
Life may find a surprise.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 june 2024

A Renaissance

Infidelity knows
how to make fire. Shared
truth carries a tiny coffin.

Under the god's
tree I pray for you. Life will
not see the face of black moon.

The nudity of sun
hurts. The distance cannot
be reduced in blue pain.

Between why and
how lies the primordial
question. Where the truth lives?

Roll me over on
burning coals. The stones
were not able to break mirror.

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Adam Pietras (Barry Kant)

Adam Pietras (Barry Kant), 27 june 2024

Two poems

1. Carnal Dream

(Music arrangement on souncloud.com / A.pietras982 - VII - F 4 - Carnal Dream)

I: I've came to the lowest of grounds
Just to tempt
Although words should be sharp
Athough I wondered how to express
There is but an emptyness inside
A body that is dwelled by a thought
Challengeing all that is to challenge
With no sence of deeper reason
In this formula I mean
I've seen many worlds and became empty

II: A letter has got a shape
Perhaps some meaning I have forgotten
But so far as I can't recognize my voice
And see only the easiest way to satisfy
To focus on something that is not the pain inside
But perhaps it is good - how can I know
Some say that there is only light
Though it blinds

There is sky benath and it is so low
There is an outer space but just desolated
I look among the people around
I wonder what they are
As far as I can understand a stone or a tree or a bug
But not a human
I can reach them but with my senses and confabulation
And I think that there is no one inside
The self is multiversal as I expirienced
It is a story enslaved in time - somehow
I have been a human for a time
Then I've became my moors
I've been a view

Once I thought that there is something to build
That there is something to conquer
That there is something to explore
But now I think that there is just an existence
The eternal crossroads unable to escape
The dreams that has gone blank and so untrue
A spark of consciousnes that travels from fingers to mouth
And some kind of wordless meaning on the edge of all perceptions
I can't say if it is not a hallucination
I try not to think too much about that
For it tortures me and baths me both in despair and disdain
For a lie

III: Is all I know a lie
Shouldn't everything be completely different
Or at least it could be so
I don't know why the world exists

2. The Heaviest of Wonderlands

(I shall also arrange something as I get more time for artistic stuff)

Couldn't say this Tomb has no charm
A craft of fine engineery and manpower
And that my cage is not made of materia
The sublte cold in touch and stories
Of prisoners - philosophers and murderers
I don't believe in ghosts but I can try to affirm
The holograms in my imagination
Songs about quark transition under what is seen
I can try to think that it is fine

I can try to think that I am a part of the race
That nobody knows where it ends and where it begins
I don't believe in fate but I can wonder if it is individual
Though I am just a kind of my own selve's priest
So useless as all the depths

I can wonder as the world is a Diamond
Through the works devided and roles
Someone is now old and dead
Perhaps I don't know something about him
Perhaps this consciousness now dead buries remembrance of Love
Perhaps he is an engineer
Perhaps he built my cage in this Dream

As I hear voices on the bazaar I can think of the race
That no one knows where it begins and where it ends
Perhaps I walk among saints
That's the trick I can make with my imagination
For it is so nice to affirm
As I can't do anything else
In this Tomb

A girl ashamed of her mortality

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