Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 23 lipca 2016

Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart

O Lord, my heavy heart hurts
and my tongue can’t find words
to articulate the inward pain,
as my spirit struggles to avert

reiterations of disappointment.
My thoughts of being distraught,
exhausted and overwhelmed steal
the inner peace of my contentment.

I’m humbled by my circumstances;
now I’m casting my cares upon You;
I’m reaching for Your rest, yoke
and peace, to have another chance

of moving forward with Your Kingdom.
Refresh my spirit with the essence
of Your Presence; grant me the grace
to overcome… these current symptoms.
Author notes

Inspired by:
1 Pet 5:6-7; Matt 11:29-30

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 15 lipca 2016

Poem: Congregation of the Dead

In lifeless patterns of repetition,
the congregation of the dead assemble,
eddying around the Light of Truth;
lacking reverence, they sadly tremble

and cringe during the Sunday Service,
seeking loopholes from accountability;
after all, regular attendance grants
the sacred status of Church nobility.

Meanwhile, frustrated ministers hurl
their verbal rocks, in futile attempts
to weed out their spiritual deadwood,
unaware that their righteous contempt

reveals their inability to love others.
Some lacking understanding may wander in,
since membership dues may be optional.
Come join the Church Petri dish of sin

to learn new zombie techniques of gnawing
on the flesh of religious, blind souls;
with Bible clubs and tongues of hell-fire,
receive your training and go on patrol.

Most folks know that ‘iron sharpens iron’;
so come and let us beat you mentally down;
since we’re unable to mature any further,
let’s make sure that you leave with a frown.

Learn secret methodologies for developing
a critical spirit and a unloving tongue;
come fill the vacancy of front-row pews;
come and join us, while you’re still young.

Author notes

Inspired by:
Prov 21:16; 2 Cor 4:4; John 3:19-20; Eph 4:17-19

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 15 lipca 2016

Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart

O Lord, my heavy heart hurts
and my tongue can’t find words
to articulate the inward pain,
as my spirit struggles to avert
reiterations of disappointment.
My thoughts of being distraught,
exhausted and overwhelmed steal
the inner peace of my contentment.
I’m humbled by my circumstances;
now I’m casting my cares upon You;
I’m reaching for Your rest, yoke
and peace, to have another chance
of moving forward with Your Kingdom.
Refresh my spirit with the essence
of Your Presence; grant me the grace
to overcome… these current symptoms.

Author notes

Inspired by:
1 Pet 5:6-7; Matt 11:29-30

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 3 lipca 2016

Poem: Rise Up

As Children of The Almighty,
we have the God-given ability
to rise up, without the shame
of knowing who we really are,
despite our souls’ fragility.
Have we been taught and shown
Love, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness
and Peace that we require daily?
So what is holding us back now,
from overcoming this human mess
of feeling inadequate or ignorant?
About 90 of The World is headed
towards Hell, unconvinced about
the legitimacy of the Christian
Lifestyle, whereby God’s embedded
His Presence and power is in us.
We’re not meant to be superfluous,
seeing that we’re supposed to be
both the hands and feet of Christ.
So The World remains nonplussed,
plagued by their own doubts, which
is reinforced by our poor treatment
of them; our continued failures to
walk in Love, reflects our inability
to thrive with joyous contentment.
Author notes

Inspired by:
Luke 10:19; Eph 1:3-141 Cor 12:27;
Rom 12:9-21; Matt 5:13-16

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 24 czerwca 2016

Poem: Obstacles in Life

Life’s obstacles can only delay us
from achieving our God-given purpose;
instead of becoming frustrated, we
should look to Christ and just focus

on the underlying issues in prayer.
Obstacles may perfect personal traits,
like having peace by waiting on Him,
so that our hearts are not deflated.

They kick up dust, blinding our vision
whereby, we must go back to Him again;
When our eyes are focused on Christ,
He lights our path and lessens our pain.

Instead of worrying and becoming anxious,
I’ve decided to cast my burdens on Christ,
knowing that He earnestly cares for us;
employing His principles, no real strife

can ever deter us from personal victories.
We’re blessed, from persevering our trials;
for these too, will eventually leave us,
lasting but a short, inconvenient while.

Author notes

Inspired by:
Psa 27:1, 119:2; Isa 41:13; 1 Pet 5:7;
Jam 1:12; Prov 3:5-6  and

"No matter how big or small the obstacles we face in our spiritual journey, as long as we keep our eyes on the Lord, we will reach our destiny that God has prepared for us beforehand to fulfill in this life, and hence inherit a mighty reward for it in the life to come. Keep your eyes in between the start and end of your faith on Jesus because He is the one who actually starts as the author and also ends as the finisher of your faith, He is able to keep you safe from the drowning of worry and unbelief by His supernatural power to stay afloat to reach your heavenly destination!" —Abraham Israel

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 24 czerwca 2016

Poem: Moral Regulations

We are not motivated
by a sacred concept
of moral regulations;
the heart’s context
of pleasing The Lord,
presses us… forward.
His Love covers sin
and senses of awkward-
ness that afflict us.

Before Him, we come
to offer our praise,
heartfelt thanksgiving
and lives to essay
a lifestyle of Faith.
As His adopted Children,
we’re to mature, grow
and rise above the din
of this World’s noise.

Author notes

Inspired by:
1 Tim 3:15-16

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 24 czerwca 2016

Poem: Let Them See

O Lord, let them see You, in me.
With the Light of Your Presence,
the lost are unknowingly brought
closer to You and Your essence…

for the benefit of their souls.
With the divine manifestation,
of Your Spirit brightly shining,
allow Your message of Salvation

to flow effortlessly… out of me.
Let them see Your Goodness, Mercy,
Joy, Grace, Peace and Gentleness;
caress the souls who are thirsty

in tangible ways, so they may find
abundant Life and promised victory,
for which provision has been given.
Touch them Lord and let them see!
Author notes

Inspired by:
Eph 3:8-12; Gal 5:22-23; 2 Cor 13:3-5

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 5 czerwca 2016

Poem: Raised in Glory

It’s important to remember that Death,
has been conquered by Christ’s victory;
though our mortal flesh is perishable,
our spirits will rise and we will see

Him in His exalted radiance, as The Son.
Like Him, we too will be raised in glory;
we will be completely reconciled unto God,
with Christ having no sense of animosity

towards us, regarding His experiences
as our propitiation on Calvary’s Cross.
After all, He submitted to The Father’s
plan, for redeeming the World’s lost.

Out of dust, the first Adam was raised;
from Heaven, came last Adam: The Christ;
the first brought upon us sin and Death,
while the latter… bestowed eternal Life.

Author notes

Inspired by:
1 Cor 15:42-54

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 29 maja 2016

Poem: Darkest Moments

In my darkest moments, O Lord,
You are the illumination I need;
the lamp of Thy Holy Word glows
with Your Truth and I concede

the value of Your principles.
Despite my feelings, emotions
and thoughts, I’m still assured
that I can raise my perception

to conform to Your high standard.
Your soft Light, easily penetrates
the darkest moments of my life;
the narrow path, leads me straight

to You and Your unending Love.
Therefore, I’ll trust Your Word;
storing it within my heart insures
that my spirit will remain stirred.
Author notes

Inspired by:
2 Sam 22:29; John 8:12

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 21 maja 2016

Poem: Pascal’s Wager

One of many apologetic arguments
is an application of Game Theory,
as defined by “Pascal’s Wager”;
ideas of infinite gain make leery
skeptics doubt a likely existence
of an omnipotent and omniscient God,
Who is worthy of our time and talent.
They believe this premise is flawed,
as they willingly bet against Hell,
damnation and its infinite losses;
the discussion, of rational thought
and atheistic stances, crisscrosses
mental boundaries in search of Truth.
Is finite loss of luxury and pleasure
worth the Christian lifestyle today?
Where are you storing your treasures?
Author notes
Inspired by:
Gen 1; Matt 6:19-20 and
Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Pozostałe wiersze: Poem: For the Birds, Poem: Clinging to The Cross, Poem: Heart and Soul, Warmed, Poem: Not In Haste, Poem: Morning’s Dawn and Dew, Poem: Unseemly Faith, Poem: Carrying Our Sins, Poem: Another World, Poem: Tethered Lambs, Poem: Failures of Self-Righteousness, Poem: Spiritual Earthshine, Poem: Unknown Future, Poem: Circle of Inclusion, Poem: You, the Moon and Me, Poem: Prayer of Repentance, Poem: In No Other, Poem: Human Expectations, Poem: Empty Rhetoric, Poem: Without Agendas, Poem: Hold On, Pain Ends (HOPE), Poem: Trencherman, Poem: Repentant State, Poem: Derailed Victories, Poem: Punishment and Pain, Poem: Evangelize, Poem: Remaining Sin Conscious?, Poem: Quiet Heart, Poem: Applying Practical Faith?, Poem: Tears Into Joy, Poem: Spiritual Abstractions, Poem: Dissections of My Soul, Poem: Experiential Reality, Poem: Atonement, Poem: Waterfall, Poem: Unlettered Poet, Poem: Upheld, Poem: Contact With The Divine, Poem: Unneeded, But Wanted, Poem: Confirmation Bias, Poem: Life’s Complacency, Poem: Wasting Your Wilderness?, Poem: Objective Morality, Poem: Shalom, Poem: Elective Ignorance, Poem: More Than I Imagined, Poem: Ever Glorious, Poem: Wheat and Tares, Poem: Eternal Dialog, Poem: Pain and Disappointment, Poem: Poetic Elegance, Poem: Guilty and Forgiven, Poem: Divine Mask, Poem: A Clearer View, Poem: Subtle Maneuvers, Poem: A Taste of Psalm 1, Poem: Confessions of My Brokenness, Poem: Connected to Hope?, Poem: Unveiled Faces, Poem: Facing Adversity, Poem: Tranquility, Poem: Crumbs, Poem: Mannequins, Poem: Can I Love… What God Sees in Me?, Poem: This Side of Salvation, Poem: Now is the Time, Poem: Live Fearlessly, Poem: Led By Love, Poem: Embrace His Grace, Poem: This Broken Road, Poem: Rooted and Grounded, Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart, Poem: Congregation of the Dead, Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart, Poem: Rise Up, Poem: Obstacles in Life, Poem: Moral Regulations, Poem: Let Them See, Poem: Raised in Glory, Poem: Darkest Moments, Poem: Pascal’s Wager, Poem: Haters Gonna Hate, Poem: Staying in Peace?, Poem: Still Doubting Yourself?, Poem: Behind Every Difficulty, Poem: Let Us Live, Poem: Better Than a Sermon, Poem: Now, That is Faith, Poem: Wild Flowers, Poem: No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets., Poem: The Shape of Love, Poem: Walking Worthily?, Poem: An Ease In My Soul, Poem: On The Cross of Calvary, Poem: Hurt by Unyielding Truth?, Poem: Unsearchable Things, Poem: A Glorious Man?, Poem: In Dawn’s Early Light, Poem: Broken Bread and Whine, Poem: Within This Circle, Poem: Happiness Will Be Realized, Poem: The Human Condition, Poem: A Privilege of Prayer, Poem: Promises Fulfilled, Poem: In the Direction of Joy and Hope, Poem: Joy is Possible, Poem: Bond of Peace, Poem: Pray. Read. Speak., Poem: Why Do We Bother?, Poem: With a Clear Direction, Poem: Gateway of Hope, Poem: Hallelujah!, Poem: Dear Doubt,, Poem: A Taste of Psalm 8, Poem: Tarnished Halos, A Taste of Psalm 50, Poem: Religious Ideologies, Poem: My Heartfelt Benediction, Poem: Capacity for Love, Poem: The Lens of Christianity, Poem: Shadows of Shame, Poem: Undeniable, Poem: Baptism, Poem: Blessed Solitude, Poem: For My Heaviness, Poem: Walk Through The Fire, Poem: No Escape, Poem: Human Candle, Poem: Never in Jeopardy, Poem: Religious Brands, Poem: Finding Holy Ground, Poem: Y-O-L-O, Poem: Moral Disposition, Poem: Invite, Thank, Trust and Serve, Poem: Imagine. Believe. Achieve., Poem: Unfettered, Poem: Greater Things, Poem: Intimacy with God, Poem: Turned Inwardly?, Poem: Untroubled Heart (II), Poem: The Kingdom of God, Poem: Unedited Truth, Poem: Intellectual Pollution, Poem: Continue to Be Still, Poem: Committed to Him?, Poem: His Love of Words, Poem: Having a Swell Time?, Poem: Saintly Seeds, Poem: The Grace of Giving, Poem: Generating Thirst in Others, Poem: Lacking Peace?,

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