George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 września 2019

Quatrain 151 - Do not tarry too long by the wayside.....

Do not tarry too long by the wayside on the road home that you have taken;
get up, move forward, look ahead to the horizon and with the sunrise waken.
If you've got yourself caught in a rut get out as soon as there is an opening,
because this world is a vast place with many paths and doorways beckoning.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 września 2019

Never Lose The Laughter in Your Eyes

You should never let anyone take away the laughter in your eyes
when they look into them and see the inner blessing is still there;
as they've recognised it being lost in themselves and try to disguise.
For if it is still with you, then you are very blessed indeed
and the other person will only try to steal that very thing
which has been missing from their life out of jealous greed.
It could be anybody you may know or will sometimes meet
in your wanderings, no matter who they appear to be like,
because they have squandered theirs and are now out to cheat.
That person will try just about anything to steal your inner mirth
in a deceitful or unsuspecting way; so you'll have to take care,
as it's rightfully yours and perhaps have even regained since birth.
The laughter in one's eyes is the connection with the bliss and light of the soul
which is inherent in all human beings no matter how cold they seem to be
but can be lost when one acts against their own conscience and neglect its role.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 września 2019

A Long Lost Love

I fell in love and lost my heart
and that was why it tore apart.
The love given wasn't returned
by the one for whom it had yearned.
It all seemed so sad at the time
I often thought it was a crime.
But then I could be so naive
early in life's path to believe.
Nature's hand had dealt me a blow
and recovery was very slow.
Everyone I asked was futile
in answering to make me smile.
I sought for love in wrong places
and all I got was strange faces;
looking back at me with contempt
'cause in their heart love was exempt.
Rejection is a dreadful thing
and everyone has felt its sting.
A love you may feel for someone
is best experienced as fun.
Never force love on another
even if they're a real brother
You'll just draw them further away
and who knows what else is at play.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 września 2019

A Bumble Bee Mystery

I once had seen a bumble bee
or so I thought it was to me.
In the backyard one sunny day
I saw it flying low and stay
hovering there near a flower
as I walked by like a tower.
It was big and did seem busy
looking at it made me dizzy.
Glowing in an unearthly light
and its colours were also bright.
It almost seemed now I recall
that scene was supernatural.
Because in the blink of an eye
it vanished without telling why.
I looked around hoping to see
where it had gone this bumble bee
But no matter how hard I tried
I never again caught or spied
another glimpse of that creature
with such a radiant feature.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 20 marca 2018

Simple Observation 144 - It’s the little things in life.....

It’s the little things in life that count the most
and the big ones those of which we can boast.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 20 marca 2018

Quatrain 148 - Silence or definite action is ....

Silence or definite action is the right answer when words are of no avail;
let the language of the heart speak with love when all else seems to fail.
If you have a point to make and it appears to fall only on deaf ears
try setting a good example first and allay all your immediate fears.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 20 marca 2018

To A Wilting Rose

Hey you there, oh thou drooping rose
what are you trying to disclose?
It seems that time has passed quickly
and left you now looking sickly.
You once were so bright and fragrant
but now you are like a vagrant;
shedding down all those body parts
before the expected end starts.
Was it because of your placement
in front of a sheer glass casement
on that window sill sun-exposed
and in midday hours being closed?
My sympathy for you dear friend
it looks as if you're near the end.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 20 marca 2018

Autumn Whispers

When you hear all those trees
how they sing in the breeze
with their branches and leaves
which are now falling down
to cover the bare ground
and pile up in a mound
from where all of them grow
they begin then to show
that season we well know.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 20 marca 2018

The Secret Beyond Sleep

A God of peace and rest is within us all
that is why we have to heed sleep's call.
On a daily basis that is usually at night
we tend to fall asleep devoid of any light.
In that unconscious darkness of our soul
we find true rest and peace playing a role
in everyone's existence no matter who it is
a likeness of that sought as heavenly bliss.
It's an unconscious union with our Source
of which most people aren't aware of course.
Throughout our lives this discipline we keep
being an imperative need to get some sleep.
No creature can ever ignore it for too long
as its force is overwhelming and so strong.
It's a universal call for everything to return
back to where it came from that we discern.
It really couldn't be any other way unless
we get to experience a state beyond stress
that may come about when one is awake
in tune with a higher energy and it betake.
There are some higher dimensions of existence
that can be experienced without any resistance.
We just have to seek and find the secret place,
that is hidden inside us all, with Divine Grace.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 stycznia 2018

A New Year's Message

I'd like to wish a Happy New Year to one and all
and hope that together we'll try and not to forestall
each others efforts to write directly from the heart
what life and nature itself is thereby eager to impart
about our journey with them to find out the reasons
as to why we're all here and to enjoy those seasons
and phases of our lives with all their highs and lows
without which we'd have nothing God only knows.
Always try and do the right thing.
so that at least it may good bring.
Have a happy, safe, healthy,
prosperous and creative
New Year in 2018
Many Blessings
to one and all.

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Pozostałe wiersze: A Sonnet For You and Me, Simple Observation 159 - From a fertile soil and sun...., Simple Observation 157 - Any time is...., Quatrain 169 - We all have the power...., Quatrain 167 - Look on the bright side...., SImple Observation 154 - Everyone carries with them..., Quatrain 165 - Success through a positive mental attitude..., On The Corona Virus (7 Senryu), Ignorance Personified, If Ignorance Isn't A Virtue....., Simple Observation 153 - If we could only...., Quatrain 164 - The rivers of the world...., On Social Distancing and Self Isolation, Better Off From The Start, Backyard Cemetery, Simple Observation 151 - It is said that lightning ....., On Meditation, Ode to Felicity, Why The Caged Bird Really Sings, Simple Observation 146 - After a new thing is acquired........, Quatrain 151 - Do not tarry too long by the wayside....., Never Lose The Laughter in Your Eyes, A Long Lost Love, A Bumble Bee Mystery, Simple Observation 144 - It’s the little things in life....., Quatrain 148 - Silence or definite action is ...., To A Wilting Rose, Autumn Whispers, The Secret Beyond Sleep, A New Year's Message, Simple Observation 142 - After we scale the heights....., Reserved For Love, Loss And Love, Sunlight In The Park, Simple Observation 140 - Out of all the things in our world....., Simple Observation 139 - It’s hard to be positive when ....., Quatrain 144 - Nobody can do for you what ....., Quatrain 141 - When you do your best ....., The Unseen Observer, Simple Observation 137 - The ocean is so very deep....., Quatrain 157 - The inner beauty of man....., The New Year's Resolution, Water, Transformation, Simple Observation 135 - To keep God in mind....., Simple Observation 133 - The grace of God has to do with....., Quatrain 149 - It's said that 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' ...., Talking About Reality, Simple Observation 131 - Beware of the dust that....., Simple Observation 128 - To reverse the trend....., Quatrain 147 - The homecoming of the soul...., Quatrain 145 - Do not ever pretend to be....., Tribute to a Poet Saint, Simple Observation 125 - There are none who are farther...., Simple Observation 123 - Nothing in this world...., Quatrain 144 - Nobody can do for you...., Quatrain 141 - When you do your best...., The Universal Divine Plan, Simple Observation 121 - To look about and find fault with...., Simple Observation 119 - Where true love abounds..., Quatrain 138 - Great surely is the gift...., Quatrain 137 - The best things in life..., Collecting Pebbles, Simple Observation 118 - Everything that usually happens in life..., Simple Observation 115 - If somebody pretends to be..., Quatrain 135 - If your heart and mind are in ruins..., Quatrain 132 - Try putting yourself in the shoes.., The Highest Of The High, Love In Separation 1-5, Quatrain 129 - "They say there's a reason..., Quatrain 126 - When thine eyes become single..., Simple Observation 112 - Time spent wisely....., Simple Observation 111 - The light of intelligence....., No Ambition, Quatrain 125 - The eyes are said to be....., Quatrain 121 - As long as the spirit of life is...., Simple Observation 110 - To explore new territory....., Simple Observation 108 - There's good and bad...., Quatrain 119 - Ah! there's a vast world...., Quatrain 116 - There's good and bad wherever...., Simple Observation 105 - Whatever there is above can be seen......., Simple Observation 103 - There are so many things...., Universal Maintenance, Quatrain 114 - Without God as the center......, Quatrain 111 - "To be or not to be?"..., Simple Observation 101 - All life is an experience..., Simple Observation 99 - When opportunity knocks..., Australiana, Simple Observation 97 - There are so many people..., Simple Observation 94 - All throughout the course..., Quatrain 109 - Life was really meant to be easy..., Quatrain 107 - The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ..., The Most Sought After Thing, Quatrain 106 - The Divine Essence bestows..., Quatrain 104 - Familiarity does often..., Simple Observation 92 - In the infinitude of God's..., Simple Observation 89 - Something which is quite easily gained..., We All Have To Move On, Simple Observation 87 - The old usually has to..., Simple Observation 85 - All language is a..., Quatrain 101 - When ignorance still reigns..., Quatrain 99 - In this world...., The Time Will Come, Simple Observation 83 - People who have learnt to...., Simple Observation 82 - A fisherman casts his net out in..., Quatrain 97 - The ocean waves..., Quatrain 95 - All that we do have...., Simple Observation 81 - In perspective ...., Simple Observation 80 - Remove the cause of....., Quatrain 93 - With all of the technology...., Quatrain 91 - The tongue has no bones yet..., Simple Observation 78 - Someone who comes close to our heart...., Simple Observation 76 - Some things which have...., Quatrain 89 - We are all caught up in a..., Quatrain 87 - For whatsoever reason we do...., A Creature Of Habit, Simple Observation 74 - Forever is really just..., Simple Observation 73 - Our life in the body has to..., Quatrain 85 - There are records that we keep..., Quatrain 83 - Look steadily within at..., Collecting Pebbles, Simple Observation 71 - So much of our life is wasted ....., Simple Observation 69 - If obstacles always persist ....., Quatrain 81 - What is it that's the most ...., Quatrain 79 - Isn't it better really ...., A God Of Pain, Simple Observation 66 - Whatever good there may be hidden...., Simple Observation 64 - The fruits of our life..., Quatrain 76 - When the light of Love and..., Quatrain 73 - Do not ever lose hope..., The Seed And The Tree, Simple Observation 63 - The gifts and treasures of the Spirit..., Simple Observation 61 - Only someone who knows can impart..., Quatrain 72 - Where do you look, dear friend ..., Quatrain 71 - If and whenever in life...., Only Through The Heart And Eyes Of True Love, Simple Observation 59 - From one place to another......., Simple Observation 57 - Someone who thinks a lot may..., Quatrain 67 - Aim to achieve a worthy goal........, Quatrain 65 - God is within me and...., Universal Freedom Is....., Simple Observation 55 - There are more things in heaven and earth..., Simple Observation 53 - On the road to achievement..., Quatrain 62 - The book of the heart and soul...., Quatrain 60 - The Cause of God is...., Ode To Inspiration, Simple Observation 51 - In the workings of nature..., Simple Observation 49 - Where there's a difference of opinion..., Quatrain 56 - The light of true knowledge..., Quatrain 55 - Come, tell me...,

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