

steve, 27 august 2019


There's a "monsoon" pouring down... in my heart and in my head...
And I can't stop the rain... from things that have been said,
The torrent that is rushing by... is washing me away...
And the years keep coming faster... leaving only yesterday,
Dreams I used to carry... have turned to nothing more...
Then vessels on the water... never reaching any shore,
The winds of time are blowing strong... but have yet to lift my sails...
And nothing that I've done in life... have ever tipped the scales,
It's like I'm here, but I'm not... and nothing that I do...
Will change a single thing... or make me visible to you,
Sometimes when I think I'm right... everything is wrong...
The years are passing way too fast... but nights are still too long,
If I've learned anything... it's that life's not what you think...
And when it's good... hold on tight... for it passes in a blink,
So let the rains fall down upon me... let it wash all over me...
Let my tears fill the rivers ... that are heading out to sea,
Let the tides rise and wash away.. the pain we hold onto.....
And maybe give us one more chance, at love we once knew.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 26 august 2019


The hunger was scouring 
each house― in utopia― 
daring you to open the door. 
Weavers were ready for― 
the moment― of encounter― 
to spin the corona. 
As if an asteroid was heading 
towards the silent ariel, 
to destroy its integrity. 
Beyond good and bad, there 
was an effigy of a designer― 
in dancing mode. 
It was a jinx in your 
speed. You would not climb on a 
walk without a rope.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 25 august 2019

The Dumps

The words had started to fail me. 
There was always an ‘if'― 
before every war of hunger. 
The candlewick has burned 
out. I am collecting the― 
wax from the eyes. 
Wrapped agony, now lifts 
the dead bird from the 
rose bushes. 
The frosted god 
will melt to bare a 
black stone. 
I am not luck 
I am not the future. 
You know where this path leads into?

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 23 august 2019

Why A Poem

Unfazed you stand in― 
a drizzle, to locate the 
moon nestling in clouds. 
The speed of bite was fatal, 
showing the movement 
of incompleteness. 
I searched the identity― 
of one anonymous, who 
had fathered an illegitimate eunuch. 
I wanted to make a 
confession, looking at the 
blue sky, about my waywardness. 
The crazy thing of mixing 
the flowers, winds, moon and birds 
with serious chores of life. 
Unmistakingly a poem.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 22 august 2019

Be The Human

Not giving or taking. 
I will share you― 
in water. 
Believing was not significant. 
I was holding you 
to implode. 
Not your words, not 
my script, will translate 
the thumbprint. 
A time comes, when 
you become your own father, 
to carve out the pure truth. 
The duality bothers 
a lot. You want to convert 
the myriad into one.

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Satish Verma

Satish Verma, 20 august 2019

For The Heritage

For the beasts and men, 
a transition will not work. 
This was explicit cap― 
the polar ice was melting. 
He will not take the slights 
for the moon. He will 
not go far from the eyes 
of stars. 
Not enough, the astringent 
microbes were peeling off 
your mask. Sometimes you want 
a frugal strangulation. 
Incredible. The words 
were making a mound, out― 
of the space, left by 
the departed fever.

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Esther Hadassah Sendeza

Esther Hadassah Sendeza, 19 august 2019

A Special Kinda Love

I have fallen in love with myself, 
In love with the entirety of everything that speaks me.
It has been one long way to get here, 
But every step,
every scar has got me here.

I have fallen in love with myself, 
With what I am now and what I aspire to be.
Writing vows to myself on how I promise to treat me,
For better for worse, ‘I do' with my inner being.

In our younger years,
most of us aren't taught fully, 
The most important lesson of all in the school of life.
To love ourselves first deeply and unconditionally, 
To believe in ourselves before others believe in us, 
To fall in love with all that we are and the greatness we could be.

Yes, I have fallen in love with myself today, 
And this is just the beginning of a great love, 
The kind that survives all odds and inspires, 
The one that has meaning and immense depth.

I have fallen in love with taking care of me inside and out,
Investing in the health of my mind, body and soul.
Radiating so much love within that overflows on the outside, 
Oh, this kind of love has got me speechless.

It may have taken so long, but I am finally here,
The journey was long but worth every tear.
Everything that makes me ‘me' is precious,
Damn, I have fallen in love with my very core.

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Esther Hadassah Sendeza

Esther Hadassah Sendeza, 19 august 2019


Take the time to regroup.
Cry if you have to, 
Focus on mending your soul, 
Then start the work.

Rebuild your heart, 
Piece by piece at your own pace.
Remember what made it beautiful, 
Paint it with radiant colors, 
Make it more beautiful than before.

Remember who you were,
Before you fell apart.
Then recreate yourself, 
And become much better than before.

Do all this, 
On purpose.

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Esther Hadassah Sendeza

Esther Hadassah Sendeza, 19 august 2019

Not My Heart

Stop looking into my eyes, 
You'll find nothing there.
Stop trying to let yourself in, 
I have locked all my doors.

Stop throwing your heart to me, 
Because I won't give you mine.
Stop opening up to me Because i won't let you in.

See I have built walls so high, 
That no one can get past.
So, don't give me your heart, 
Because darling, I won't give you mine.

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Esther Hadassah Sendeza

Esther Hadassah Sendeza, 19 august 2019

Your Lifeline In A Crumbling World

You are your lifeline, 
So take care of yourself.

Love yourself, 
Fill yourself up, 
Cheer yourself on,
Believe in yourself, 
Invest in yourself.

Take breaks.
Let it out.
Give yourself pep talks.
Dip yourself in coconut oil.
Give yourself time.
Take a one hour bubble bath.
Take yourself on a date.
Go on a road trip.

Take care of your mind, body and soul, 
Because you are your lifeline, 
In this crumbling world.

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