15 sierpnia 2013

The Solar System  

The Solar System

Created with the Gimp using various means.

liczba komentarzy: 12 | punkty: 5 |  więcej 

issa, 15 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 00:47  

:) hi, George entire

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George Krokos, 15 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 00:52  

Hi Issa, thanks for viewing and your comment.

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issa, 15 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 00:54  

okay, George, where are you now?

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issa, 15 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 01:06  

why you don't answer

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issa, 15 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 01:12  

e tam (to jest po polsku. szkoda czasu na rozmowę./ I hope, że tłumacz google będzie z Tobą / wściekła się issa, ale łagodnie. daleko mieszkasz i zbyt ostrożnie mówisz/

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George Krokos, 15 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 01:17  

I live in Melbourne, Australia.

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issa, 15 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 01:24  


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George Krokos, 15 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 01:11  

I'm still here, looking at some other graphics.

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., 16 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 08:00  


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George Krokos, 19 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 15:13  

Thanks Marcel.

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Bazyliszek, 16 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 14:21  

our little world:))

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George Krokos, 19 sierpnia 2013 o godzinie 15:17  

Yes, and life as we know it. Thanks for viewing and your comment Bazyliszek.

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pozostałe grafiki: Pythagorean, Complex Star, Portrait in Black & White, Study in Colored Rectangles, Inverted Sunflower, Indigenous Ingenuity, Layers & Rays of The Sun, Caricature 3: The Old Man, Caricature 2: The Gangster, Caricature 1: The Martial Artist, Pollution, The Stoned Drone, Bouquet, The Union Of Yin And Yang, Church Near Riverbank, Sunrise On The Horizon, Yawning, Double Bloom, Under a Blazing Sun, Octagonal Divide, Earth, Space and the Foundation of Time, Steps In The Garden, The Lighthouse at Byron Bay, Psychedelic Glass Tile Art, Broken Blue Windmill, Beach, Sea & Clouds, Sunlight In The Park 1, Web Of Deception, Fractal Nautilus, Dead Tree Creature, Nature Walk, Psychedelic Flower, Old Haunted Church Near The Sea, The Sufi Master, Bridge Across The River, Circle Cross Mosaic, The Omega Man, Rainbow Wheel 2, Rainbow Wheel 1, Stately Old Mansion, Burst Of Light, Involution, Theoretical Architecture, Heightened Awareness, Theory Of Everything, The Narrow Street, Indoor & Outdoor Living, Along The Promenade, The Solar System, Two Moments And Places In Time, Wheel Of Karma, The Day Of The New Sun, Flower Of Karma, Knight's Breastplate, Embedded Elevation, Day & Night, Butterfly Mosaic, Trash & Treasure, New Art "3D"`, The Earth Is like a Bubble, Cog Wheel Precision, Fantasy Castle, Moon Over Mountains, Reversed Parallelograms, Lost At Sea, Between Two Worlds, Back To Earth, Lakeside Mirror 2, Cosmic Tree, Ascending Angel Of Light, Visual Pattern 2, Night City Skyline - Waterfront, Aztecnical, Eye Of Shiva, Spatial Flower, Stained Glass Picture Frame, Being From Another World, Labyrinth, Art & Illusion, Decorative Plaque, Obscurity, Dissolution, Center Deep Cubed, Center Deep, Four Hearts, Complexity, Convex & Concave, Gemstone, A Rare Thing, Remains of A Lost Age, Alien Craftmanship 2, Visual Pattern 3D, Alien Craftmanship 1, Crosses Of Nature, Hollow Cubism, Faces Of Nature, Center Illumination 2, Wide World Of Sport, All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Artificial Flower, Inward Recession, Light At The Core, Man of Deep Sorrows, Technological Blueprint, Technological Artifact, Outward Side Pressure, Kissing Birds, Space Anomaly, Buddha Like Image, Center Illumination 1, Star Flower, Frontier 2, Frontier 1, Mindtrap 2, Magnified x X, Mindtrap 1, Molecular Compound, Crossed Elegance, Flag Of A United World, New Art 1, Energy Vortex Generator, Mother Of Pearl, Contact & Merriment, Cobra Headed, Octagonal Space Bowl, Fractal Art 4, Full Moon Over Placid Sea., Atomic Flower, Teleportation Station, A Mythical Being, Fractal Art 3, Spatial Dimensions, Fractal Art 2 - "Mind Probe", Microbial Beauty, Interlocking Spheres, Fractal Art 1, "Shattered", Egg Factory, Digital Flower in Full Bloom, Phases Of an Air Conditioner 2, Stoned Digital Mural, Digital Flower Blooming, Phases Of an Air Conditioner, Digital Mural, Portrait Of an Alien, Portal to Another World, Inner & Outer Spaces, Potpourri, Neural Circuit, Dark Star Mosaic,

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