Deniz Atay, 30 sierpnia 2012
Would dreams care a mountain chain
If we dare to cross them in vain
Just to walk hand-in-hand
To pass the restful strand
Like two ships in an harmonic rain,
Two wistful loners on the sand.
Each cosmic step we have taken
Each sleeping land we have waken
We wrote LOVE and let it go
For we have more blues than woe
And when blues satisfied our nights
Silence spoke more than our sights.
We praised the rain for the sad days
We raised, fell; found the glad ways-
Then found a reply for the word LOVE
In the beak of an old wise dove
We grew strong and waved goodbyes
For LOVE regarded more than our eyes.
Deniz Atay, 2 sierpnia 2012
When tender is the night, and the woods are deep
And the only light - as Orion's - piercing the dark,
Gazing a child in his sleep - child whomever he fears
He wishes he has gone, and left him to his sound sleep.
The river near is dark - not even dogs dare to bark -
And it's too far from any park - no wetness, no seep.
A child, who is left to a deathly sleep - still being mild
But the morn is far - too far to being left, way behind.
And Time! Oh Time! How dare you give a child
Endlessly sleep and those woods a languor that's oh so deep?
At dawn when life at woods again is dry,
And no reason is left to stay in the sky,
Orion takes care the child who now eternally sleeps,
The child sees someone - or something - dim:
A light - a palm that caresses him!
Deniz Atay, 27 czerwca 2012
Time—in whose arms we drown
Under the moon semi mauve
And the waves turn upside down
As we’re like a cloud and its rain;
One would crowd and one would drain.
Neither the bile of the moon
Nor the waves’ cause of swoon
Can mine the cloud
And imbibe the rain
No!—cause it would
Cause too much pain.
And I would rather pour each morn
Than to disappear when a ship horn.
I would probably be a child’s flute
Rather than being a master mute.
Deniz Atay, 27 grudnia 2011
Life is but a dream -
A day-night scene -
As we're still waiting
To be waken by somebody.
Who steal our dreams
Or exploit our rhyme
Are anywhere, and living
On a cosmic time.
They come, we go.
They live, we dream.
We are - the dreamers -
Living to be seen.
Cause life is but a dream
That we dream on to live.
Deniz Atay, 27 grudnia 2011
I sometimes look at a pure beauty,
And I seek it above, that I can reach
Those touches of the brush, and feel it
Within my bluest sense and reddest desire.
I sometimes am mesmerized, by who
Create those blurs, and that Art;
I weep for joy, and that is why
It frees saddest cries, and showers.
I sometimes look at you, my Love,
And find you in timeless rednesses.
Finding you in a dream of mine
Is the sweetest of all the bluenesses.
Touches of a brush may have made
With Love, and are spiritualized.
But they find concreteness, with you,
My Love, and they're the only line
Between my dreams and the reality.
Deniz Atay, 27 grudnia 2011
Not once I’ve seen a gleam of light,
Not once I’ve felt the cooling wind;
But only one step towards the sight
Wakens my garden with a bitter mint.
Just the sight of the lively flowers
Can take my hours without a pause.
For I have been watching the towers
From a misty hill near my house.
I thought it must be someone near
Who said “no” to my darkest thoughts,
“She was and still is living, dear,
With you upon the snowdrops.”
The truth, I cannot answer
If it was whispered from my grounds,
But the voice seemed familiar
Like it was the quietness of the clouds.
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