Geetima Baruah Sarma

Geetima Baruah Sarma, 24 stycznia 2012


Those golden days
Amidst fun and frolic,
Those cherished moments
Of smiles and laughter,
Are they not clinging
On our vine of memory?
Can we let them
Just fade into oblivion?
In our march
At breakneck speed,
To sustain in
This illusionary world,
Can we not
Keep in touch,
And associate again,
To reunite,
In a reunion?
Can we not
Spare some moments,
To lift our heads,
From the hectic schedule
Of our monotonous life,
To enliven our spirits,
And afresh rejuvenation,
Preserve our memories
From the brink of oblivion?

[Published in the website of Assam Engineering College 1984-89 Batch on 17 March 2010]

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Geetima Baruah Sarma

Geetima Baruah Sarma, 17 stycznia 2012


An old lady,
Wrinkles stamped on her face,
Greeted me 'Merry Christmas',
Invited me to her residence.
Her cottage was simple and cosy,
Filled with love, kindness and humility,
Her daughters welcomed me,
Served dinner with cake and sweet.
With a simple job,
She struggled hard,
To educate her daughters,
Till they stood on their feet.
On Christmas day,
She thanked Jesus,
Invited guests,
Celebrated by serving a feast.

[Published in the 'feelings' column of 'Horizon', the Saturday supplement of 'The Assam Tribune' on 6 March 2010]

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Geetima Baruah Sarma

Geetima Baruah Sarma, 16 stycznia 2012


A tale,
Of two pals,
Ego possessed the former;
Self-respect imbibed the latter.
The former faced problems, complained;
The latter solved problems, smiled.
One, choosy and demanding;
Other, suitable and acceptable.
Acquiring jobs
In a corporation,
Standing at the threshold
Of promising careers,
Days rolled on
And the day arrived
For promotion.
Self-respect surpassed,
Ego lagged behind.
Thoughts converted into self-realization,
Truth revealed.
Ego satisfied merely the senses -
"I want this" and "I want that"
Self-respect implied acceptance -
"I respect this and I accept that."
To further proceed,
To reach the summit,
'I' and 'my' be discarded,
'We' and 'ours' be adopted.

[Published in 'melange', the Sunday supplement of 'The Sentinel' on 28 February 2010]

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Geetima Baruah Sarma

Geetima Baruah Sarma, 7 stycznia 2012


(Dedicated to the youth)
When I was young,
My teacher once asked me,
What will I be,
When I grow up.
I replied, 'a teacher'.
But today,
In this age of kalyug,
I feel -
Each one of us,
Should strive to be,
A good human being first.

[Published in the 'feelings' column of 'Horizon', the Saturday supplement of 'The Assam Tribune' on 27 February 2010]

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Geetima Baruah Sarma

Geetima Baruah Sarma, 26 grudnia 2011


One of the outstanding personalities of this corporation,
His success lied in his devotion, determination,
An able leader, highly committed to his work,
Laid great emphasis on co-operation and team work.
Largely appreciated for his discipline and punctuality,
His talent in cricket and badminton equally praiseworthy.
His large heartedness revealed his inner goodness,
Displaying his pleasing personality and nature of forgiveness.
Departure to another world, a harsh reality indeed,
Praying for his eternal peace, adieu I bid.

[Published in the souvenir 'Reverence' on 21 February 2010]

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Geetima Baruah Sarma

Geetima Baruah Sarma, 25 grudnia 2011


Dear Feelings, Horizon,
You inspire me to write on and on.
You've provided a platform for many poets,
To express their feelings and thoughts.
Horizon is the place for the sun to rise,
Feelings is the space for the poets to write.
My thanks to you for publishing my poems,
Every Saturday I eagerly wait to read poems.
Through this letter, I wish you 'Happy New Year',
Long live Feelings, may you prosper every year.

[Published in the 'feelings' column of 'Horizon', the Saturday supplement of 'The Assam Tribune' on 26 December 2009]

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Geetima Baruah Sarma

Geetima Baruah Sarma, 24 grudnia 2011


On a Sunday evening,
Swinging on a swing,
I remembered a saying -
'Work while you work,
Play while you play.'
I pondered awhile
Exploring significance.
Does it mean concentration
Or detachment
Or perhaps,
A harmony between the two.
Though different, yet inseparable,
One cannot sustain without the other.
Just like
Energy and matter,
Metaphysical and mundane,
Soul and body. 
[Published in the 'feelings' column of 'Horizon', the Saturday supplement of 'The Assam Tribune' on 28 November 2009]

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