| George Krokos |
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George Krokos, 6 november 2021
If Lord Jesus Christ is said to sit on the right hand side of God the Father in Heaven then who sits on the left side?
When Jesus was born it is recorded in the Gospels that He was visited by three wise men who came to see and honor Him by following a star from the east. Did they actually follow an (... więcej)
George Krokos, 25 september 2019
This is a true story which might be distressing for some people
and hopefully may also be a kind of help or revelation for others.
It was like a cut or rift in the soul which seemed to be fuelled by anxiety and the sometimes innocent presence of others where the sufferer or (... więcej)
George Krokos, 29 february 2016
(A Concise Modern Perspective and Study)
The whole of the visible universe appears to be just like the tip of an iceberg floating in the ocean of Infinite Consciousness; the body of God, expressing itself as space, time and matter, which converge and are fully integrated in the universal mind of (... więcej)
George Krokos, 15 april 2014
My Comments On A Thesis Titled:
Capitalism Sucks! Cold War Starts Up Again! Nuclear War Looms!
(See Note 1 below)
By Wolf Larsen on March 27th, 2014, 6:32 pm
Hi Wolf,
It is very pertinent that you have posted this thesis in "In the Trenches" section of the AT forum and it seems that (... więcej)
George Krokos, 20 february 2012
The oil that man drills for and mines from below the surface of the earth
is like the life blood of the planet that's been accumulating since its birth.
The more that we use and deplete this fuel as an ongoing energy resource
the less likely we'll be able to sustain a clean environment in (... więcej)
George Krokos, 30 january 2012
A brief statement about certain controversial questions and issues relating to some core religious topics such as:
What is God?
Where is God?
Who Is God?
and a new or old philosophy and perspective (depending on the readers views) offering an explanation to these age old questions.
(... więcej)
George Krokos, 21 january 2012
Earth's mistress moon and glorious master sun,
from whither is it that they both have come?
Hovering around in the sky during night and day,
how is it that they both have been placed that way?
Playing it seems opposite roles to our mind's eye,
yet shedding light and warmth down from up (... więcej)
George Krokos, 8 january 2012
Good is the extension of God as His Spirit of manifestation in the phenomenal world. That which constitutes our highest good is ultimately to do with living in tune with His Spirit and Word as revealed in either one of the great religions of the world or by being in harmony with someone who is the (... więcej)
George Krokos, 27 december 2011
Nature's wilderness has its characteristics which are its constituents. Never before had I seen such a splendid sight of grace and beauty as a waterfall. Life was being given to the green flowing lush vegetation on either side of a glittering strip of fluid motion moving down the land like a (... więcej)
George Krokos, 26 december 2011
The reason for the expedition had lost its meaning. Everyone was now interested in what they were seeing about them other than that for which we had originally come. The expression on all of their faces seemed to tell the story plain enough but, there was evident a certain degree of conscience which (... więcej)
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