
Satish Verma
PROFILE About me Friends (3) Poetry (3844)

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 30 january 2020

With No Apology

On the mount
a broad-leaved tree was preparing
for self destruction.
It was too cold
under the sun.
A small Christmas tree
with its needle leaves
waits for the snow,
to draw a self-potrait
in bitter winter.
Snow fall makes it
gold, when rain comes
and my hand knives the moon.

number of comments: 3 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 january 2020


It was not mental,
when you said, ―
in solstice, the body
and the physics of ashes become
one, the duality is lost
and indentation removed.
This fall it was a freak
weather. The tangerines are
covered with accusing ice. The
insomnia has set in the trees.
No body was sleeping
in gray.
Do not forget the prayer.
Retroactivily you can be pardoned.

number of comments: 2 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 20 february 2020

Show Me Your Jewel Box

Not reaching somewhere,
I was not today,
what I was.
You seek a hand
for a handshake, and I watch
the dirt gathering
on the nails.
Sky does not give you
an award.The soot
collects on the windows.
The blue skulls dance
to defy the earth.No forehead
was formed.How would you
read the destiny?
I swear, I did not fathered
the deity in a-
monotheist gathering.
A black hijab covers
the moon.

number of comments: 2 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 june 2012


A golden cave was afraid
Of a blue thrust.
Hands were not able to console
the mirror.

Let us step back for a
last laugh. You were talking
to yourself when the canary was
set free from the house arrest.

Ah, the paradise, after all, was
a myth. You had to beg for a violin
for democracy and stoop to pick
up a horsehair bow for playing the anthem.

You had cut your fingers in a fake war
with the moon.It was a miracle
knocking out the stars. A self-made
wound will never need the sutures.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 november 2015

Ending Of Time?

The identity moves ahead
of the shadow of truth
I search for the absolute
in vain. Can I remove the emptiness
and talk to myself?
The core feeling is same.
We flow in our own separateness.
I want to outlive my brethren
and eat my death alone.

Mindful I watch the kernel,
swaying tree is silent
I am here due to a fault in the genes.
Grief is not my skull house.
Each night I sleep with dry lips
dreaming a lake.
My pillow floats like a chopped moon.

Silence of anonymity
in the heart of a storm.
It is a curious apparition.
The vibrations of distant whispers
fill up the lungs,
ripping apart the veins.
My inside blood utters
a shrill sob.Where to go?
We cannot return back. Ending of time?

number of comments: 2 | rating: 2 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 december 2015

Full Stop

I allowed you to tread on me unflinchingly.
My mind on pause,
ungrieved you turn back the clock.
Enough to stun the century,
I take cognisance of divine’s club foot.

I did not believe in self-pity
but I was racing against time
to avoid a jealous path running with me.
Yet I was sleeping on bushes of estranged thorns
without locking my golden age.

Tulips are no more my favourites.
You have to dig deep to plant the bulbs
and wait. When death opens the door for me,
I wanted to be free from any commitment
and ready to walk in, like a foot soldier.

This cosmos is mine, body is for you.
It no more obeys my command.
No more commas are needed,
a final full stop will do.
I am returning back to my home.

number of comments: 2 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 november 2015

Passage To Unknown

At cultural opening of thin
layers of faith & consciousness,
a new breed of angels was
romping on our souls.
I suffered again for tiny spaces
between the thoughts.
Death cannot be intrusive.
It waits at the door of light.
The show will start when truth dies.

I go again for the reality of anticlimax,
the anxiety of endless flights into fantasies,
the hallucinations of falling trees.
Give me some space to pedal
the silken smoke of dark truths.

There was fire in my heart
and eternal burning
of a lake. I cared for tears,
the eerie memories.
The age-old pain of seeking
the liberation from twisted symbols,
simple measures of
finding a passage to unknown.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 8 october 2015


Offspring were preoccupied in their spiral career,
you feel sorry. You don’t get the sleep,
core-feelings flee from
the windows of an ailing house.
A cloud softens again in the eyes.
Wronged truth has created
an aparthied in ranks of candles.

Inner pain gropes towards
the spot between eyes.
You survive by the
whispers of absolute bliss.
Looking becomes a sequential text.
The self divides the darkness into hot flames.
Outpouring the anguish, the frailities.

At dawn the blackness
of dripping night fades.
The earth wins the moral nothingness,
beyond the regrets of inspired sermons.
The psyche is rooted
deep in the mud, topless
dust spreading the
message of preferred truce.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 13 october 2015


Alone with an untouched,
untainted voice in me
I blunder into a rarefied
mist of thoughts,
listening, holding my breath.
A pause amidst thunders of vocabulary.
Gratefully the end comes
liberating the sap from earth.

Intense pain isolates you
from the drama of life.
Maimed by three dimensional
negativity you walk straight
inhaling the scent of death row.
The tapestry of pain outlines the path.
Your shoulders are broad with pride.

Nostalgia of a blooming tree.
Grateful to summer
gives you the aloneness.
Like stars we are sailing
in our separateness.
The perfumed gathering tenders no apology.
I always detested the comparison of heights.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 15 december 2015

Living Legend

The flame will not die.
I pursue the path of smoke
the virtue of suffering
gives the pure light.
The book knows my inside truth
and tells no one. I weep for the swallows,
I could not feed.
I lay one white
stone for each death.

You will scatter my ashes,
in the abandoned land
where silence walks
and words lie like microcosm
of contemporary hunger.
Life was a cupful of tears.
The voices always spilled challenging
the fidelity of flowing water.

The living legend turns in grave,
I pray for peace
I promised myself to stand erect
when the quake comes.
I will save the flora
and the grass of dying earth.
I ask for one more life
to clear the debt & bleach my guilt.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 june 2015

Second-Hand Event

Movement spurts the truth-
an endless journey.
The constant search for beliefs creates confusion.
Craving and wanting
generates more conflicts.
The meaningless life drifts.
Can you go beyond your dreams,
beyond your yearnings?

I wanted to disagree with death
the ultimate truth.
Life had many connotations,
there was no deliverance from reflections.
No freedom from trepidation
ego was the last refuge.
The ending of self
did’t take you to liberation.

Urremitting flow of time
awakens your soul.
Stillness of thoughts opens
the muted doors of meditation.
It suddenly transports you to the otherness.
You are not your name.
The indulgence to self
becomes a second-hand event.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 april 2016

Valley Of Tears

Beyond the gaze there is a time zone 
of rumored agitation 
when you cannot sleep. 
You open your eyes quietly to complain. 
The caretaker has prepared the shroud. 
Smoke is rising on the hills. 
No body walks with you, 
it is a lone journey, where 
centuries throw the dust on your hallowed gifts. 
The pyramid of signs, symbols, signatures, 
disappear in penultimate flare. 
Time to leave the waiting room. 
The resurrection will take place now; 
of fear; of despair; of foot steps in dark. 
I will hear them, holding my breath. 
Landscape will change into valley of tears.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 16 december 2015

Faithless Autumn

Bleak landscape
transcends its shoulders,
writhes in pain.
I praise the light for green haloes
and tall figures, which cast
long shadows on parched lips,
my world. The hot sand fills the eyes.
A palpalable seizure shakes the horizon.

I drift like a dry leaf
on the winds of time
the perplexities of sand dunes
and dancing smoke.
What I was striving for all life?
A metaphorical silence
spends the energy of unspoken waking.
The rich decadence of things unhappned.

The occult rules the flesh
and the music of life dies.
The names start trading the tree,
full of flowers, inarticulately
to faithless autumn.
The twigs long for mother shape
the icons will swallow
the melting grief in vain.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 july 2012


The myopic tongues
of tall trees, going downhill
to find the roots of four-letter words of dead,
unspoken, but sung in dark.

They had come out of the skin.
River was flowing on emotional track,
with heavy eyelids. Father said,he would never die.

Your unborn children were tasting
the salt of the road still untaken. The pain
in the neck was grizzlier,
when the sun was retreating in virgin hole.

Moreover, the wrinkles will tell the tale
of truant hands who would not
play with the silken adolescence
of a delirious moon.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 february 2013


I turn around
an amputee

to live, for not living
fighting the inner war
like neanderthal in cave

my weapon
the serrated moon
cried in fluted dark

a glimpse of bare bones
the ash of a bleeding dawn
my shuttered courage
in urn
there was only one evening

Satish Verma

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 december 2012


There was thunder in the hut
teeth clattered under the ground.
Handcuffed you walk in inequality
to qualify for hanging till dead.
I may not tell myself
what was happening to me.

Moving in opposite direction
the bird was able to catch the smell.
My stance was always making a stroke
in the canvas of a tormentor
abbreviated in a muscular arm
starting violences of sleep.

Corralled in doorframes, keeping
the lights off, this was the nemesis
for asking for the change. Haungered, the
human being, absorbed by the
absence of chains which were not
coming in sight.

*On the fate of Kanu Sanyal, founder of naxalite movement, who hanged himself to death on 23th March 2010.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 13 december 2012


Yes, your name was sliced off
from the impasse. I will stand with you
to track the continental drift. How little
I knew about you and the prosthetic words.
Again and again I return to ruins, and
the dust and crumbling absence. Eyes
will speak for the wordless silence now.

Who will tell the truth for the murdered
thought? The cognitive silence? You don’t
want to see the light. The soul sits outside
the body. Pollution hits the mind. The words
eat the emptiness of facts and lies. A vertical
descent of speech.I should not have
listened to cries.

A memory moves in zigzag manner, accepts
the odyssey of man’s failing gods.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 14 april 2012


Beings of erotica were
at the gates of heaven.
Shell-shocked, the city was becoming political
but people were absconding.

It was global warming
for obscenity. The remoteness
was collapsing and moons
had come in my arms.

Smoking the serrated leaves
and glandular hairs, hurling
yourself on the pathway to estasy
to forgive and to forget.

The blue mercury was
ascending. Anti-depressants were
not working. You don’t own the
phrases. Words were becoming surrogate

for thoughts. We embrace the fall.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 7 march 2012


Incredible moon
tips the hallucinating tree.
Lake propels the waves to limbs
and strips to bank.

I wear my lightning
and enter into a process
outside body. The night
betrays and goes back to sun.

There is a frame of truth to be claimed
in a black sac, who slashed
his neck for the deity
of widening freedom.

Turn right, where the trembling
nation stands to pick up the fallen heroes.
I am going to write an epitaph
with my blood on the wind chimes.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 18 december 2012


Living against the food amnesia
gold bricks call for austerity
in passage of the hunger.

Canons hanging in their necks
it was the silence of death.
Whispers were floating in night.

The bodies will free us from
gold cure, tasting the forbidden salt
of stale lead of spices.

We will forget the color of lips
when you cry. Time falls
like a dead sparrow on faithless head.

When you hold a hollyhock
I look at the crescent moon
who was taking a shower after disrobing.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 7 december 2012


Keep the paper blank,
do not write anything new.
Words were abducted earlier also
Let the truth speak from the folds
of dying clocks.

Fauns were searching the human
abodes for fake currency of truth. There
was no method in their method. Do you
find a pride in their attacks? A strange
militia had joined hands with sleep mafia.

My soul colours the half-black berries.
The sum will not eat them.
Father was beaten in war of tricks
I still follow the laws of kindness
in filling the extended empty cups.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 30 october 2012


Fire in kidneys
was burning the basket.
Privacy of green thumbs
was intimately involved.

Let us share the candle light march
for the blossoms,
who would not stay
for old birds,

Read me again the epitaph
of the martyr, who wanted to remain
unsung, for the sorrow of
the flowing river.

Frenzy of a lone wolf was
inconsolable, when the dam spilled
the dead wood on the empty
bed of roses.

Satish Verma

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 january 2013


to inner voice,
peeling off the hurts,

hammered memories.
You dropp the answer
and throw back the question.

Something was totally amiss
Absence overtakes the presence.
The shadow was more frightening.

No movement,
A lull before a flash,
then explosion. The limbs will fly.

The ending of thought
or beginning of emptiness?
A green death starts thinking.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 january 2013


Rebirth of an anxiety,
of an abstract thought,
takes on the impossible of something
left between false and true.
Out of spite some body was betraying the life.

A bodiless lie becomes an imposter
beats the truth and walks away.
You, dumbfounded, discover a malignancy
in the roots of a crying tree.
The soil bacteria were taking over the grains.

The price of the sick crop, the insects,
the greed of the state, where the normal
man will go. The comets and the crabs
are circling the island. Scratch the prophecy,
and every man was turning against himself.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 20 march 2012


the ducks went into a howl.
A shirtless moon was walking
on the lake.
Darts had started moving
towards blue lips.

Gale was not able to speak.
sky will explode now, in stars.
Gambling with water, cheating
the fireflies
in dark bush.

Who was illegitimate on
the blanket?
The child was crying for the
lost coin.
King wanted the sun to hide behind the monolith;
his statue was being pulled down.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 january 2013

sui generis

Looting after the earthquake:
I have wrecked myself
on my own terms.

Bringing down the edifice
of human cult,
the man has come in the
spin of richtor scale.

Why does a crisis tears up the mask
and animal comes out?
An insect will wait for the hidden
dust to settle till dawn.

Along the rim, a glacier
has collided with an iceburg.
Now eyes do not hold water.
It is raining.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 july 2012


The visible was most

Watching the moon
through veil.

A bomb explodes
in your hands.
The poem wavers-

and then falls on dew.

This was not bone-green;
not a fake cloud –

to kiss the feet
of a burning god.

It was natural conjugation
between enemies.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 april 2012


Before sinking to knees.
I will talk to flowers.
Day of arrival has come.

In death, wisdom of trees
will eject the seeds
of fire on hip-locked roots.

A miracle will raise the bones
from the rage of crowd.
The king has agreed to depart.

Darkness sings in the
valley of sun.
Tongues are free to weave the moon.

Till the words are ready
to walk on street of sorrow
to remove the blood soaked prints.

Satish Verma

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 april 2012


It erupts and then sublimates
in thirst of response
from the faraway wholeness of truth.

Will not be the same
again this life in motion
of reverse malignity.

Lifting the passage from
script to justify the
suicidal chair of kingdom.

Every morning I wake, the
town weeps for the dead,
killed by street.

The grieving mother tolls
the bell, for each fallen horse.
Earth, receive your sons in shame.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 february 2013


Take me, share me if you can
my heart goes to my sun,
my feet will go to my moon.

O, little home
my dream was bigger than you
in the melody of sorrow.

Will I walk again on the
wrinkled sands? what can you
visualize, which I have never seen?

Praying in the scoop
of fingers I feel, gold nuggets
in the throes of doubts –

neatly dug out from the frozen
past, birds, smelling sex, souls
suspended in air.

Was it beginning of hate,
on the yellow mountains
where I am climbing with wooden legs?

Satish Verma

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 march 2013


When the hate began
where were you?

My clothes were on fire.
When you climbed the lips,
words were livid on tongue:
beyond the earth and sky,
water and air,

You stutter?
Speak not truth.
I don’t exist;
my flesh has become food
red meat,
dirty orchid!

I will forget me! !

Satish Verma

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 march 2013


Difficult it becomes, the secret of
the judgement and metamorphosis of
the painted cotton into a stained truth.

To save the present tense. A dangerous
crowd of vowels to express the incomplete
moment of watery teeth,

so hung, while misspeaking painfully
in dyslexic manneo. I would not
understand the hour-glass proxy.

An undersized leash to walk
with a giant: the magnitude of tragedy
overwhelms the path!

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 march 2013


Standing on a beam,
holding a black dawn,

my phoenix roving on dark river.
The bell still clangs;
I hear the footsteps.

A weird thought
spreads out on peripherals,
makes holes,

the undone communiqué
of a war
between knuckles;

the blind eyes
lift the fallen globe
of light.

I move from tree to tree.
Who was left unburned?
The sky was overcast.

Satish Verma

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 8 march 2013


You catch what was convenient
for age of denial. The exit.
Not being for nothing,
a better half of a belief.

Dependence was increasing
on wounds inflicted on others.

I stop at the mid of road
to turn or not to turn.
For the lost parapharases of existence.

The myth of amorality
was getting a new title. I close
a chapter of non-committance,
walk along a wheel chair.

I am not limbs, not topless.
The toes are prodding on a green vein!

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 march 2013


They walk in dreams
spirits of nameless faces
staring without eyes.

The screams:
of a child
on whom you poured boiling water.

The screams:
of a girl made to wear only flesh, because
she ran away with a priest.

The screams:
of a wipped woman
who tasted the laughing moonlight.

Death makes a big hole
in a spooky silence!
Are you listening?

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 march 2013


A randon creation
convulsed by grief.
Death of a pendant was not able
to recall the cleavage.

Kosher scream, the grandchildren
will not know the fakes of
reality show,

pure as honey, then the
scratching starts: look the tiger
was sitting on the branch.

Miracles will happen again
when the prince manipulates
the throne.

The dust melts in the local crowd.
Amid droughts there was a rivalary
to pick up the left over grains in field
between urchins and squirrels!

Satish Verma

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 may 2012


In longest night
of pitch-dark space
you disappear like an arrow.
No star brightens your face.
Rumor was cruising like a bat on streets
to capture the gullible victim
on winter solstice.
The snow was falling like

A little anxiety to taste the
dried out grapes
and listen to the hunger

You draw the lake
on a canvas
and then jump into it
with visible nakedness.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 january 2013


The road breaks here.
Give me something to heal the fractured earth.
Angels are too much for me, the
gash turns inward ripping apart
eternal vigil.

They head into the burning books
and then explode themselves
on wet sands, generating grids, blithely lethal.
Wired blind, the sun weeps.
A green catastrophe tears a huge iceburg.

Post-coitol emptiness. The sweet nothing
stops. He becomes everything, the world
was not. The clouds bleach, moon
strips to bone. The artist goes into
exile to find a fiction.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 8 january 2020


Blunt and bold were
the wet spots.
You bleed like me.
The seizure takes hold
of millions thoughts.
My sins are walking with me.
No annihilation of
the flesh. I was meeting
the spirits.
The face becomes pure
gold, when you
start burning the issues.
The years had survived
in slumber.
Death will not come to the hanged man.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 january 2020

Night Spots

Tonight the moon will sit
on the gazobe,
to have a look at the sea, rising.
On the night's shade
dewdrops will wait, till
morning glory blooms.
It was a long night.
My lamp starts to flicker.
I hurry up to finish my poem.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 january 2021

Losing Oneself

What would you give
when I ask for nothing?

A mysterious lineage
of the soul. It has no sequence,
no flesh, no body.
I was heading towards the edge.

Did you know the perfect
no home? It has no crumbling walls,
no hurting windows. The gray roof of sky?

The earth, the damaging
winds. An hour of awareness
in wait. You start
exploring jinxed mind,

hearing voices, but no words.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 january 2020

Phenomenal Defeat

A wine taster was
ready to begin the birth
of night.
A wrinkle displays
the absurd mediocrity
of the charter.
I will not play
in the hands of unknowable
I have my own map.
I am shedding,
my skin, my color. Only
a truncated god will speak for me.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 31 january 2020

Song Of Promotion

I am not going to touch
the meaning―
of nativity for unknown
A cameo appearance of some
god, does not take away the
most recent fears
of death.
The ghosts have their own
defences against scars,
bruises and unstitched
Give me a piece of unleashed
poem, my odyssey
has begun in

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 may 2020


To drink the sea,
spilled over
from your eyes was not an easy task.

It was getting
dark, outside.
Inside an eternal flame
of separation
was flickering.

About the consent
of owning
privacy of truth,
I withdraw
my comments.

Now no shroud was needed
to cover the naked body.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 31 august 2020

Compressed Emotions

I had met the flower
after a longtime.
The rose.

And its fragrance
hauls me to childhood
after the big dying.

A tender, scented dream
will touch me,
to become a poet.

Lying on dewed grass
you think, a promiscuous
microbial libido begins.

The explosion will eject
free verses, waiting in silence-
to witness- the April fall.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 21 may 2020

Will You Admit?

An indecent
exposure. It was not
a game, to kill
a panther, moving
around in search
of prey.

And the basic instinct.

The fundamental trait defict
was between hunger
and ecstasy, between beast
and man.

You will chase a
butterfly, not for pleasure
but to become
an animal.

This was the observer,
and that was observed.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 19 february 2020

Watching The Lethality

The blend of gene and name.
How you carry the
We are losing the war.
You are winning
the birds.
The sparrows have left
the nest of man,
in search of moving homes.
How do you spell the ruins?
I have never seen
a perfect shape.
Why did you try to
confront the wall?

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 march 2013


Those vicious strikes.
Beaten by sticks,
a panther dies on moon
in midstop.

Standing on a bomb
digging a tunnel
you pay obeisance to
the god of war.

This sweet revenge
for your forefathers?
Who could not walk straight
in the bastard crowd.

Spilling the sperms
O pimp of faith,
why are you selling
your poverty?

The heap of limbs
on the breast of a mother.
A hand of a child was cut
in every womb.

Satish Verma

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 march 2013


That yellow moon haunts me again
and overleaps my sleep.
I do not dare to walk in the graves
of your eyes. The palace
has broken.

Mere suffering was not sufficient.
You have to wince with pain
for a crucified secret,
dying for a graced truth.

Snatch me a tear from
the blind eyes.My precious rags
will make a sacred thread to wrap
you on your arm.

The bruised innocence does not matter
now.You walk like a prince in every dark
page of history. Light follows the
sounds of body.

Satish Verma

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 13 may 2013


Will you save me
when I take the call of the lake?
The swishing depth was inviting me
for a plunge in the purple pool.

How deep was the pain of a mountain?
The domain was again ailing
with subtle rumors of
a massive landslide.

An escaped love of a thorn
was splittimg open the embrace
of me and my mask. Totally denuded,
a face was dusting off all the self-made
marks of inflictions.

Will you walk with me now
up to the stormy night, where I have
a house of candles keeping a vigil
for a coffin of unflowered seeds?

Satish Verma

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 1 june 2013


From the blank book can I
lift some questions for the lofty hopes
when I lost myself near the home?

The fear was darting inside the white sores.
Keys were lost for the answers
and truth fell castrated.

The magic was fading from the cusps
of designs, unconceived thoughts were
seeking proportionate punishments.

Congeniality drifted from the
architect of hominid species. A nameless
storm plays havoc. Humble peaks bow

before the unmeasured meteors. You
can shut the orphanage now; no
bombs are bound for the wet crypts.

Satish Verma

number of comments: 1 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 9 december 2016

Somalia Calling

I met a talking moon 
on the road of death. 
What easily comes, goes easily with winds. 
I was counting the ribs of 
my dying child. He went into the 
woods to fight the unknown wars 
of hunger. 
Bunker: it went into flames 
sailing into brilliance of space. 
I am going to inherit the black grains 
of molten day. How I will confront 
the night tainted with bonfires 
of sunken eyes? 
God particles in tiny fists spreading 
the spun cotton, intitating a 
revolution of thoughts. A bumpy 
argument. The icon denies the guilt 
of mass killing. I want 
to remain unsung.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 14 november 2016

Blind Alleys

A nascent cry 
demands the signature 
of space. 
I will start the self destruction- 
clawing back 
on the land of 
The rule of sky was at stake. 
Trees were burning 
and the birds 
want to grasp 
the stark reality of notional violence. 
In dark hour 
I know not words 
to lift the eyelids 
the cloud, the flowers, the blood!

number of comments: 1 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 may 2022

Weird Dreams

Will ask hibiscus―
in twilight, to let moth
live its one night.


The bougainvillea
leaves, falling one by one,
always frighten you.


Bends like a bow,
the sickle moon, to pick up
its child in water.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 21 february 2015


This kitsch
makes you hollow,
You become blind in green
ready to make a dumb leap
from tall cliff.

Contempt for climactic throats.
The man walks on water
to meet death in icebox.

Pink torch like royal command signals,
black white moon enters a sober cloud
beyond the vibrations.

Now was the chance to kill
the light, fixing the graves.
One day the laughter was alive.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 17 february 2018

A Pilgrim’s Woe

Strange. You want to protect 
the house after the attack. 
Debunking the grammar. Take 
a look at the cavernous eyes. 
Do you find any rains? 
Refresh drops. You will 
need them, once a while. 
The life. Hides many grudges. 
It was scorching. A country 
of cantos in politics. The- 
language keeps on changing. 
What was next, nobody knows. 
The trees were there, the birds 
there, but there were no leaves.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 september 2017

The Final Call

Answers remain elusive. 
Stains were on shirt: 
You went on wiping- 
away the mirror. 
biologically, he wanted 
to get it changed. 
The pecking order. 
You were trying to 
move away, 
from yourself. Death 
was the missing link. 
Was it indecent 
to start the self-inventory? 
You start dancing 
on the inaudible music.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 december 2017

Looming Large

The art of losing the 
core-hurts, standing in deepest 
You want to see, what your 
prefrontal cortex thinks. 
The suffering: the debris 
fall on the eyes. 
Vast Greenland melts. 
The terror strikes. You 
inherit the barren land. 
I start talking with the 
spirits. In the shoe box, lies the 
past. The water was rising 
in eyes. The scent of moon 
sometimes misses the earth. 
The butterflies, sometimes 
come, declare the deadline 
for garden prayers.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 february 2018

Not Quite A Prayer

You had placed floating 
garden on the crest 
of five-headed white cobra. 
The hooded death, 
strikes; when you were 
tending to bonsai. 
Over to moon, 
you send the message. But 
The book was incomplete. 
On the way to 
tiny thoughts, an odyssean 
task to put the right words. 
I will go and 
stand on the edge, to 
watch the glorious senset.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 13 february 2018

A Sneak Preview

Hold your saliva. 
The kissing syndrome, 
is on prowl. 
A threat looms large; 
over the face on the face 
of most beautiful eyes. 
Are you fascinated by the- 
picture of shedding the skin? 
The reptile was most venomsus. 
Strikes, when you are 
sleeping. Floats into your house 
when it is dark. 
A remake of the horror 
of holocaust? Will it 
affect your lips?

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 february 2018


Midnight encounter. 
In moon, on sand. 
Why you were igniting a sheltered home 
of wounded pride? 
The blood spills 
over the sea, in boat. 
You were unrelenting, against traction 
violence of unhappenings. 
The blackness blooms. 
A man will cross midstream, 
writing on water the name of a lamb 
who refuses to surrender. 
I sit between the 
kisses of dragonflies. 
An empty paper nest waits for the wandering 
wasps to come back with stings.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 april 2018


The intrigues, the twists 
unravel the woven threads 
of the mystery. Traumatized 
and dazed, I play─ 
dice with the unknown to 
find out the truth. 
Confronting the purpose 
of existence, 
you come out of the flesh 
after flogging─ 
and start dancing 
with bones. 
Extremely poor, 
you play the hand 
and fail. 
Elsewhere someone 
climbs on the pole 
and sets the house on fire.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 november 2018

Streaking Alone

Like sly coyotes 
you move around 
the fireballs. You switch off 
the earthly lights. They are 
now oranges. Presently 
a broker will sell the wounds 
of the moon. 
Why did you feel sad of something 
which was unsaid? A thousand 
and one words will speak 
when the poem would be brought 
dead. You are not here 
not in the nakedness of lies, when 
something glitters which was not yellow. 
The twilight now settles 
in your eyes. Moon refuses to 
plunge into darkness.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 1 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 20 july 2019

Cracked Open

Living my own way 
like flint, 
you will not read 
my cosmology. 
We two, keep quiet in― 
the same book― I 
want to read some 
hidden message from you. 
A day slips into night. 
What a consumption of will. 
The train stops at the terminus― 
without a traveler. 
Stepping out, from the 
grave of body― you will throw 
a reflection, of the nerves, 
in a wreath.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 august 2019

Holed Up

You are becoming a 
frozen leak, the violet 
Ultra was not going beyond 
the zero. Here the― 
journey ends. 
Dispersion of light was 
increasing, the surface tension 
between me and religion. 
Again you are deflecting, 
taking an oblique route 
to find the truth. 
Who was the father 
of an unborn lie? 
I was not expanding any more.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 august 2019

Speaking Stones

When there was a cloudburst― 
it was time― I thought 
for the soul search. 
Again I turn back to― 
our complexity, in religion, 
caste and lineage. 
The prairie was giving― 
way, for a volcano to erupt. 
Can there be a drive from the back seat? 
A prisoner of one's own 
follies, you would wait till― 
the sky comes down and liberates you. 
The illegitimacy bursts 
open, when you claim that 
no child was left behind.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 5 august 2019

It Was Distressing

The red dot was sinking 
to smear the lake. It was 
in soft focus, the waning light. 
You want to bury 
the attachment, on the bank. 
Let the waves wash away― 
the footprints. The 
clan was in great distress. 
On ventilator, the icon was not dying. 
Innocence goes on the block 
I will not get a fair deal 
from the silence of the stone. 
The disk tumbles 
into obscurity. Who will 
bring peace to the withering art?

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 6 august 2019

About Unhappenings

Taking refuge behind the 
solemn words, you speak loudly. 
It rattles you, when you― 
hear, it was the world's end. 
I have not yet spoken to you 
about the happenings, which never happened. 
You want to slingshot the 
malignancy without your remedy. 
Illegible was the writing 
on the parchment. I must dig up the ruins. 
Matter of instinct, when you start 
washing your hands and spitting unendingly.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 7 august 2019

It Was Not Vicious

Digging deep into 
the body of moment, you have 
to find out the roots/of dopamine― 
blend of dopa and amine, 
circulating the gossip. It was 
a prelude before a personal take― 
into the consciousness of guilt. 
Do you need to bring in 
the demigods and tree nymphs― 
for fertility? The arboreal pain 
sends the apology of the shade. 
There was no need of any limbs to 
walk. Standing on the brink, 
you can reclaim the pyramids. 
The precocity of non-existence 
appears, when you start confronting 
the blue lake of tiny eyes.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 8 august 2019


Brown eyes: 
little things― 
I ask from you. 
This is the holy land, 
you can walk, without 
offering anything. 
I will not surrender 
an alter ego 
for a price. 
The walls scoop 
the shadows 
for future skin. 
A small pilgrimage 
for the 
dying god. 
It hurts when 
my lips will not touch 
the flame.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 9 august 2019

Blood Stained

For a long time 
I will look at you 
to find my image. 
In the grainy morn― 
the frivolity, 
Thrown from the roof 
a cluster of flowers 
for vanity.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 10 august 2019

Matter Of Fate

While ascending throne, 
you cover up your tracks― 
by putting up the somber demeanor. 
I don't find myself happy. 
No stings visible. The world 
is savagely beautiful, always 
indulging in finding a goat. 
Can you see through a person? 
Wooden legs cannot take you very― 
far. What you need was your intent, 
to scramble and make a kill 
of a subtone. 
The crowd goes in a tizzy. 
Tortoise in a bag, was moving 
faster than the man.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 august 2019

Times Are Changing

Addictive in shambles, that was 
cognitive decline― 
amidst wars of life, 
with a right to death. 
The gold dust falls 
from the dead, colliding stars, 
after the violence of giants. 
You may not need stem cell transplant now. 
Like a gamma ray burst― of 
cataclysmic events― to start 
the creation of verse. Were you 
ready to hear the inner voice? 
The urge to go up, was very strong 
without grit. My burden will 
increase if you are― 
reluctant to propel yourself.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 1 august 2019

Till The Ceremony

I accept, my defeat― 
in the hands of Ariel. 
You start hiding from your 
own chrysanthemums. 
Trying to merge the agony 
with the diminutive flight. 
The tale of a big fall from 
the height of assimilation― 
I will go all the way to 
challenge the unknown fear. 
The passage was full of 
bumps, slowing the pace of kisses.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 31 july 2019

After Meeting God

You should not be present― 
everywhere, O God. Pull down, 
all the shutters of your temples. 
I am mortified, of a 
hidden hand, that gives 
spurious― sugar coated hymns. 
A hometown crowd 
assembles at the door of the― 
palace to hear the arrival. 
What was the natural 
descent made of? A cyber attack 
was the most desirable thing. 
A crypt sets you free― 
from the engraved sermons. 
All night I will sit on the vigil, for a vision. 
The book was blank 
for a goodnight deal. I will 
not cross any unwritten poem.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 21 july 2019

An Awakening

Profiling the flaws 
after the ignition, starts 
the outrage. 
A stoic will assume a 
secret. The mute testimony 
against my naked walls. 
Your gifts are lying unseen, 
unused. I have gone, O tormentor― 
beyond your reach. 
When you would try 
to annihilate the vision, I will 
check the bleed of eyes. 
If the bell rings; 
somebody will arrange the table 
for anaesthesia.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 22 july 2019

The Rarest Thing

The night watchman 
has become an etcher. 
The stoning of the shirt 
must stop. These moments were the 
real sinners/beating the moon. 
A simple story becomes an epic. 
The belly buttons start 
stammering. Meaning did not take a bath. 
Canaries have gone on a strike. 
They will not sing on the edge of night. 
An oil painting walks out of the canvas― 
to become a parable. 
The creator of this art 
was done.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 23 july 2019

The Daphnia

The truth of my blood 
at the mensal 
without prayer and anguish. 
Will you be able to 
heal the rift between color 
and smell? 
The other face― 
offering the tears in 
cupped palm. 
The slant eyes will 
never know, the end of― 
the day under the shadows. 
The endemic fugue― 
tilts the balance of angels. 
The bay tree sends the condolence.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 24 july 2019

What Hospice

Becoming unsteady 
at points of darkness. 
Tinged with blue 
I am ready for the unspoken departure. 
How to reach out― 
for a situation, which was not? 
You sleep on the floor 
to hear the earth’s agony. 
A helix― surrounds the 
imperfect creation of unsavory thoughts. 
Abusive was the creator, 
The evil had a beauty in destruction.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 july 2019


was becoming unborn, ― 
untaught. Very fluid state. 
You could transgress the boundaries 
like the sea spreading over, 
on your land. 
My ankles giveaway. I cannot― 
walk incognito. Moon will 
not open the door. Nightshade welcomes 
with open arms. A climber 
with purple flower holds my hand. 
I may stumble. Almost done― 
disconnecting with present― 
and past. 
This is the sun. This is the 
sky. Circumcising becomes an 
escape, to cut off the bondage with yourself.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 july 2019

The Prairie Wool

The trapped body 
will not listen to baby fugue. 
The perception will find― 
the writing on the flute. 
For Neptune, the liquid 
carries your voice. 
The fugacity will find 
the tongue of eternity. 
The sea has divided 
the land. Water sends the wreaths. 
The future will keep an eye 
on the scavenger, time. 
There were signs. It was going 
to become a predator.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 july 2019

Violence In A Cup

The winged sex of the 
module/wants to stay naked. 
Everything backs it up 
to become a suicide bomber 
on the beach. 
A cactus will not bloom tonight. 
A shirt was loaned to the 
tortured torso without head and limbs. 
She was possessed by a 
black spirit of a squirrel, 
which was killed by a hatchet. 
Bit by bit a moth was eaten alive 
by the ants. Only the dry wings 
were clapping.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 july 2019

Confronting The Unknown

I walk for a short while― 
talking with the moon and 
thinking about the zero― 
and spirit and water― standing 
my ground, I ask the earth― 
tell me, whose fear was greater than mine. 
If god was blind, then why 
so many planets and moons? Is that true 
that between good and bad lives a shaman? 
There was something 
behind the walls. A lot of noises coming― 
out, as if nobody was perfect. 
The realization itself was hurting. 
The day I started sweating, 
reaching the icy peaks of understanding.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 july 2019

Seeking Carefully

Where do you stand― 
in the crowd, for the love of a cause― 
your feet cannot measure the ache 
of the earth, respecting the rhythm 
of a lone survivor. 
Can you believe in the fall of a titan? 
Stranded in accuracy 
for a salt lick for 
a zipless mouth wide open. 
what the flesh would not say. 
And I keep standing by the midriff to see the face.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 11 august 2019

Frost Was Setting In

No moon tonight 
I had to find― 
my path along the hedges 
by fireflies. 
The river was in haze, 
not wearing any scent. 
Some invisible hands were 
rowing a boat in midstream. 
At this time a god jumps― 
in, to sort out the memory of dark nights. 
Not dementia. But I will 
try to remember your face in moonlight. 
Once I had lost my way 
to your home. Now my 
home has lost me for ever.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 12 august 2019

Sheer Expanse Of Tragedy

Staring into nothingness― 
the body clicks. 
Smells the pungent fumes and/ 
cedes the suspension of tears. 
Quenchless, you drink 
the white phosphorus, glowing 
in dark, of 
stark reality. 
The barrenness will put 
up a Harappan seal, 
to come back. 
The stomata bleed. 
The blue salt was naïve. 
Will not leave the ocean. 
You cannot swim, 
you cannot drown.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 august 2019


The hunger was scouring 
each house― in utopia― 
daring you to open the door. 
Weavers were ready for― 
the moment― of encounter― 
to spin the corona. 
As if an asteroid was heading 
towards the silent ariel, 
to destroy its integrity. 
Beyond good and bad, there 
was an effigy of a designer― 
in dancing mode. 
It was a jinx in your 
speed. You would not climb on a 
walk without a rope.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 27 august 2019

Before The Sunset

I am trying to do my bit, 
nonpareil. A soundproof doer, 
erasing the palm from the painting― 
drinking the nitrogen from the air 
starving myself. 
Cannot bequeath my eyes, 
my thumb vision. You were always 
asking about my sadness, emptiness. 
I will not tell about 
the acid times. 
That killing instinct was not 
there. I will give you the 
unborn poems, that would not wear 
the death mask, my unspoken 
thoughts, peeling after the darkness and 
I will let you go to find your path.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 28 august 2019

The Atrocities

Friends and foes 
would have a scuffle 
about, who was going to pluck the lymphoma. 
A rainbow deflects, 
from your eyes, making 
me grasp for the breath. 
Seeks apology, while 
talking to trees, on boil 
was the language, under the poverty line. 
It does not make any sense. 
The rain catcher was on trail 
of a fugitive. 
The sun. Always hiding 
behind the veils of massacre. 
I am not going to face the moon.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 29 august 2019

Interlacing To Catch A Theme

With the tip in the center, 
this is the circle of an iron will 
undoing the circination. 
You are moving in a straight line 
now. The knots in the chest 
will take you to surrogacy. 
The needle's eye was watching 
you― gauging your grit. 
Can you take a prick? 
Without blood? From an 
urn you lift a red string to tie 
on the hands of unborn thought. 
You miss a line, a word 
an image. Still it happens deep 
inside. An angst constricts you in 
pythonic grip. A poem becomes you.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 30 august 2019

One Turmoil Deep Inside

Resisting your wisdom 
I want to remain, thoughtless. 
Not bargaining, I come in the crowd, 
to negotiate a stunt. 
The awakening, 
the trepidation. I pay honour 
to the great stress angler― 
my poverty of cruel jokes. 
Like a fox to reignite― 
the identity. I will move away 
from the body of blood soaked denials 
standing alone, against the genocide. 
Was still hungry, eating 
your violet-red― plums. Not was whole, 
the controversy. Somewhere a 
forensic evidence will say, mask was not real.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 1 september 2019


In fever, I will 
always see butterflies 
landing on your nose. 
White, yellow, black. 
They come and go and I am 
sitting under a cherry blossom tree. 
Stroking you, cajoling you 
to drop the wings. 
In grass the sun waits 
in a dew drop. 
The moon was not a poor thing. 
Will come in white robes 
to preach.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 2 september 2019

Shadow Boxing

Find an auspice today. 
The moon was coming back 
after an abdication. 
Lurching on cobblestoned stretch 
of blue-black clouds; paring 
the tall conical trees of 
royal pines. 
Heaped with roses, a man 
with no-war slogan, lies 
in the open earth. 
You will not perceive― 
any smell of smouldering pen and knives. 
The body turns without 
a comma.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 3 september 2019

Sound Bites

The plaques were being 
attached to the wall. You would not be able 
to go for refusal. The right to say no 
was inherent in yes. 
Accepting the exorcism and self― 
flagellation, exonerates you from the guilt of 
giving away; which was not yours. How 
can you claim that you are your own master? 
You tie a knot on the thread, hang it 
on the weeping tree, throw back your head, 
and wipe out all the questions, I wrote 
on your forehead. 
Peace― it will be mine.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 4 september 2019

Moon Burning

I become again a fakir, 
but not on alms. 
A giver wants nothing 
after a knife thrust. 
Take away as many as 
you can, my thoughts, my limbs. 
There is no language 
of charity, in the black hole. 
You are the one, who 
does not need any ladder. 
Sitting on the beach, watching 
the waves collapsing. 
One day you will move 
away from the walkway.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 august 2019

The Dumps

The words had started to fail me. 
There was always an ‘if'― 
before every war of hunger. 
The candlewick has burned 
out. I am collecting the― 
wax from the eyes. 
Wrapped agony, now lifts 
the dead bird from the 
rose bushes. 
The frosted god 
will melt to bare a 
black stone. 
I am not luck 
I am not the future. 
You know where this path leads into?

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 23 august 2019

Why A Poem

Unfazed you stand in― 
a drizzle, to locate the 
moon nestling in clouds. 
The speed of bite was fatal, 
showing the movement 
of incompleteness. 
I searched the identity― 
of one anonymous, who 
had fathered an illegitimate eunuch. 
I wanted to make a 
confession, looking at the 
blue sky, about my waywardness. 
The crazy thing of mixing 
the flowers, winds, moon and birds 
with serious chores of life. 
Unmistakingly a poem.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 13 august 2019

A Fracas Goes On

Remarkably steadfast, the 
mighty oak was standing up, as 
the thick rain was pounding at it. 
I had come a faraway to unleash 
the tenacity. 
The flesh and the moon. 
It was the anniversary of ropes 
and shackles. You should not have 
adored the distant dreams 
without touching them. The transcript 
was not ready. No template 
was perfect. 
I would not know most of you. 
That was a bliss. In blue and dark― 
I will sail for nothingness. No more, 
no less. The chirping, synchronized trill 
of crickets, encourages to stand still, I listen 
without hearing. 
I have come back to zero.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 0 | detail

Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 14 august 2019

Sting's Betrayal

Not settled anytime 
between a beast, an angel and the man: 
who was indebted to whom. 
A cyclic ritual it was, to pay the debt 
to the eternal dancer, who 
was, harbinger to catastrophe. 
Not wanted to be judged. 
Fatherless, a shadow moves― 
in the womb of justice. 
Why do the moon was in distress? 
A catmint will improve― 
your vision. 
No artificial insemination was― 
needed. The pungent smell 
would put you off. 
A taste of triangle, lying 
next to the moon 
in bed of water.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 15 august 2019

Dog Days

Why do I give you the bliss― 
of my poverty? 
The burden of asking, was light. 
Not like the unquenchable 
thirst of a desert. I will be a 
night blooming cereus. 
In exile, I will remember 
your sky, tying the stars in 
my poems, to recall your shades 
when the moon moves away. 
The sunlight throws the voiceless 
profiles of clouds, motionless 
suspended, waterless― dead. 
There is no traffic, no history 
of any scandles. The corners of 
my prayer book have― 
become dog-eared.

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10 - 30 - 100  

Other poems: Over Your Dream, Watching A Miracle, No Complaints, Between Whips And Tether, Travesty Of Truth, The Saga Of Breakup, The Saga Of Breakup, Playing Chess, The Trial, Leaves Are Changing Colors, Broken Bridges, Misty Memories, In Temperature, O Trinity, Studying Life, Nonetheless, I Write With Red Ink, Everything Is Black, Tangerines Sing, Touching Everywhere, Taking Revenge, Poetic Justice, Suffering Was Right, I Was Lost, Dogmatically, Justice Pure, Amnesia, Compromised, By Kisses, The Entity, Quartz, The End Starts, Echoes Travel, Picking Relics, To Dying Muse, The Voyager, Itinerant, Between Done And Undone, I Remember, I Am You Are, Greek Thoughts, Unseeing You, The Man And God, Savagery, Waiting For Flames, Deep Voices, Jumping The Wall, Beside The Truth, Bifurcation, In Deep Dark, Humanized Pain, It Is Getting Dark, Wearing The Crown Of Thorns, Good Bye, Unstable, You Deceive Yourself, Not To Annihilate, Virgin Defeat, The Pain Was Not You, Art In Dying, I Will Survive, Nameless Agony, Flagellation, Repeat Sins, Pencil Eyes, Clear As Water, Getting Solace, Knowing Myself, When You Had Left, Past Actions, Another Harbinger, Black Masks, Missing Words, Falling Man, I Ask Nothing, No One Survives, Going Into Space, The Essence, Abrasions, Unsung, Celestial, Divine Revelation, Departing, Don't Touch The Black Sun, Noiseless Murder, Nothingness, Parting, Not I Not You, Deceiving Self, I Go Outside Me, Absolute Being, Silver Moon, Believing In Myths, Where Do The Sprits Go?, I Was Unknown, Searching Peace, Holiest Dilemma, My Vision, The Crescent Moon, Quiet Introspection, Untraced, Sisyphean Ambition, Stalking The Spring, Motionless, Convulsions, Convulsions, Blood Prints, On Naked Paper, Curtain Call, Like Memes, Seeking Peace, Embracing Dark, Whispering Clouds, Into Dark Abyss, Talking To Spirit, Art In Pain, Raw Dreams, After You Left, Naked Truths, Searching My Voice, Prayer's House, Released, The Walls Are Rising, Inheritance, Prerogative, Summer Solstice, Fairy Dance, Dark Circles, Song Of The Sky, Vision And Vibrations, Vision And Vibrations, Of All Time, Don't Die, Gospel Truth, Predicament, Learning You, Thought To Thought, Trembling Vibes, At The Edge Of Life, The Madness, Your Empathy, Sad Protégé, After Thoughts, Blue Sunstroke, Blue Sunstroke, Empty of Answers, Were It You?, Changing Name, Multicast, No Regrets,

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