Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 january 2013

The Millionaire

He was a Millionaire I met on the Beach in Miami
His condominiuim was all white
Do you think it would get dirty?
He had a closet that was electric like the cleaners
Turn on the switch and pick your clothes
He had things from all around the world
He didn't have a girlfriend or an ex-wife
He had  sold his company for 90 million dollars
Oh, the stories He told me.................
It must be Really hard to be wealthy; money cannot buy everything
He only told me his name was Zachary
He didn't want a last name
Just like some people don't want a pet
He was one of the kindest, gentlest, men I ever knew
When I got out of the University of Florida and moved
I often wondered what happened to Zachary?
Maybe He bought an island somewhere; is livin' in the middle of the sea
He would have liked that
I would have liked that, too

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 20 january 2013

War Games 101

I am lost-I need that game CLUE
I feel like I have been through a war
I have been captured and tortured
But maybe I can escape-I do not know
I don't have my dog-tags
13 rounds of ammunition
Still trying to dig out bullets
I am definately the private here
And getting court-martialed
Do I get a medal for Valor or just a commendation......?
Should I re-enlist?
Someday My war will be over and I can live in Peace
Please call the paramedics, I am wounded
Please call the M.P.'s, I have been assaulted
I need a helmet just to protect my mind
They even murdered Jesus and He suffered more than HE should have
I have to walk into the opposing force head-on
And I do not have a white flag.......

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 20 january 2013


Freeztag-Like my body having Frostbite
My body has this horrific Chill
I am Poker Face on the Outside
And silent on the Inside-Freeze
That mannaquin Freeze-Frame
A refusal; A mindset
Fill another Ice Cube Dispenser-Freeze
I am standing in this OH-SO Icy Pose
Will the Blackness ever go away?
Soon the sun shall come out and Melt Freezetag
And maybe I will be happy again..............                                        

number of comments: 3 | rating: 2 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 18 january 2013


My heart is beating so fast, I can't catch my breathe
In anticipation of you
I know you are out there somewhere
But I am not looking , as I know GOD will bring you to me
It has been awhile since I loved last
I loved and lost, but am not afraid to love again
Because this time it will be with GOD'S blessing
You can only be hurt if you let yourself be hurt....
So, please come to me, I know you are waiting, too
We will be one               

number of comments: 3 | rating: 4 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 18 january 2013


In a hand chain, just think of what one hand could do; if multiplied by two
A bridge of them to defeat the foe
Now magnify by ten and go
They reach your hand and touch your heart
From beginning to end, and finish to start
It's a wonderful circle of people holding hands
All across the nations, All across the lands
Locked in time with each other
Black, white , yellow, and tan
Never underestimate the power of the hand
Fingers intertwined and prayers being said
For all those still out there who think that Jesus Christ is dead
For He lives amongst us, He cares for each and every one
He puts his Hands upon us , He is the Chosen One
So give your hand to someone today
Bow down on your knees 
Lock your hands and pray........

number of comments: 5 | rating: 1 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 16 january 2013

Raising Me

Being born into a family Black and Blue was hard; to say the least
I was not the prodigal daughter; I was a black sheep 
A shirt with two double zero's on it...........
Never doing anything right was just oh so wrong
Sitting on a curb; dangling my feet off
Going to sleep in the basement; lower than my self esteem
Always undermined by my older brother; the Golden Child
Beaten in my mind til I was purple
Kept on lock down in my own home
Should I have held up a white flag?
I never realized the toll it took on me til I got in therapy
Her always asking me the questions......how did that make you feel?
It felt like an EMERGENCY......God, I needed Help.................
Twisted and worn, I left that HOME at age 17, and I am the person I am today, because of it
I asked GOD for help and HE listened every time 
No More Emergencies

number of comments: 1 | rating: 3 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 16 january 2013


She lies so still and breathless; waiting
For she knows it is going to come to an end
Why must it be this way and so restless
When they were so much more than friends
It hurts like a burn; yet it is healing
Knowing that life must go on
Feeling like a little girl that is growing
One more day into dawn.....
So, she is getting her wings and is flying
Is waiting for blue skies to soar
Is ready to move on to another
For she can take this no more

number of comments: 0 | rating: 2 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 7 january 2013

Somewhere in Tiajuana

She sat up late to contemplate, what life would be like with all the strife
Problems here, Problems there-some larger than others, but still everywhere
It seems that her time has taken its toll;but she's still fighting to reach her goal
To be the woman she wants to be, with all her wealth in her memory
For sometimes dollars aren't worth a dime
It's what she had stored for all her time
She spent looking back over the years of lost and found and planted her feet on solid ground
It's not easy going down memory lane,and re-hashing heartache all over again
But she stayed in time with herself-one on one; until her inventory was done
She forgot about the bad and kept the best;threw away the garbage and kept the rest
Put X's on some boxes and closed those doors;she'd already been down those roads before
Then she smiled and let it all go.......
On a dusty road in Tiajuana, Mexico            

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 5 january 2013


I shot an arrow through your heart; it is an act of terror and hurt
We never go on dates but you expect me to put out
I seek vengence for my anger
All those years gone by like a speeding bullet
And I am the one in Therapy??
I do not understand the lack of concern for myself
Yet, I am all consumed by your actions
You are flippant and callous in so many ways
I tell myself truth lies in REVENGE
I have gotten so bitten by your sharp tongue, I feel stabbed
How many stitches have I had because of you?
I am a recluse in my own life
It is only fitting to get you back for all the things you have done
But, I do not have the energy or the time
People say with age comes wisdom
I am an Owl, You are an Ass

For all the battered women still suffering..........                      

number of comments: 2 | rating: 4 | detail

Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 3 january 2013


There's a magic in the way you fall
Something earthly in your pall
Kaleidescope of ice and air; a million diamonds everywhere
The hills asleep without a sound, Stars frozen to the ground
To still the forests with a sigh,of snowflakes from the evening sky
Who would have dreamed you for this time
To be so flawlessly sublime
So tiny to transform the night,and captivate the world in white
Your frozen filigree could melt, Resistance any heart has felt
Because the love in your design was never seen by eyes but mine
A secret that will dissapear into the shedding of a tear
In whose reflection I can see, mortality of you and me
Would I wish back your silver lace, when myriads will take your place
They cannot match the glass GOD blew
To live a moment just as you            

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