27 marca 2012
Loftiness And Lowliness
From loftiness one becomes lowly
. and from lowliness one becomes lofty.
Consider the highest of the peaks;
. it has nothing but rocks and snow only.
Consider the lowest of the plains;
. it is filled with every kind of life.
Consider the biggest of the behemoths;
. the thoughts of its mind are all about
. food alone.
Consider the the smallest of the mammals;
. it can be shrewder than any creature.
Consider the tallest of the trees;
. it is the first thing that a lightning
. strikes.
Consider the shortest of the shrubs;
. no fiercest northern wind can uproot it.
Consider the heaviest of the clouds;
. it is the soonest water to fall.
Consider the slightest of the vapors;
. it shall continue its rise.
Consider the mature palm branch;
. it is brought down by its heaviness.
Consider the new and fresh leaf;
. its lightness lifts it up.
Consider the size of the elephant;
. by it, this animal would be the first
. a hunter notices.
Consider the smallness of the ant;
. with it, only a few is interested
. with it as a food.
Consider the fruits on the trees;
. most of them are useless when they fall.
Consider the crops on the ground;
. they are more useful where they are.
Still, consider the large watermelon;
. its stem cannot lift it up.
Then, consider the plum on its tree;
. its weight raises it high.
Consider the mass of the rock;
. it falls straightly to the ground.
Consider the lightness of the feather;
. it settles down gently.
And consider the top of earth;
. it is made up by mud and dirt.
Consider the bottom of the ground;
. gold and precious stones are found in it.
For the Great I AM has more grace
. for the humble than the proud;
. pay attention, you lofty ones,
. for there is wisdom in meekness!
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