
AJ Ryan
PROFIL O autorze Poezja (23)

15 stycznia 2012


You all run, dashing like raging bulls
Dodging gatling bullets to leave a crackless skull.
You shoot every sitting duck until swimming in pool of red,
All with the power of a finger pull.

You wear off your legs it does appear,
Time for a new pair to help you persevere.
Like gladiators, you fight to the last hit dead.
Here stage crew, shine the spotlight over here.

Like a swarm of bees in the same uniforms,
You unite, never leave one forlorn.
For your beloved nation, blood is shed
And miles are walked in rough storms.

It's clear as day, your nation's in your heart and veins.
It's for honour, it's love, it's torture and pain.
You're heroes, admired, in our prayers before bed
And cherished like pure golden chains.

It is never always the happy bedtime story.
Tears will be forced out, the battlefield will get gory.
But throughout upcoming years, let this be read;
Soldiers, win or lose, you are men of glory.

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