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4 lutego 2012

My Secret

There is a tiny angel,

Locked away

Within a cage of ribs,

Next to my heart.

She whispers to me,


Sweet Endearments,


Never to leave my side.

I ignore her.

But, she is not angry with me.

There is a tiny angel,

Locked away

Within a cage of ribs,

Next to my heart.

She sings to me,

With a voice,

Of pure sweetness and light.

I drown her,

With rivers of alcohol,

I sting her eyes,

With foul tobacco smoke.

I abuse her.

Yet, she continues her song.

There is a tiny angel,

Locked away

Within a cage of ribs,

Next to my heart.

When the nights are cold,

and dark and lonely

Sometimes, I let her out,

We look at one another.

We both smile.

But, only,

For a little while,

The briefest of time

Then I lock her away again.

She does not protest.

There is a tiny angel,

Locked away

Within a cage of ribs,

Next to my heart.

I must keep her hidden.

Never to utter her name.

For such is what life has made me.

My path already trod.

She is my secret.

And, will remain within me,

Till the end.

pozostałe wiersze: My Secret, The End, De Profundis,

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