
Bob Gotti
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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 listopada 2011

Thanks And Praise

Thanks And Praise

We lift to God thanks and praise, for His care over all our days,
Even when the times get tough, God surrounds us, in His Love,
Love that’s of an eternal scope, which gives to us eternal hope,
The hope one finds in Jesus Christ, as we walk through this life.

All our praise is due to Him, Who not only saved us from all sin,
But, our Lord God imputed to us, Jesus Christ’s Righteousness,
A righteousness not of our own, for it was sent from His Throne,
Where we are seated with Christ, Hope we have, while in this life.

Here He sustains us in His Love, which comes down from above,
While God’s Everlasting Arms, protects us from all undue harms,
Providing us with comfort too, comforts which each day are new,
For God’s compassion never fails, while in our life, God prevails.

His Love is beyond our reason, and for all time not just a season,
As God’s Love is eternal friend, and such a love will have no end,
A love that begins upon this earth, and long before our New Birth,
Being created in the image of, the One who saved us by His love.

That love and much, much more, is what Believers thank God for,
And while His Love helps us cope, we have in God a larger Hope,
A hope that is beyond this place, hope granted to us all by grace,
Our hope of New Life, eternally, that only those in Christ shall see.

(Copyright ©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 listopada 2011

Walking In Assurance

Walking in peace and very assured, is a soul that knows the Lord,
Knowing Him as Lord and Savior, not simply as a God or Creator,
But embracing the work of Christ, so to walk with Him in New Life.
Not following likes of religious men, but by God, now Born Again.
Walking with The Lord each day, I’m granted peace along the way,
Walking with Him as Lord and God, I’m guided on this earthly sod,
As God has a new work for us, when by faith we’re in Christ Jesus,
A new work while upon this earth, when in Christ we have new birth.
This new birth I’m speaking of, comes not from man but up above,
A spiritual birth from The Lord, when on a soul His Spirit is poured,
Poured into the heart of a man, all through God’s providential plan,
God’s Spirit then dwells nside, so in Christ, man can always abide.
With Christ’s Spirit in our heart, The Lord our God will never depart,
And so God’s Peace dwells within, while we walk and abide in Him,
With God’s presence within our life, through our Lord, Jesus Christ,
Through Him we’re in God’s Family, now on our way to life eternally.
God’s assurance, now guides our life, in this world, filled with strife,
Knowing the Creator, so loved us, that God sent to all Christ Jesus,
As God’s Lamb and Perfect Sacrifice, to pay for us, sin’s full price,
With God’s Spirit, as our guarantee, of our life with Christ, Eternally.
©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 października 2011

Wrapped In Light

The Lord wraps Himself in light, that darkness cannot penetrate,
Existing high above dark of night, in His Glorious, Eternal State,
His form no eye on earth has seen, by those of us on this earth,
Value believers soon shall glean; that for us will be eternal worth.

God rides on the clouds above, as those clouds are His chariot,
Above all the clouds He speaks of, is the throne where God sits,
Throned high above in majesty, the Blessed Savior Jesus Christ,
Who every believer’s eye will see, when we into enter Eternal Life.

God left the Light of His Throne, to enter earth’s darkness below,
Coming down to redeem His own, and yet, Him they didn’t know,
So another thing God would do, He turned to each gentile nation,
With a Covenant, that was new, offering to all souls His salvation.

Yet, The Lord shall return to Israel, when this present age is done,
To redeem that Nation, per His Will, as God’s Only Begotten Son,
Jesus Christ, rejected the first time, by God’s only chosen nation,
However, it was of God’s Design, in fulfilling His Holy Revelation.

Christ came, the Light of the world, to redeem men from the night,
His Good News is what we herald, pointing other men to His Light,
For God came to redeem all men, to offer mortal men Eternal Life,
When, by God they are Born Again, through His Son, Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©10/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 października 2011

Shrouded In Mystery

The morning sun, clothed in clouds, is one of God’s striking shrouds,
Just as God’s shrouded in light, impenetrable by the darkest of night,
Unapproachable as He may be, He’s God of the present and Eternity,
Being a God, that we cannot see, He shrouds life, at times in mystery.

At times God moves in our days, for His purpose in mysterious ways,
For God’s shrouded in mystery, while working in lives, of you and me,
As the secret tings belong to God, Who reigns above this earthly sod,
In ways, we could not comprehend, for above us, His ways transcend.

But all things done for me and you, the Good Lord will see us through,
Through every trial that we will face, God will shroud us with His Grace,
And blessings The Lord will bestow, upon us in ways we’d never know,
As The Lord works in mysterious ways, unto our Lord, we lift all praise.

For we are shrouded in the Blood, of God’s Son, sent for us with love.
Sent to The Cross of Mount Calvary, to be a sacrifice, for you and me,
And today that blood, spilt by Him, covers not some, but all of our sin,
For The Savior alone paid the price, so we could be His living sacrifice.

Christ came to earth, to die for us, now we live our life for Christ Jesus,
To serve our Lord in this present time, for a purpose that is truly divine,
And Christ shall remove many shrouds, when we see Him in the clouds,
When Christ returns for you and me, we’ll serve our Lord, for all eternity.

(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 10 stycznia 2012

What Is Heaven?

Is Heaven just a place to go, when through with this life we know?
Is Heaven that place for everyone, when life on this earth is done?
Is Heaven, not a placed called Hell, where after life, all shall dwell?
A final place to rest in peace, in blissful comfort that won’t cease?

Or, is Heaven to you much more, than rest beyond a golden door?
Do you desire to be in Heaven, beyond earth’s twenty-four seven?
Heaven is that true home above, for all who embraced God’s Love.
That love He showed on Calvary, where Christ died for you and me.

Do you know Christ, yourself, Who provides us with eternal wealth?
Providing believers an eternal home, granted from Heaven’s Throne;
But not all will accept God’s Son, although Christ died for everyone,
And they will not secure a place, in a home that’s supplied by Grace.

For Christ spoke of Heaven and Hell, when to His hearers He did tell,
About two very opposing destinies, while both shall still be eternities,
One for those who would believe, who, The Father above will receive,
And one for rejecters of The Lord, who, by our Father will be ignored.

Both being choices, which we make, when God we accept or forsake,
Heaven for all who accept Christ, through who God offers eternal life,
Hell for after one’s final breath, rejecting Christ, to enter eternal death.
Eternal places ahead for everyone, for their choice, about God’s Son.

(Copyright ©01/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 listopada 2013

By God’s Authority

While on this side of eternity, we take comfort in God’s Authority,
As challenges come into our life, we stand in the Power of Christ,
As we walk by faith, not by sight, in The Lord’s Power and Might,
As we serve God’s Eternal Son, until our work down here is done.
As we war in that darkest hour, our weapons are of Divine Power.
Relying not upon man’s intelligence, but, in God’s Righteousness,
As that warring is within our mind, our battle is of a different kind,
While we do battle upon this sod, against many opposed to God.
While in the battle God will afford, strength and might of our Lord,
When we put on The Armor of God, led by Christ’s Staff and Rod,
This as we battle a worldly view, with the Truth that is eternally true,
Taking down strongholds in a world, where wickedness is unfurled.
When we do war, in this life, we bring all thoughts captive to Christ,
As we cast off all disobedience, captive to Christ’s Righteousness,
A righteousness we must herald, to oppose darkness of this world,
As we stand upon God’s Authority, in ways men around us will see.
My friend, as we battle in this war, only God’s Authority will endure,
In a battle opposing God’s enemy, we must stand on His Authority.
For that true victory is only assured, through Jesus Christ our Lord,
This, as we wage battles in this life, in the Authority of Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©11/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 listopada 2013

Worship In Adversity

We worship even through adversity, God, Who controls all of eternity,
When we’re down and discouraged, we know, that God has not erred,
As through each trial He shall fulfill, in our life His Eternal, perfect will,
This, as God guides us in this life, through the Power of Jesus Christ.
When we are anxious and afraid, upon The Lord our concerns are laid,
Securing for us inner peace from Him, while in a world, marred by sin,
Through all the trials we now trod, we confidently lift our heart to God,
Though the trials may not cease, God grants us His sustaining Peace.
By our Lord God we are blessed, as past concerns God’s addressed,
As God through our life does lead, taking care of everything we need,
As life on earth may ebb and flow, it is The God of Heaven, we know,
Who actually controls all of our life, even through life’s pain and strife.
As the devastating times do come, we truly know where they are from,
Both good and bad, are from His hand, although we don’t understand,
It remains The Lord, Who we praise, this, as our heart to God is raised,
Worshiping Him through every time, knowing we’re in His grand design.
Although we’re weary and depleted, with God in Heaven we are seated,
Through redemption by our Lord, we are found in Christ, in one accord,
Now having the mind of Jesus Christ, through all of the trials in this life.
We’re looking forward to Heaven above, sustained on earth by His love.
(Copyright ©02/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 grudnia 2013

Still God Over All

There is a God, indeed my friend, as all shall see come the end,
The God of love, who sent His Son, into this world for everyone,
Everyone’s Sovereign Creator, was sent to be the world’s Savior,
Though a God of love, He is just, God in whom we need to trust.
Although a God we cannot see, He is sovereign over all Eternity, 
Creator of the heavenly sphere, and all of that we see down here,
The Creator of all we see on earth, God behind every human birth,
Creator of all the animal world, and all around us He has unfurled.
In His image, God created man, a greater part of His eternal plan,
Created for fellowship with Him, then, Satan seduced man to sin,
This had separated man from God, so He cursed this earthly sod,
Although Satan caused man to fall, God, is still The Lord over all!
As Creator, God made the move, and man’s fall God did reprove,
With separation, from sinful man, but, redemption was in His plan,
As God would provide restoration, of the world through Salvation,
And fellowship could be restored, through Jesus Christ, The Lord.
Today man is accountable to Him, as we are creatures born in sin,
And all must come to Christ Jesus, Who, took on sin for all of us,
Justifying man at the cross of Calvary, so man could live eternally,
Reconciled to a Holy God above, through His Just and Holy Love.
(Copyright ©09/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 grudnia 2013

Refusing To Believe

Some men just refuse to believe, in a God they cannot conceive,
In their heart or in their mind, so they put all Truth of God behind,
Following yet, man’s empty ideas, as Satan continually deceives,
Through empty theories of men, empty beliefs God will condemn.
Satan craftily uses evolution, in leading man’s spiritual revolution,
Revolting against God, over all, Who, reigns over this earthly ball,
The Lord God man simply jeers, creating time of billions of years,
This, through man’s empty theory, ignoring proven biblical history.
With man rebelling against The Lord, all biblical truths are ignored,
Becoming his own god on earth, in Jesus Christ he sees no worth,
Removing God from all he believes, as Satan, endlessly deceives,
Success, for the god of this world, as his deceptions are unfurled.
The devil hardens the heart of man, to guide him into a darker plan,
A plan Satan started in Paradise, so man today must pay the price,
For rejecting God’s Eternal Truth, facing alone His Eternal Reproof,
Which follows man’s last breath, with that price being eternal death.
All this as man refuses to believe, God, from Who they can receive,
The Lord’s gift of Everlasting Life, through God’s Son Jesus Christ,
Who bore man’s death on Calvary, so that all men can live eternally,
But continued unbelief my friend, and eternal death will be your end.
(Copyright ©09/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 sierpnia 2012

Evolving Lies

Things which are set, do not evolve, this, my friend, is my resolve,
Holding fast to The Lord God, Who, reigns above this earthly sod,
Trusting in God’s Eternal Word, not just suggestions to be inferred,
But Truth from the mouth of The Lord, Truth that cannot be ignored.
From mortal man’s evolving thought, many deceptions are wrought,
Changing words, spoken by, The Eternal God, Who reigns on High,
High above this temporal earth, Whose Words are of Eternal Worth,
As they show disdain and reproof, for those who hold Eternal Truth.
Our ways aren’t progressive at all, with beliefs too narrow and small,
To accept post-modern thought, in embracing their changes sought,
Changes sought by the liberal mind, as they leave all morals behind,
God’s unchanging moral law, which causes liberals to falter and fall.
Falling because of darkened hearts, so from The Lord man departs,
Creating for men an amoral state, wanting all to progressively relate,
Changing ways that can’t change, for God above remains the same,
An unchanging God in all His ways, Who is defied in the latter days.
God’s Word, that does not change, to liberal minds may be strange,
But, His Word, that in stone was cast, throughout all eternity will last,
As man’s thoughts will fade away, God’s Words, shall eternally stay,
Being the only words of any stability, in a culture of amoral liberality.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 10 grudnia 2011

Of The Light

Sometimes in this life I need to be, a quiet light for all to see,
Not flickering of words to hear, but, that light with Jesus near,
To be for God one quiet flame, by the power of Jesus’ Name,
A light for God in any place; maintained in His love and grace.

When to dark places, I must go; it is His Light I need to show,
Indeed the light of Jesus Christ, shown to a very troubled life,
When even in the darkest hour, His Light is the ultimate power,
To help a darkened heart to see, what one life in Christ can be.

If the time seems not so right, what may be needed is the light,
The Light of God’s Holy Truth, for others, as we’re living proof,
Of the power of, God’s Word, from truths that they have heard,
From truths you have expressed, when at this time light is best.

When Eternal Truths we proclaim, in the Power of God’s Name,
In those times, somewhat dark, The Lord’s Light leaves a mark,
Deep upon the heart, of a man, this, as we live out God’s Plan,
To be the Lord’s salt and light, while in this world dark as night.

When God’s Word, we do heed, sometimes light is all we need,
This as God’s Holy Spirit moves, upon a soul that He reproves,
Moving upon that soul’s heart, with God’s Truth He shall impart,
Through the light within our life, as we truly live for Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©12/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 marca 2012

The End of Grace

The end of an age, an era of time, an age of grace, by God’s Design,
A time when The Law was fulfilled, through Christ, as God had willed,
To deal with nations as a whole, a time of God’s Grace for every soul,
For all to embrace His Revelation; the time to accept God’s Salvation.

Are we now at the end of an age, when God’s ready to turn the page?
To turn the present page of history, in a way which all people will see!
A time, when all nations in this world, shall see a darker time unfurled,
The change appearing subtle at first, shall go down as history’s worst.

With Christ’s True Church removed, all the nations become behooved,
To deal with the changing time, not through God’s, but of their design,
By exalting one leader over all, the nations and peoples big and small,
Forcing all who dwell on the earth, to honor that man with divine worth.

This, while God continues His Plan, to deal with every nation and man,
As a world leader promises peace, God deals with Israel and enemies,
While Eternal God divinely wages war, from Heaven, like never before,
To rescue Israel from every nation, as prophesied in God’s Revelation.

So, are you really ready dear friend, when this Age comes to and end?
Are you ready for what comes before, God on grace, closes the door?
As The Lord God raptures everyone, who belongs to His Beloved Son,
Saved, through God’s only Salvation, from the wrath of the Tribulation.

(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 6 lipca 2013


Being spiritually blind and lost, I’m saved in the blood of the cross,
That blood flowing from Calvary, has set my soul apart for eternity,
Calvary’s blood empowers me too, my Blessed Lord to follow you,
To leave my old ways of the night, while turning towards your Light.
This process is my sanctification, His work in my life after salvation,
As God starts a work in my heart, while in this life He sets me apart,
Set apart for the purpose of God, this as I live upon this earthly sod,
All for God’s plan and His purpose, led by The Spirit of Christ Jesus.
Not set apart because I am good, truly, this needs to be understood,
But because I was chosen by Him, saved by grace from a life of sin,
Spiritually born again from above, to walk upon the earth in His love,
This, as a New Creature in Christ, to live for God, in newness of life.
This is a process you must know, as my Lord God helps me to grow,
Through The Lord’s Spirit of Truth, with real change, as God’s proof,
Ongoing change in my life for Him, as Christ leads me away from sin,
All by God’s Power and His Grace, as The Spirit builds upon my faith.
God’s building me, a living stone, through the power from His Throne,
As God’s Spirit transforms my heart, finishing what Christ would start,
Starting as Christ’s New Creation, God will complete my sanctification,
When I see my Lord face to face; being the real beginning of my faith.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 marca 2013

Standing Firm In The End

In light of darkness to come, believers stand firm in God’s Son,
We are standing firm in our faith, upheld by His Love and Grace,
As judgment looms for the nation, we stand firm in His salvation,
For we were chosen by God above, saved by The Savior’s Love.
We are saved from God’s wrath, placed by God on another path,
Chose to be different in this life, being led by the Spirit of Christ,
At the foundation of the world, with His message for us to herald,
The Message of God’s Salvation, to be preached to every nation.
Sanctified by God into one body, one in Christ for all men to see,
Different people, all one in Christ, to be used by Jesus in this life,
To share with others God’s Truth, that they can be spared reproof,
Judgment of this world in sin; all those who do not belong to Him.
In Christ, believers are to stand fast, in Truth that shall forever last.
Not moved by the changing time, trusting in God’s Eternal Design,
Holding fast to Truth we learned, Truth, that the world has spurned,
Holding on to all learned doctrine, as men for God we seek to win.
May we be comforted by The Word, holding on to Truths we heard,
Being well established in our faith, this, as we journey on by Grace,
Truly standing firm in our salvation, Jesus, the only firm foundation,
As together we serve Him faithfully, while looking ahead to Eternity.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 marca 2013

Accepting Or Rejecting

Jesus Christ is passionately accepted, by men, or selfishly rejected,
Accepted by many as The Christ, Savior, who came as our sacrifice,
A sacrifice to redeem fallen man, the center of God’s Salvation Plan,
A plan, by many that goes ignored, by men who shall reject the Lord.
The Lord, who knows all things, came down to earth as King of kings,
But, Christ came to earth in humility, as Lord and Savior for all to see,
Upon a donkey, humble and meek, for all, that Truth, man could seek,
So God could give men Eternal Life, through the Savior, Jesus Christ.
He came, just as The Lord willed, as ancient prophecies were fulfilled,
Five centuries before Christ came, Zachariah, a prophet, did proclaim,
Coming is salvation and righteousness, in the Lord Jesus for all of us,
He’d come, as God’s Only Salvation, for Israel and every other nation.
The Lord had road into Jerusalem, not to get a crown but to die in sin,
The Eternal King set apart His Majesty, to sacrifice His life on Calvary,
To be nailed upon a wicked cross, not for the righteous but those lost,
As the religious sect could not see, He was The Messiah from Eternity.
Christ will judge the religious men, as their Religiosity He did condemn,
He came, God said for you and me, The Righteous cursed upon a tree,
As upon that cross, The Savior would die, for all sinners, like you and I,
That we may gain Eternal Life, but, only through The Lord, Jesus Christ.
The Lord, so humble, who for us did die, now reigns in Majesty on high,
The choice now, is for men to make, to embrace Christ or Truth forsake,
To truly accept The Savior’s Sacrifice, so with Him you’ll be in Paradise,
Or reject what Christ did at Calvary, to be separated from God eternally.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 listopada 2013

Each Day In His Hands

I may not know what happens today, as The Lord guides the way,
But, my times are in His hands, in ways no one truly understands,
I may even purpose within my heart, while a new day has its start,
But God directs the path I take, He’s in charge, make no mistake.
The Lord directs this course of time, all within His Eternal Design,
God is sovereign over everything, which is earth and every being,
Directing both nations and men, by ways we cannot comprehend,
By His sovereign control over all; nations and men, big and small.
Sovereign Creator of all the earth, to man God gave special worth,
Making man in the very image of, The Creator, Who reigns above,
Intent on a relationship with man, this was indeed His original plan,
A plan Satan desired to impede, but, ultimately God will succeed!
God spoke by prophets of old, but since sent His Son to behold,
God’s Eternal Son Jesus Christ, to restore the plan of eternal life,
Sent to reconcile man with God, when Jesus came to earth’s sod,
Restoring that relationship for me, with The Creator of All Eternity.
So whatever pleases God in my life, He leads me in Jesus Christ,
Guiding me around every bend, knowing how each day shall end,
Days that I cannot understand, I simply leave in The Lord’s Hand,
For as a member of God’s Family, He knows what is best for me.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 kwietnia 2013

Lacking Truth

Many people, we know and see, have no real concept of Eternity,
The here and now they understand, but, not divine things at hand,
They know that all will live and die; but, about a future life on high,
About the many to be cast below; eternal truths they do not know.
Some may be quite religious, but as far as Truth they’re oblivious,
Being ever religious to a fault, as religion’s all they’ve been taught,
Forming instead a religious picture, that is not from Holy Scripture,
With God’s Truth not at the heart, of the religion which, they impart.
Religious ways are man’s desires, unwittingly, following pious liars, 
Ignoring what God’s Word dose say, to reach God in their own way,
They are not led by God’s Spirit, resisting His Truth, as they hear it,
Eternal Truths they’ve not received, for by Satan they are deceived.
Yet they’re able to gather many souls, into religious, apostate folds,
They preach with a confident nod, avowing that they speak for God,
When He is not even in the picture, even when they quote Scripture,
Though God, by them, is inferred, they follow not God’s Holy Word.
So these men continue to deceive, as the people follow and believe.
While never looking into The Word, to verify the teaching they heard;
But if they’d take the time to read, The Word of God they may heed,
To leave error, then come to Christ, to receive Truth and Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©04/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 sierpnia 2013


As believers live for Jesus Christ, He makes changes in our life,
Convicting us with the Holy Spirit, using The Word as we hear it,
As His Word touches everything, God teaches us longsuffering,
As we daily, deal with others, unbelievers and Christian brothers.
God uses each circumstance, leading us to take a Godly stance,
To take a stand in God each day, following His Spirit all the way,
To help us daily live for Him, as God helps us with longsuffering,
This is not just simply self-control, but living as Christ through all.
The Lord Himself, displayed for us, His longsuffering, in Exodus,
As His people turned away from Him; falling into idolatry and sin.
Having mercy and graciousness, He judged not in righteousness,
Being slow to anger with longsuffering, God forgave their iniquity.
This is an example, for all of us, as we today, follow Christ Jesus,
Being led by The Spirit of Christ, longsuffering must be in our life,
This must influence our behavior, as we live for Christ, The Savior,
Recalling His suffering on the cross, as we desire to seek the lost.
We must be aware of God’s will, as His purpose, we seek to fulfill,
Always pursuing a unity of Christ, with Fruit of The Spirit in our life,
Which includes longsuffering in us, as we seek His Righteousness,
As believers of Christ the King, our life must include longsuffering.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 22 marca 2014

God of The Bible

God’s Word was sent by inspiration, every word of God’s Revelation,
If you say He didn’t inspired the Bible, you friend will be spiritual libel.
For God of The Bible, and only He, sent His Son to both you and me,
If you don’t know God of Scripture, you know one, of another picture.
God sent His Son a propitiation for us, God’s Only Son, Christ Jesus,
As a perfect, bloody atoning sacrifice, so sinners may enter Paradise;
We can only see The Father by Him, Christ, who alone paid for our sin,
For God placed our sin on His Son, paying that full price for everyone.
The Scriptures are God’s Authority, from the beginning through eternity,
As men change, God changes never, and God’s Word endures forever,
It’s important to heed God’s Word, before God’s Judgment is unfurled,
Yes, God is Love, but He’s also just, and so God’s judgment is a must,
We have the word of prophets of old, to know how the end shall unfold,
With God’s Word made more certain, we know all about the final curtain,
Men would do well to heed the light, to be saved from the coming night,
To know God’s Word as we hear it, is the enablement of The Holy Spirit.
From The Word of God we must heed, Eternal Truth which all men need,
The only Truth which leads to Grace, when God’s Truth men do embrace;
However, if God’s Truths you refuse, do not expect to hear Good News,
As you will be separated from God, for all eternity after leaving this sod.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 lipca 2013

Growing Through Obedience

By the Word a believer knows, through obedience a heart grows,
In God’s Word we’re implored, submit to all over us, in The Lord,
We’re to esteem leaders in love, led by God’s Spirit from above,
This, to be at peace with others; growing as sisters and brothers.
Being one body, with one voice, with our leaders, always rejoice;
Without ceasing we must pray, as together we follow God’s way,
Giving thanks through everything, as we serve our Lord and King,
Never quenching the Holy Spirit, but, obeying Truth, as we hear it.
Despise not prophecies we know, but, in His Truth we must grow,
Testing things, that we’ve heard, against the Truth of God’s Word;
Abstaining from all the evil we see, with our eyes fixed on eternity,
Always obeying The Spirit of God, per His Plan, wherever we trod,
As we follow God’s Word fully, we must warn men, who are unruly,
Comforting the fainthearted in Christ, as we live for Him a holy life,
We’re never to repay evil for evil, as God’s Plan, together we fulfill,
As we encourage a weaker brother, pursuing good for one another.
Looking to the coming of Christ, may The Lord, sanctify all our life,
May we lean on God’s faithfulness, to preserve us, fully blameless,
As we look for The Lord’s Return, may we obey the Truths we learn,
So that as a body, we truly heed, obedient to all the Truths we read.
(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 listopada 2013

Time To Stand Opposed

Truth may be black and white, but some choose the dark of night,
When it comes to political views, many simply shift and just muse.
Thinking of all, but God’s Word, ignoring Truths that they’ve heard,
Truths which should be our light, in this world where wrong is right.
Compromising Scripture for man; it’s not of God but Satan’s plan,
Satan’s plan to hinder God’s Truth; look around and see the proof,
An amoral nation we’ve become, as for Truth we’re biblically dumb,
Following the ways of wicked men, in a nation God shall condemn!
The Truth has become irrelevant, so how long shall The Lord relent?
He, who put His Law in our heart, from which many chose to depart,
This country shall have no excuse, regardless of how leaders muse,
As their thinking is devoid of God, so they’ll see His Righteous Rod,
Unfortunately some in The Church, follow their wicked political lurch,
As they make changes suddenly, they defy the God over all eternity,
The Laws ascribed by a Holy God, for all men upon this earthly sod,
Yet more are following the evil ways, of immoral leaders in our days.
It is time for many to take a stand, in an ever increasing amoral land,
All, who know Christ’s Righteousness, must oppose the wickedness,
Being Christ’s Light in this world, where Satan’s darkness is unfurled,
In a world that is turning dark as night, to point others to God’s Light.
(Copyright ©05/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 września 2013

Embracing God’s Word

Believers accept this very hour, The Word of God in all its power,
The Living Word, truly adored, is sharper than a two edged sword,
His Word is living and powerful, above, to accomplish God’s Will,
Discerning of hearts and thought, by His Word change is wrought.
We embrace His Word every day, for God’s Word, lights our way,
Accepted as the very Word of God, it’s our guide, where we trod,
This, while we follow Jesus Christ, applying His Word into our life,
His Word works in all who believe, as His Word, they truly receive.
His Word is valued more than gold, for His Truth never grows old,
As God’s Word is eternal, friend; for, He has no beginning or end,
His Word’s far above that of man, as His Word is His eternal plan.
As man changes, God will never, while His Word shall last forever.
God shall accomplish His Will, as through His Word He shall fulfill,
His ultimate plan and purpose, through all who follow Christ Jesus,
As He equips us for every need, while God’s Word believers heed,
Growing to be imitators of Christ; being as Apostle Paul in this life.
God’s Word is the ultimate Authority, for now and through Eternity,
Giving power, to reach all men, at any cost, when we’re born again,
For in this world He helps us cope, with His Word vital to our hope,
The hope we have in Jesus Christ, is to soon share our Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 23 czerwca 2013

Knowing About The End

All Christians will be gathered together, to be with The Lord forever,
So in this Hope Christians find, encouragement and peace of mind;
Through all history believers endured, through the hope in The Lord,
So, we are not shaken or alarmed, for in God’s Truth, we are armed.
We should never be deceived, trusting in The Word, we’ve believed,
The end times are revealed to us, through The Spirit of Christ Jesus,
Thus as nation rises against nation, we will trust in God’s Revelation,
God’s Word that will never pass away, is relevant to all this very day.
There shall be a falling away first, as the times wax worse and worse,
As many shall abandon God’s Truth, setting up God’s Final Reproof,
Christ, shall then rapture His Church, then times shall get even worse,
As the Holy Spirit is taken from earth, in the rapture of God’s Church.
Then all the world will see tribulation, as the Lord judges every nation,
As the wicked one of lawlessness, starts to reign in unrighteousness,
Then the second coming of Christ, in the middle of Satan’s evil strife,
As the world shall see Christ come, to totally destroy the lawless one.
Christ shall reign one thousand years, quelling all darkness and fears,
Then, that Eternal State we’ll enter in; a time free of darkness and sin;
This is why believers, dear friend, have total peace regarding the end,
As it will be the start of Eternal Life, for all men found in Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 lutego 2014

Progressive Sanctification

By God’s Grace, I am what I am, all through the Blood of The Lamb,
Not only am I saved my friend, by God’s Spirit, I’m now Born Again,
Born from above in the Spirit of God, to live anew upon earth’s sod,
Granted by The Lord a New Life, to live for The Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am not yet just what I should be, as my Lord God is working in me,
By sanctification I am set apart, as God continues molding my heart,
Now, seated in Heaven with Christ, as He transforms my present life,
To live for God in this world of sin, lead by His Spirit, dwelling within.
My sanctification continues in life, even while I am seated with Christ,
This, as I now live for The Lord, with my spirit and His, in one accord,
Through The Spirit Who dwells inside, helping me, in Christ, to abide,
As I make changes to live anew, as The Holy Spirit leads me through.
Being fully justified all by faith, we now have peace, by God’s Grace,
Peace with God all through this life, this through The Lord’s sacrifice,
In Christ we receive reconciliation, with The God of our sanctification,
It is by Christ Grace does reign; while in me he makes Godly change.
Progressive sanctification friend, is what Christ continues to the end,
For He, Who began a work in me, shall finish it as I step into eternity,
When all former things will be behind, with a fully new heart and mind,
This as I step into Eternal Life, now totally changed with Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©01/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 czerwca 2013

From The Passover

Remembering the Passover of The Lord, a time by many that is ignored,
That occasion when God did fulfill, His deliverance of His people, Israel,
It was time for God’s Chosen Nation, when God displayed His Salvation,
From bondage in Pharaoh’s kingdom; to a time of His peoples freedom.
Israel was instructed by The “I AM”, that every house, should take a lamb,
This was The Lord’s opening command, one to be obeyed by every man,
The personal choice for all to make, in order that God would not forsake,
Individual families in Egypt’s land, providing men obeyed His Command.
That lamb’s blood, that would pour, was to be applied around each door,
In that land of Egypt, by those, family leaders, of the people God chose;
Foreshadowing The Cross of Calvary, as God would redeem you and me,
From every nation, to fulfill His plan, of God’s Redemption for every man.
As God, in Egypt, passed over the blood, over the land from high above,
Judging all those not covered by, the blood as God moved from on high,
When in the houses the people stayed, God passed over all who obeyed,
Saving all those, who obeyed by faith, which applies to the Age of Grace.
Today, all men are saved by God’s love, while still relying upon the blood,
The blood poured on Calvary’s Cross, is redemptive power for all the lost,
When God’s Truth, you truly believe, His Salvation you shall surely receive,
Yes, through the Blood of Jesus Christ, that soul shall receive Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©05/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 grudnia 2013

A Day To Remember

A day to remember a special event, when by God, The Savior was sent,
To a wayward peoples below, of whom, The Lord, they would not know,
The Savior was sent for every Jew, a peoples whom The Lord foreknew,
Yet, the people would receive Him not, giving that nation a spiritual blot.
Yet, Christ was indeed Israel’s Savior, the One and Only Eternal Creator,
Sent as God’s Peace and Salvation, unto Messiah’s only chosen nation,
Messiah was sent down for His elect, yet, their Savior, men would reject,
By God’s very own, Christ was denied; and later by them to be crucified.
The rejection by Israel of Christ Jesus, would soon after benefit all of us,
As Messiah would turn to every nation, in doing so, fulfill His Revelation,
Just as the angels did herald, Good News and great joy, to all the world,
God’s Light was sent into every nation, as Christ is the world’s Salvation.
Today friend, does the world remember, Christ, during all of December?
Do people celebrate God’s Gift to all, or is Christ just something small?
Do we today have New Holiday cause, replacing God with Santa Claus?
Replacing the manger with a tree, with no thought at all towards Calvary!
Haven’t we learned from Israel’s mistake, or will many today still forsake,
A Savior, Who came in a humble way, to bring all Salvation, even today,
In spite of men’s failures in the past, Messiah offers all, salvation to last,
So today, accept God’s Gift of Christ, and you shall receive Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 października 2013

It’s Your Choice

All men on earth need God’s Truth; His Word is all we need for proof,
For in God’s Holy Word we read, God’s Eternal Truths we must heed,
Future judgment is in store for all, decreed by God, from Adam’s fall;
Lord, man’s destiny is all but two, one being in Hell and one with you.
All souls on earth have a choice, that’s to follow God or man’s voice,
That is follow God’s Holy Word, or man’s opinions that you’ve heard,
Both will lead to one’s final destiny, but two different places eternally,
Both with a changed body my friend, determined by your eternal end.
Everyone, while in their present life, must come to know Jesus Christ,
As He’s the only one who can, accomplish the desired change in men,
The change, which after they’ve died, is into an eternal body, glorified,
As He changes man’s present mortality, into a future, immortal eternity.
Neglecting Christ, for your views, shall bring you bad, not Good News,
That Good News is He’s done it all, to save all souls, from Adam’s fall,
Refusing Christ maintains separation, with The Living God of Salvation,
Friend, not only for just a short spell, but, an everlasting eternity in Hell.
Refusing God, come your last breath, you then, will enter eternal death,
Given a new body, that will endure, eternal separation, you can be sure;
The Lord today is on His Throne, that choice is yours, and yours alone,
Believe before your last breath, to receive Eternal Life instead of death.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 maja 2013

Cornerstone Of Salvation

For believers Christ is our Cornerstone, as our salvation is in Him alone,
He’s our Cornerstone and Foundation; in Him alone we obtain salvation,
Everything required for you and me, was completed by God at Calvary,
Anything added has only diminished, Christ’s last words, “It is finished.”
Is it Christ or religion which lies, which of these two should we despise?
Requirements added by sinful man, or the Lord’s Eternal Salvation plan;
It was The Father, who sent Jesus, to save souls from unrighteousness,
For The Father, this came at a price, as His Son was to be His Sacrifice.
Christ sacrificed Himself, for us to be, redeemed and join God’s Family,
Even though Christ had bore the cross, it was sinful men, who were lost,
For it was Christ, The Spotless Lamb, Who bore all the sin of fallen man,
Finishing what God alone had started; this is God’s Truth to be imparted.
While God starting at predestination, God chose to bring to all Salvation,
Those He predestined He foreknew, those being sinners like me and you,
It was Christ, for all sinners, Who died, that, in Christ, we can be justified,
Called and chosen by Jesus Christ, that through Him we gain Eternal Life.
Jesus, the Beginning and the End, brings to man, God’s Salvation friend,
It was the Lord, Who chose Grace, to redeem all who come through faith,
His saving Grace, through Christ alone, saving all who God calls His own,
Those sinners, who Christ has justified, for all Eternity, God has glorified.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 maja 2013

Consider God

When it comes to God many don’t ask, as science has taken on the task,
A task to diminish God and Truth, with technology as man’s simple proof,
Scientific experts are now man’s guide, as the Lord God above is denied,
Today, on this earth’s unbelieving sod, as science has become their god,
Consider God, ruling over everything, like the seasons, winter and spring,
Let us not forget the summer and fall, as the Creator established them all;
God, who created both day and night, separating darkness from the light,
The light He created in the beginning, when God alone created everything.
By men, The Eternal God and Creator, has now turned into Mother Nature,
By a generation, who knows not God, as they follow man’s scientific nod,
Stating that there never was or will be, a Creator that rules over all eternity,
But science instead will lead the way, to their surprise, a much darker day!
A generation that knows not Truth, in the end, shall see the Lord’s reproof,
As every single soul is accountable to, the Eternal Creator of me and you,
God, Who also ordered all creation, seen by all through general revelation,
The generation that scoffs at The Lord, by The Creator, will not be ignored.
But, in this Age of Grace dear friend, you can turn to God, prior to the end,
When turning from science to the Creator, you could even meet The Savior,
He is The Author of every individual life, The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
So as men you find, you trust no more, Christ, you can trust in forevermore.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 stycznia 2014

New Year With God

With yet another season behind, does God’s Truth come to mind?
For as this season is packed away, The Lord God, is here to stay,
Were you aware, during this year, that you were able to draw near,
The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, so that He is part of your life?
Will you follow the usual instead, ignoring God in the year ahead?
Beginning with New Year’s Day, dismissing Truth amidst the fray?
During the celebration and cheer, forgetting that He’s always near,
Near enough, to be in your life, starting this year with Jesus Christ.
Remember that babe in that stable, Who is God and is surely able,
To change this year ahead for you, in ways, which you never knew,
Not only the year but everything, as you acknowledge Him as King,
Everything in your life will change, while the Lord remains the same.
A new year, including God can be, a new time to reflect on Eternity,
Unlike those holidays of the past, this is a time that will forever last,
That future provided by The Lord, Who, by many today, is ignored,
But, ignore Him not this year friend, to begin a new life with no end.
Christ went from the stall to Calvary, so we could join God’s Family,
As The Lord grants us a New Birth, right here upon the present earth,
A choice that begins in our heart, when with God, we get a new start,
In not just a new year for you, but, an Eternity, from a heavenly view.
(Copyright ©12/2012 Bob Gotti)

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10 - 30 - 100  

Pozostałe wiersze: Uncertainties Ahead, With The Season Over, No Dice, Don’t Worry For Tomorrow, He’ll Be With Me, I Thank You Once More, Timeless, Wicked, Tossed About, Twenty Four Seven, Trusting, Obeying And Acting, All That’s Needed, The Gift From God, Peace And Goodwill, What Must God Think?, Just Accept It, Hope For Now And Beyond, When You Die, Assured Through Christ, Hope Christ Gives, Blessings To Heed, Affiliation Or Salvation, But A Mist, The Race Already Won, Journey With My Wife, My Earthly End, To Know The Creator, The Mighty Physician, True Saving Faith, Quite A Different Battle, Narrow And Wide Gates, Our Task At Hand, My Walk Of Faith, Strength From God, Empty Belief, Dark And Dim, Serving Other Gods, To The Promised Land, God Will, God of The Bible, The Power Behind All, Spirit Filled Men, Contend For The Faith, Worry’s Added Burdens, Avoiding Worry, In His Will, How Much Better, Then And Why, I Have God, Walking Beside Me, Beginning In The Heart, Authoritative Power, God Is Real, Our Hope And Responsibility, Where Do They Stand?, Don’t Leave Without Him, From Saul To Paul, Former Days, Demeaning God, Not Borrowed Time, For God’s Service, Our Lord’s Compassions, They Care Not, Purpose In My Trial, Accountability And Judgment, Trust In God, He Is Risen, His True Church, My Life Story, Where’s Your Treasure?, Church Or Truth, Two Different Destinies, His Body And Blood, A Day Of Prayer, Our Rock In Life, Change To Come, Abounding Grace, Small Minds, By His Hand, Progressive Sanctification, Justified And Sanctified, Confidence And Conviction, Departure Into Bliss, Fear Not The End, Real Righteousness, It’s About God, Expected Change, All By Grace, No Man Knows, Grace During Trials, As He Works Out All Things, In Christ, Outta Here, Environmental Cause, We Are Light, Religious, Belief In Christ Alone, His Healing Process, The Furnace To The Flood, Salt And Light, The Doctrine of Christ, Souls In Need of Biblical Truth, God Is Not Dead, Heaven, Facing Temptation, Be Still, Little Is Much, Healing Hand of God, Serving From Above, As Days Go By, Almost Over, Knowing Not What’s Ahead, Teachable For God, New Year With God, A Darker Turn For Us, Unforeseen Malady, So Much For Us, On Going Trials, The End of Good Works, From Abraham To Christ, Refusing To Believe, It Is What It Is, Laid up Once More, Still God Over All, Revealed In His Son, Peace For The Future, Around Another Bend, A Generic God, I Am God’s, Let Us Adore Him, Examine Yourself, Coexist, Disciples Commissioned, Clueless, Nebuchadnezzar’s Experience, Ditch The Religion, All Things, At Our Funeral, A Day To Remember, Yet By Grace, Ignoring The Greatest Gift, Christmas Reflection, Through Emmanuel, Merry X-mas?, In My Weakness, Vessels of God, What Is Heaven?, Returning Menace, Whatever The Tides, In Our Infirmities,

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