Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 stycznia 2013

For Kristen and Rich

I said a prayer for you today; For all the times you went astray
I still care for you; none the less
Even though "WE" are such a mess
It seems it's been going on so long; and we haven't been that strong
Why can't we just let it go? It's dead and something we both know
We used to laugh and smile and love; From all the Grace we got from up Above
Now we fight and call each other names; You say we just "play little games"
I think you are wrong and I am right; Somewhere in this drama fight
For Love is blind and Fool's can't win; what is put right in front of them
Let's end this war right now
And go on with Life
We will make it somehow
Through all the strife
Cause only GOD knows; we are ready to bow                   

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 stycznia 2013


She rides the bus each morning; wishing she had a car
The smell of the fumes are overwhelming, but she has no choice
At each stop someone "New" or the daily person gets on
Most of the time she gets a seat but when it is crowded she holds on to the upper bar
Once in awhile someone nice will ask if she wants a seat
She looks around to see all the different colors and patterns
Shoes, Coats, Dresses, Briefcases, Suits, Umbrellas
Someone talking louder than all the others
The Bus Driver looking in the rearview mirror.........
Seeing what there is to see
She thinks to herself.......
Driving must be better than riding the bus?                

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 29 grudnia 2012


Are you really finished; do you recieve God's word
Do you go to war for Him daily like a battleship
Without surrender; only to Him
The world is a terrible place and we must Praise God
Every day, we must give thanks for every morsal of food
For it is finished-the day of old, the day of good things
Neighbors helping neighbors, man helping man
Walking down the streets without fear
Without judgement, no place to hide
Walk in righteousness for He is watching
Pray in strength for He is listening
It is finished for those who do not seek him out
It is finished for the murderers, the rapists, the child molesters, 
May we pray for those still out there daily that it is not finished for them..........
That they may come back to God and revitalize their stronghold

It is finished for anyone NOT knowing God

Tetelestai, meaning "It is Finished" from John 19:28 and 19:30                         

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 21 listopada 2012


People do not understand the position of the weary
Tired and lonely, they tread on
Into the Garden of Earthly Intentions
Cruelty surrounds them-a circle of mockery
A lifetime of behavior;taught by others
Why the torment they ask-were we someone's possesions?
Do we live a life of solitude and and square walls only to find our own demise?
The long road to nowhere, the short walk to Neverville.
A box; living in a self contained unit
Trying to escape their own reality
While everyone looks on
The world goes on around them and mocks their uncertainty
Pokes fun of inadaquacies and jokes at their lives
It is sad in Neverville-no smile, laughs or grins
Only the heartbeat of a lonely soul
Crying out for Mercy one last time.        

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 25 lipca 2013

A Blessing for a Friend

I said a Prayer for you today.......
It means saying that it is O.K. for you to twist me like a pretzel
I feel the need to DRIVE very fast and go 300 miles
I thought you and I would reconcile our differences
The only difference is me not caring anymore......
Love is as good as you make it and as bad as you ignore it
I feel better knowing that you are happy
I KNOW what happiness feels like
Please don't forgive yourself for all the things that you have done
It would be a far reaching gesture
Be wonderful, love yourself as I do
I can still hear you whisper my name
Like tickeling my ears with a feather
Have a wonderful life an move on......


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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 6 września 2012


The long goodbye; like taking a puff off your last cigarette
Where do all the young lovers go?
Being so lonely after the affairs of the heart end
On the turnstyle of life, round and round
Their heads spinning with the lack of desire
Felt from days gone by
Lustful dreams; broken memories
The lament of love songs still ringing in their ears
Of what was said to each other
It is a sad thing, this forlong love
The break-up of destiny
Lost forever, only to meet in a back alley street some moonlit night
Under a starry sky-why must it be so hurtful, can't I just let it go?
Move along and find another
Or was He the only man of my years?
Please tell me there is good and plenty
Do not tease me or test me; for I am heart broken
And have no love to call my own

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 14 marca 2013

One of my favorite sayings

Wherever you live is your Temple if you treat it like one.....Buddah   

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 20 stycznia 2013


Freeztag-Like my body having Frostbite
My body has this horrific Chill
I am Poker Face on the Outside
And silent on the Inside-Freeze
That mannaquin Freeze-Frame
A refusal; A mindset
Fill another Ice Cube Dispenser-Freeze
I am standing in this OH-SO Icy Pose
Will the Blackness ever go away?
Soon the sun shall come out and Melt Freezetag
And maybe I will be happy again..............                                        

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 20 stycznia 2013

War Games 101

I am lost-I need that game CLUE
I feel like I have been through a war
I have been captured and tortured
But maybe I can escape-I do not know
I don't have my dog-tags
13 rounds of ammunition
Still trying to dig out bullets
I am definately the private here
And getting court-martialed
Do I get a medal for Valor or just a commendation......?
Should I re-enlist?
Someday My war will be over and I can live in Peace
Please call the paramedics, I am wounded
Please call the M.P.'s, I have been assaulted
I need a helmet just to protect my mind
They even murdered Jesus and He suffered more than HE should have
I have to walk into the opposing force head-on
And I do not have a white flag.......

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Kahlia Mazacalletti

Kahlia Mazacalletti, 28 stycznia 2013


He Haunts me.....I know he is watching
He Teases me.....I know he is waiting
It is a powerful connection but we have never met
I just want to say hello.........
Are we being overcautious because of our pasts?
We PRAY because we need to
I see him in my dreams.........
But only sometimes........
It plagues me to think that it may never come to be.......
Maybe it is just a fantasy
It is always with me.........
In my Head

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