3 lutego 2012


by Angela Lucius
Published in Darkness Deep 2011

Like a fragile wisp of smoke, a vapor thin
Underneath his door, she enters in.
She sprinkles sand into his sleeping eyes
Careful not to wake him with surprise.

With whispers in his ears, she does confess
That her intentions are no more, but to molest.
Planting in his dreams her deep intent
And that he has no choice but to consent.

Bound about the wrist with unseen chains
His blood begins to pump inside his veins.
She slithers neath his sheets just like a snake
Sending chills and shivers like a quake.

She slowly makes her way up to his thighs
The heat between the sheets begins to rise.
She breathes upon his neck with evil grin
Knowing fairly well it is a sin.

With wicked pleasure biting on the vein
She sucks him dry til nothing does remain
When she's had her fill, she wipes her lips
And licks her fingertips, so nothing precious drips.

Loosening the chains that bind his hands
She leaves her kiss upon him like a brand
And like a fragile wisp of smoke, a vapor thin
She disappears the way she entered in.

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