| Scott Mitchell |
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Scott Mitchell, 7 stycznia 2015
Sonatas, be surely defined
when closed lush lips, to his soul
whisper the sweetest wine
Horizons, be known to endure
in low light when the moon ignites
as he consumes what once was yours
Stars, grasped as a tigers mane
stilettos point to the sky
in sharp reciting of his name
Scott Mitchell
Scott Mitchell, 9 lipca 2014
Any instance my eyes turn away from you
don't conceive I've lost my affection
I'm solely focused on things to come
as we stare in the same direction
Anytime I don't say how my love is
don't allow your heartbeat to skip
Some things are too grand to reveal
as profound words escape my lips
Nothing voices louder than our silence
vacant phrases, yet souls defined
Nothing could inspire my heart to quake more
than your eyes looking up into mine
Every time we're burdened with distance
I embrace my pain of your presence missing
Affirmation I've finally found the one
no reluctance for our hearts giving
I want every tomorrow holding you
don't ask what tomorrow may hold
We can grey and our bodies wither
but "we" forever will never get old
Scott Mitchell
Scott Mitchell, 18 marca 2014
Where were you Bonnie
as my machine gun jammed
It felt like the entire world
was against me as I ran
The dream we made
is not a one man show
You left me hanging
now I'm in a jail, alone
I was left behind Clyde
Set aside by your selfishness and pride
You had a dream and I dreamed it with you
For you, I abandoned what I knew
To build uncertain tomorrows
in the name of love
I’d never walk away for good, Bonnie
I only needed a little time
You were my one and only
are you happy for the tears I cried?
I finally swallowed my pride, but
I feel this lump in my throat
Forgive and break me out of here
or send a key in the next note
How can I walk away from the man I owe my sanity to
It's like asking me to survive without a heart
And as long as air filters through my chest
we can never be apart
But this time I want no empty promises
No surprise or short-lived bliss
My Clyde, I swear to get you out of this
You don't know all you did, Bonnie
confirming the love that never dies
There are banks we haven't visited yet
and endless nights, gazing into eyes
We've both gotta be tough
as them evil cops will press us hard
They may pry you from my cold dead fingers
but not while there is gas in our car
Scott Mitchell / Catherine G Vilbrun
Scott Mitchell, 4 września 2013
Throwing bottles to the sea with last hopes
replies from the queen were to no avail
In each, contained a small piece of his heart
each one was destined to where he once sailed
Spent himself, he did, on rejecting ears
her angel eyes he dreamed of, turned away
Accepting the fate of all of his fears
moments shared with others did not ease pain
In dark days he accepted his demise
seduced to follow a new warrior's quest
Still echoes of memories pierced his eyes
yearning for one more chance to give his best
Outside the queen's window, a proof of sort
undying love in bottles filled her port
Scott Mitchell
16 April 2012
Scott Mitchell, 4 września 2013
A nomadic voyage, a heart's quest
Quiet and alone were an attractive option
But your music makes me dance
Your beauty induced a trance
What do I have to offer, but this heart
I could swim the sea to you
I can drown
or take this love to my last breath
The warmth while holding you, oh....
creates an infinite confirmation
My moist eyes looking into yours are not sad,
I'm jubilant and thankful
You held resilient to your promise
and gave all that you are
I was lost and you restored me
My caramel coated aspirations live
in memories
Dark brown eyes and a body of firm silk
my hands and soul are deprived of you
My heart's demise begins one minute apart
A day or more is torture lancing outward
through my flesh
Inspirations defeat all lucidity
I need you
Every future thought, you are there
Your motivated smile is a victory for me
and I can smile
My endless home is now wherever you are
Scott Mitchell
09 August 2011
Scott Mitchell, 4 września 2013
I’m always telling myself
move on, life is waiting
Take all that I’ve learned
about the tedious playing
Reach my hand to the sky
and embrace a new star
But, there’s one out of reach
and it’s burning my heart
An entire year, bygone
and the sky only falls
Dreams changed to anxiety
while waiting for a call
Nothing can be expected
I’m suffering from a curse
I wasn’t strong enough to hold you
and this is what I deserve
I should have put up a shield
averting insults and eyes rolling
But my mouth filled with slander
knocked down pins as if bowling
I declared we are toxic
and never could mix
A lie bloomed from anguish
followed by a cheap fix
One favor a guilty prisoner begs
I promise, it’s all that I need
Just to hear it from your lips
“You served the sentence; you’re free!”
Tell me it’s alright
to forget the forever I swore
And to walk toward the sunset
far away from Portmore
I’ll hope the best for you
love and laughs every day
God blessing your home
perhaps a kid on the way
Inspiration thriving
as you build all your dreams
Never feeling depleted
Never split at the seams
Strong arms to hold you
sending warmth to your heart
Faith in future, secured
with no need for fresh starts
The only games on the table
be the ones we never played
Chess, Scrabble, and Uno
Games with heart and no spade
Once again, I apologize
and I beg on bended knee
Release this prisoner
by hurting you, he hurt me
Scott Mitchell
Scott Mitchell, 13 maja 2013
As my eyes settle
upon my one
luminous flower
The light of its flame
burns, as my only desire
What you see as faults
or a rip in your petals
Simply bring to my lips
and make it sweet
like honey and wine
My soul's pollen
as I forget every other
like star dust
I absorb your colors
and trickles from your eyes
If you used to kneel, pleading
with heaven too many times
Look into my eyes
as I kiss
the scars on your knees
If you continue seeing rain
open yourself for me
My soul will kiss yours
as our passions release
one by one, every pain
Scott Mitchell
Scott Mitchell, 10 kwietnia 2012
Feet planted on the ground
yet a sky full of desire
Countless lightning streams
link the realms as golden wires
One large gasp as I inhale
all the energy of poetic past
I'm earnestly hemming my way
to live this moment at last
Stanzas written with my eyes
prepare my muse to accept me in
Every word intensely motivated
as if your hands were around my pen
I am quivering in your breeze
as I'm smelling your sweet breath
I am willingly detained
as dark locks graze my chest
Lyrics are softly unspoken
by adjacent tongues and lips
Spreading ink on my paper
as you rotate your hips
Inducement from our dance
causes patience to wear thin
Pen released from your grip
as you put it all the way in
We understand each other
My point is in you and it's clear
Sir William shook the world
but we can shake this sphere
Now, I'll need you forever
I'm addicted to this realm with you
I'll always be back for more
of our continuous deja vu
Scott Mitchell
10 April 2012
Scott Mitchell, 28 grudnia 2011
Feeling your presence,
yet craving you near
Whispering to the moon,
as if my lips on your ear
Irrational I’ve become,
you have control of every part
No room for thoughts of other things,
you stole my mind, soul, and heart
Woman, reduce the incantation,
stop eating me alive
A distance filled with emptiness,
too far to hear my cries
To eat, rest, and work,
all things of the past
Have mercy and fill this hungry void,
my heart is beating too fast
Dark beautiful eyes,
touching the depths of my desire
I fell into a trap,
passion jolted trip wires
Unhinged I’ve become,
from you I’ll never escape
Remove the bonds from my wrists,
cut through all of the tape
Distance my only adversary,
even one inch is too far
I can’t rest until you’re near,
my sky has only one star
Not much longer can I survive,
this distance we keep
Always too many tomorrows,
next to you I should sleep
Scott Mitchell
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