25 września 2015
Metal Mouth
You to me would always listen
When my tears began to glisten
As though those tears could work like guns
You told me several stupid puns
You abhor them, and yet, you would tell them to me
Showing me to you something special I might be
You would text me every day
Making me think that talking was okay
Sometimes you’d feel like you were safe to open up
And you’d tell me about family or your recently dead pup
When you did, I showed you I was there for you
But nothing ever would I make you do
I told you I’d be there in the middle of the night
And still with me you’ve never tried to make things right
With no one I would share the things to me you told
So your insistence that I make you talk is getting kind of old
By never giving up on you, I thought your path I could remold
Everyone but me could see your heart was cold
My own barriers I broke so you could do the same
Yet when you went too deep you insisted I take blame
I wish I could stop crying myself each night to sleep
Because you’ve made me feel at fault that your kindness I could never reap
Slowly I am drowning
While your ego I’ve been unknowingly crowning
You never thank me for the things for you I’ve done
Sometimes I wish I’d have the courage to run
If I needed you, you’d let me keep falling
If I called you, you’d just laugh and leave me bawling
I’ll take no more blame than you for this act
Of breaking our nonconsensual pact
It’s hard to help when I know nothing at all
And for your games I always fall
You deceive and you manipulate me
Making me think that me is the worst thing one can be
You act like I’m a useless burden
Communicating to you is like being back at Verdun
Your tongue is like a fatal blade
It is heartless in the highest grade
You gnaw at my heart like acid rain
From tearing it to shreds you think something you will gain
Though of your past I’ve never first spoken
You insist your barriers I’ve broken
I’m not the one and I’ll never be
At least you realize you’re not good enough for me
My emotions you slowly molest
And tell me I’m dramatic and a burden when I protest
You tell me to chill
When my hurt with you I try to kill
Your talent as a homewrecker
Is stronger than a mountain trekker
My mind you would manipulate
You never cared; t’was all in hate
The evil in your essence
Bubbled up in effervescence
You are an active volcano
Drinking me like Draino
By your words of lava being burnt
One first learns about true hurt
You need to practice what you preach
Swallow your pride; and don’t give me my speech
If you claim my barrier I should break down
Descend from your imagined throne and tear apart your crown
You have made me starch and starve
While ‘cross my heart your name you carve
Thinking you have power over me
Because there for you is all I’ll ever be
I want you to come to me and see you’re a jerk
Yet keeping you close will never work
I can no longer save you; I can no longer try
Yet I want you to realize and can’t seem to say goodbye
Though I promised you I wouldn’t, now I have to give up
For all you do is fill my cup
You may wonder why your friend I refuse to stay
What else can I do when you push me away?
Some people you can’t change; sometimes them you cannot save
And to think I promised to be there til I reached my grave
You my skies have turned forever gray
And though it kills me like you do, to leave you has come now my day
You can go to hell, my love
For you tear apart my wings when I’m soaring like a dove
There’s nothing more I can do, for my hands are tied
But it isn’t really losing; for to save you I have tried and tried.
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
Eva T.
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025
23 lutego 2025