6 września 2013
An unhappy young man
1. An unhappy young man, forsaken and alone
Was by his parents' death left to live on his own;
Now, since he was so young, go begging could he dare?
Compassionate folks came and of him they took care.
2. A man in these parts heard of his destitution.
Hastened to make the best of the situation.
"That you work on my estate is what I propose;"
The young man said "I can't. I have no working clothes"
3. "To be sure, I would be able to drive a plough,
But I am so poor that I have no spade or hoe"
And the four crowns they cost I never could afford.
Lend them to me, I shall pay you back, on my word."
4. The farmer hired him on a very long term;
A farmhand he had found, reliable and firm.
Yet one day the lad failed to report to his boss,
Leaving the latter to ponder over his loss.
5. Sometime later he was, upon a handful straw,
Found dead in the far slum where he used to withdraw.
His employer, alas, whose heart was hard as stone
When the corpse was removed from there was heard to moan:
6. "To heaven he shan't go as long as I'm not paid,
For he owes me four crowns I have lent him ahead."
And barely three days after, a young lad required
Employment in this very farm and he was hired.
7. Upon the fields he worked as hard as the best three.
But when lunch time was rung the young lad used to flee.
The others wondered and did their best to retain
Him, asking him to eat and drink with them. In vain.
8. He stayed out of the way, as if he was in pain,
Threw himself on his knees, as in wait of being slain.
And the cruel-hearted man, with disapproving frown,
Went and asked for advice the parson of the town.
9. "Over there is a man, as hard as three working,
But curiously enough, with neither food nor drink."
"Sir, you may return home, don't tell them that you came.
I shall call tomorrow. The hour will be the same."
10. Overnight the divine was informed by God's grace,
That it was a dead soul who was haunting the place.
"What are you looking for? Say, what is your demand?
- Four crowns I owe this man, I received from his hand."
11. "The master of this farm lent me once those four crowns:
To pay them back in work now I have been sent down.
And I won't be admitted to heaven's delight
As long as my angel did not tell me I might."
12. When the reverend priest came the four crowns to pay,
The heartless man was punished in a dreadful way:
When to seize the money he had proffered his hand,
His whole right arm from the shoulder fell to the ground!
13. "In Heaven, both of us will meet again, parson,
Of which I was made worthy by your compassion.
The farmer you did pay and all is in good trim.
Instead of casting blame, let's pray to God for him!"
Translated from the Breton (original title:"Un den yaouank, siwazh!")
5 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025
4 marca 2025