AJ Ryan, 5 maja 2012
I'm fine, in the room...just fine.
But then black purples and greens flash.
If only I cluld stay conscious, stay fine,
But I become a wingless plane and crash.
I'm awake again, vertical staring faces
Block out the blinding lights.
That awkward moment of staring faces
And being asked "Are you alright?"
I leave the room mumbling curse after curse,
Helped by teachers smaller and stout.
I question this misfortune, this cruel curse,
And desiring that the day finishes out.
My face, coated in strong scarlet,
Is covered with a colour so sick and pale.
I'm ashamed, even my bones are scarlet
As my mind replays that epic fail.
Well that's another one tallied up,
Even in my youthful years.
The news is a virus, spreading down and up
Through walls, to satirical ears.
The bell rings, and I escape the prison,
Unnoticed and not chased after.
My mind's still in shock, caged like the prison,
And I can't wait for the laughter.
I'm like a shirt in a paintball fight,
Left with an unremovable stain.
It just has to happen to me, something I can't fight;
That awkward moment when I faint.
AJ Ryan, 12 kwietnia 2012
I am the goalkeeper
Of Manchester United
Leaping like an agile leopard
For the ball powered at me.
I am a cage fighter,
A pitbull viciously
Attacking anyone who
Dares enter my ring.
I am that guy
People can see
Touching the dry sky
And his fluffy clouds.
I am never the same,
Never who I really am...
On my trampoline.
AJ Ryan, 29 marca 2012
The luxury's shredded up by loan sharks.
Life's a flair that lost its spark.
I sometimes needed reminding who I am.
But you ignored the stormy gusty mists,
Never cursed, growled or clenched fists,
But took me gently by the hand.
Under rain and a street light, I strummed my guitar.
I even sold the bloody car.
In 2012 money rolls in and flies away.
But you gave me reason to continue to live,
Made me think I had more to give
And guided me through every diabolic day.
I was always stepped on like a pedal,
I never even saw a trophy or medal,
Never a Champion of the World.
To me you're the gold medal winner
When it comes to love and the evening dinners
And never letting go of our girl.
I could never pay the rent.
My future took dent after damn dent.
Life's a crashed car that can never be repaired.
Life has beaten me in the end.
I'll love you always, my darling, my friend.
This poem is my last goodbye to you. Take care.
AJ Ryan, 30 stycznia 2012
Like an owl, I see no light. I'm lost.
In my shadowed room I stay.
You removed the scintillating gloss
From every single beautiful day.
I was proud as a peacock,
I was happy and hefty.
Now my life is a dead broken clock
Because you left me.
AJ Ryan, 29 stycznia 2012
The cold black leather
Glues to me as I
Sink in comfortably
Without a fight in my tired body.
All that enters the room
Just can't stagger to their feet,
Surrender to the noble
Furniture royalty.
It blends into the room
Like a shy bat in the shadow.
Years have passed...years.
Cracked wrinkles are now covering
It's shining skin,
But like an untamed
Sixty-Nine Mustang
It still does the job,
Oh boy it does.
AJ Ryan, 28 stycznia 2012
I look out of my bedroom window
And gaze in awe at the thick black night sky.
The stars pierce the whole atmosphere
With their shimmering shine.
I see the moon, a ball of light
Outstanding like a sore thumb,
Proving his status as
The lamp of the night.
I then turn around
And see,
The damn homework on my desk
That I still haven't bloody finished!
AJ Ryan, 28 stycznia 2012
The nature blossoms boastfully
Like a vivid, colourful flower.
The evergreen trees stand rigidly over me
Like they're green and brown towers.
The sizzling sand trickles through the soft toes
Of those who promenade on the beaches with ease.
You can escape the cold all loaths
And be painted tan in a pleasurable breeze.
You can buy a convertable and roll in it
Through avenues, past villas.
Life is free, you're in control of it,
No need to fight life like guerillas.
You can drive by majestic snow-topped mountains
And winding safe sunset roads,
Driving like you're aiming for the horizon, no day counting.
When to stop? Don't really know.
The city lights glisten like glitter,
The buildings themselves are alive and breathing.
Some throw this life away like litter,
I'd find it impossible leaving.
Yes I do worry and lose the smile
When I think of the San Andreas Fault,
And I adore Ireland, the Emerald Isle,
My love for here is strong as asphalt.
Still, I dream and dream more every damn dream
Is situated in just that one place.
In one second I can think of California's supremes,
And get that cute happy face.
I want to be there under the fiery sun
And under the sensational soothing moon.
There's Utopias all around the world, but this is my one.
California, I hope to see you soon.
One day California...
One day.
AJ Ryan, 25 stycznia 2012
An out-of-tune harmony
Embarassing sound in its entrirety
A shabby, dented car
Coughing for fuel
A sturdy stage floor turned into a trap door
As it collapses under innocent feet
A cold stone monument that
Topples like mature timber
A prancing deer, sipping spring water
Shot, blown dead
A tall scaffold
Crumbling like biscuits in hand
A fishing boat
Eaten up by a hungry wave
This is what my day is like
AJ Ryan, 21 stycznia 2012
Clean shining blonde hair,
Eyes blue and bright like icebergs.
My future falling down the stairs,
His going high and skyward.
In the dictionary, defines
Confident and Charismatic.
The Saviour, the hero all the time.
Strolls in, makes the girls ecstatic.
Runs past me and the wind,
Fit, healthy and athletic.
Cute smile and cheeky grin,
In no way is he pathetic.
Dear money, dear cars
And a dearly fancy mansion.
Snooker table, basement bar
And wardrobe of Milan fashion.
Most futures around here are
The alleyway light that's dim.
All prays and wishes on a star
To be our nemesis, to be him.
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