
Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 19 january 2015

Should Christians really listen to rock music?

As an underground contemporary Christian music (particularly, hip-hop) artist, I believe that Christians have a right to do so. And I also believe that only a spirit of legalism would tell him that rock is of the devil and therefore Christians shouldn't listen to it.

The Bible says "The (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 10 january 2015

A Friendly Reminder Regarding Literary Evangelism

Before you use a term in sharing the Gospel message through literature, you have to be careful in doing so. Before using it, you have to be sure of what it means exactly. It's even wiser to first define the term properly for the readers before the further use of it. Otherwise, an audience might (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 6 january 2015


To all my Protestant brothers who are unwittingly embracing doctrinal relativism, 
First of all, let me clarify that I have no problems with the idea of Protestants and Catholics living together peacefully in a community. As a matter of fact, I have Catholic friends and I love (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 6 january 2015

No Religion is Above the Truth!

An Eastern thought says, "No religion is above the truth." Well, it's true! And I tell you what, followers of the Eastern thought: Jesus is the Truth!

He is far greater than all the teachings and philosophies of man which are in confusion. For in the midst of the dark forest of human (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 26 december 2014

I Do Not Despise Haters But I Despise Their Hatred

"I love haters."

This is the slogan that became a trend among some of my fellow artists in the hip-hop industry. With this slogan, these artists glorify people who hate people with, may they be haters of cops, women, rival gangs, etc.

Having been once a diss-track rapper, I am so disgusted (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 26 december 2014

Gracious Truthfulness

"For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." 
- John 1:17, KJV
The law, which was given to Israel through Moses, presented strict yet just rules for men. It demands justice and shows no mercy to the violator.
But grace and truth, which were given to (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 24 december 2014

Born Poor To Make Us Rich

"For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich."
- 2 Corinthians 8:9, KJV

In the richness of His grace, Christ the Son of God and Heir of all things subjected Himself to the poverty (... więcej)

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Pridham, 23 december 2014

Justin Timberlake Misses Lance Bass, Michael Turchin Wedding

Former boy band N 'sync singer Lance Bass has married aspiring actor Michael Turchin in Los Angeles.
While "Mirrors" hit maker Justin Timberlake missed the wedding due to his current tour, other former members of N 'sync Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick and JC Chasez attended their (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 13 december 2014

Philosophy Of Man & His Depravity

I have always thought of philosophy as simply “the love of wisdom” (Gk. “philosophia”). And by wisdom, I mean “the ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding” (Lockyer p. 1103). On these bases, philosophy for me is carefully knowing (... więcej)

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raj thampi

raj thampi, 15 september 2014

Few days from the life of Niranjana F(39)

Translations: Didi - Elder Sister
Sandesh - A kind of sweet (Northern India)

Most probably this will be my first work, published. The entire story is built against the timid, secretive, tabooed Indian culture, within, loads of things happen only in the dark.

Niranjana = Pure form of anything (... więcej)

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