Bob Gotti, 7 kwietnia 2014
There is now a darkness before me, a darkness filled with uncertainty,
Yet, the One who I am certain of, is my Lord God, Who reigns above;
Above me always, God resides, and in God’s Truth, my heart abides,
So my Lord forever lights my ways, even through these darkest days.
As dark and uncertain it may appear, the Lord my God is always near,
Truly walking by my side every day, as Christ leads me along the way,
Then as darkness seems to overtake, my life, my Lord God will make,
A way which sees me safely through, in ways that only God could do.
This present darkness, I face now, The Lord in Heaven just may allow,
To mold me as a believer to grow, or for reasons that I may not know,
Or allowed by God; a trial or a test, as He wants for me His very best,
So whatever reason this time I face, God will supply all needed Grace.
God is in total control of all my life, as I follow my Lord, Jesus Christ,
And in God’s Word it’s understood, everything happens for our good,
While unknowing what the outcome is, I am totally secure in being His,
And while in His hand safe and secure, through any trial I shall endure,
All my trials and the uncertainties, my Lord and God knows and sees,
And when that trial is dark as night, I am guided by my Savior’s Light,
It is God’s Love, not my endurance, that provides me total assurance,
And God’s overwhelming Peace, as that darkness begins to increase.
(Copyright ©11/2010 Bob Gotti)
Bob Gotti, 7 kwietnia 2014
With the holiday now behind us, we will continue on with Jesus,
Who’s not limited to just a season, but gives our life its reason,
Giving us the strength to cope, while in a world that lacks hope,
And without Christ, my friend, the season’s over, they contend!
With the trappings packed away, Christ our Lord is here to stay,
A truth in every believer’s life, through the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
Dwelling in each believer’s heart, The Lord God shall not depart,
Even come this season’s end, The Lord continues on my friend.
With all the lights and glitter gone, our life with Jesus carries on,
Directing and guiding our way, beyond the season, day by day,
As our Shepherd and our Guide, while walking daily by our side,
Guiding us throughout the year, long beyond that season cheer.
With most gifts now out of sight, Christ remains, day and night,
Since the time when we believed, when God’s Gift we received,
That Precious Gift of Salvation, from the God over all Creation,
The one gift that will last eternally, in the life we have yet to see.
With all this, it stands to reason; you missed out in this season,
If Jesus Christ you had ignored, and you know Him not as Lord;
But at any time and any place, you can get God’s Gift of Grace,
To walk with God all year long, with Jesus, your Seasonal Song.
(Copyright ©11/2010 Bob Gotti)
Bob Gotti, 7 kwietnia 2014
God in Heaven does not roll dice, or has no need to ever think twice,
But controls everything that is to be, in what we on earth call destiny;
Through all the plans we do make, God predetermines steps we take,
As all our steps are ordered by, The Lord above, Who reigns on high.
Predetermined is The Lord’s Plan, through the very life, of every man,
From that very moment of our birth, until that time we leave this earth;
God’s involved as we’re in the womb, even before life begins to loom,
Then ever after, directing every soul, to save all men from Adam’s fall.
The very Creator, of each one of us, mortal men, who’re made of dust,
Predestinated a visit by His Eternal Son, to be the Savior of everyone,
As a body was prepared for Christ, so that He could enter into our life,
Coming from Heaven to this earth, to convey from God our true worth.
The Eternal God of our salvation, coming to save men of every nation,
And in God’s Plan, He’d pay a price, to become for God, His Sacrifice,
A price in which Christ had bought, the souls of which God had sought;
And this is why we truly love Jesus, for God Himself, had first loved us.
Friend, dice you’ll never see God roll, as our Savior moves upon a soul,
As His plans and ways are purposeful, as the Savior works out His Will,
So chance has not a part my friend, as Christ works out His perfect end,
As God guides many souls in this life, to enter Eternity with Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©11/2010 Bob Gotti)
Bob Gotti, 7 kwietnia 2014
Day by day, must be my focus, this as I obey The Lord Jesus,
Living simply, one day at a time, obeying Truth, that is sublime,
Through the grace given by God, while I live on the earthly sod,
Knowing I’m sustained by Christ, as I live out this temporal life.
A command sometimes ignored, but, a deep Truth of our Lord,
Today has concerns of its own, as all tomorrow’s are unknown,
And concern about what’s not yet, just turns into worry and fret,
But our life we won’t fret away, when we obey Christ day to day.
If we only give God every day, Christ will help us along the way,
And not with tomorrow’s concern, as our Lord wants us to learn,
To trust every single day to God, as He leads with staff and rod,
For God knows all that we need, so just follow the Savior’s lead.
We must live one day at a time; this isn’t ours, but God’s design,
Not only is this more than sound, but, keeps us on solid ground,
And as we lean upon our Lord, an abiding peace God will afford,
All understanding this transcends, while His presence never ends.
So as His presence fills our life, we’re comforted by Jesus Christ,
Through today and into tomorrow, always there in joy and sorrow,
So today as we hear God’s voice, we really have only one choice,
Not simply just hear, but to obey, to live not tomorrow, but today.
(Copyright ©11/2010 Bob Gotti)
Bob Gotti, 7 kwietnia 2014
What’s ahead, I may not know, but, God will direct the way to go,
While on God’s promises I stand, He will guide me with His Hand,
Opening doors and closing some, God will lead in days to come,
Through the valley and over the hills, I will follow as my Lord wills.
The will of God can’t be frustrated, and His plans are not belated,
Whether hills or valleys my friend, my God will see me to the end,
While in the valley, dark as night, the Lord becomes my only light,
And on that hill, He helps me climb, in God’s perfect will and time.
When the times are dark and bleak, it’s the Lord’s will I must seek,
As the Lord sends me His Grace, while even in that darkest place,
Comforted by simply who God is, and that as a believer, I am His,
As God’s presence is here to stay; throughout my life, day to day.
Times truly change, but God will not, as I live out life’s present lot,
That is the present life afforded to me, by The Lord of all Eternity,
Whose purpose will always prevail, as those around appear to fail,
As the very will which God decreed, in my life, friend, will succeed.
While in a world of shifting sands, I’m secure in my Savior’s hands,
As my every step is ordered by, my Lord God, who reigns on high,
As God’s Spirit reminds my heart, from my side, God won’t depart,
So wherever life’s’ path should go, God will be with me, this I know.
(Copyright ©11/2010 Bob Gotti)
Bob Gotti, 5 kwietnia 2014
My Lord, I thank You once more, for every open and closed door,
As I am led through this life, by my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ,
All those doors in life closed to me, avoiding what I could not see,
And opening doors I didn’t pursue, doors you had led me through.
Knowing those things, I do not know, you led me in the way to go,
Mindful of your Purpose and Plan, You overrule the ideals of man,
With your plan always for my best, whether a trial or a time of rest,
As Your Peace fills me all the way, while you guide me day to day.
Lord, I also lift thanks to You, not only for the past, but future too,
For the confidence in my heart, as from my side You won’t depart;
Paving a way ahead for me; as you ready my heart for what will be,
While Your Presence and Peace, which fills my life does not cease.
Most of all, my God I thank You for, Jesus Christ, salvation’s door,
A Door that’s been opened for all, saving all men from Adam’s fall,
Opened for all at Calvary’s Cross, to cleanse all our sins and dross,
Through the Precious Blood of Christ, so we may enter Eternal Life.
Lord, I thank You for that final door, to live with Christ forevermore,
A place in Heaven I’m assured; this by the blood of Christ my Lord,
And that soon, this sinful mortal, will pass through Heaven’s Portal,
To enter the place prepared for me, not just for a time, but eternally.
(Copyright ©12/2010 Bob Gotti)
Bob Gotti, 5 kwietnia 2014
All time that we face down here, whether that time is far or near,
Will just become a period behind, as the future comes to mind,
Here, the present, future and past, are periods that will not last,
As all the time we come to see, are just spans towards Eternity.
Eternity is what we have in view, when time will be eternally new,
When we leave our earthly place, where life is in time and space,
As we move into Heaven sublime, with no limit on space or time,
When past and future is no more, and present will forever endure.
A time we now can’t comprehend, but, where we’ll forever spend.
Within an endless realm with Christ, as we enter into Eternal Life,
And timeless will be that place, which we’ll enter by God’s Grace,
Far away from this earthly sphere, of time and space, down here.
That place, that is prepared for us, was prepared by Christ Jesus,
The world’s only timeless man, the architect of God’s eternal plan,
A scope of which we can’t conceive, even those who truly believe,
And never seen by a mortal’s eye; all God has made for you and I.
So I’ll continue in the present time, on hills and valleys yet to climb,
As I move on to that destination, afforded to me through Salvation,
And at times I will contemplate, life with no space or time constraint,
Until I’m changed by God’s Grace, to enter Heaven’s timeless space.
(Copyright ©12/2010 Bob Gotti)
Bob Gotti, 5 kwietnia 2014
Born wicked, but covered in blood, from the saving fountain above,
A fountain that flows from Calvary, to save a wicked sinner like me;
Born separated, right from my birth, as a lost sinner upon this earth,
Separated from God up above, who reached down with saving love.
God sent to us a cleansing flood, through His Son’s precious blood,
A flood which covered all the earth, affording all men a spiritual birth,
To every soul, within every nation, God offers in Christ His Salvation,
And to every sinner God offers life, through The Savior, Jesus Christ.
Dark and wicked down to my heart, but, God gave to me a new start,
Bringing me to Calvary’s Cross, He began to purge my wicked dross,
My Lord as Savior I came to know, said He’d make me white as snow,
As red as scarlet, my sin may be, I’m washed in The Blood of Calvary.
Dead in sin, I was spiritually lost, But, The Lord God, paid all the cost,
For all my sin and its punishment, through His Only Son, He had sent,
When on God’s Son my sin was laid, full payment for my sin He paid,
The Son bore all my wickedness, and gave to me, His Righteousness.
Though wicked and vile to the core, when on the cross my sin He bore,
God’s forgiveness was sent my way, and I stand in Jesus Christ today,
Now when God looks down on me, it is the Blood of Christ He will see,
The Blood which truly sets me apart, now that Christ dwells in my heart.
(Copyright ©12/2010 Bob Gotti)
Bob Gotti, 5 kwietnia 2014
Some souls are tossed about as waves, listening to how religion saves,
That what Christ did is not enough, along with additional religious stuff,
As many preach a salvation today, ignoring that Christ is the Only Way;
It was not men, but Jesus Christ, Who said I’m The Way, Truth and Life.
We’re warned not to add or subtract, from what the Bible states as fact,
But, that’s what many religions do, misleading people, like me and you;
Being spiritually tossed, to and fro, by the leaders who profess to know,
The Truth of God, but are deceived, as God’s Spirit they never received.
While all who’ve received His Spirit, know spiritual error when they hear it,
So being led by Truth through Grace, we’re to contend for one true Faith,
Forewarned of the teachings of men, that The Lord Himself will condemn,
All errors born out of vain philosophy, which entangles souls in religiosity.
We are to warn them from God’s Truth, so they may avoid strong reproof,
And not just a strong rebuke from us, but the judgment from Christ Jesus,
Who’s coming back to judge all men, all the religious, but, not born again,
Teaching without the Spirit of God; deceiving souls all across earth’s sod.
God’s warning in Revelation is clear, but, many simply choose not to fear,
While they add to and or take from, the very words of God’s Eternal Son,
Who’ll send them the plagues found in, God’s closing book of Revelation,
And their share from The Tree of Life, shall be taken away by Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©12/2010 Bob Gotti)
Bob Gotti, 5 kwietnia 2014
Indeed, twenty four seven is He, my Lord and God of Eternity,
Ever present, He’s always there; only One, Who is everywhere,
Every minute through every hour; during a trial I needn’t cower,
As He, who rules earth and sky, shall remain with me until I die.
On my Lord there’s no restraint, He will neither slumber or faint,
Christ is not limited in His ways, regarding powers He displays,
Moving in all Grace and Power, upon our lives any day or hour,
As God works out His Decree, through the lives of you and me.
God’s not answerable to anyone, up in Heaven or under the sun,
He always was and always will be, the only Lord over all eternity,
God changes the plans of men, not hindered, by where or when,
As He fulfills His Eternal Plan, through the lives of common man.
And it’s through the Spirit of Christ, that God guides my very life,
Teaching and growing me each day, as He guides me all the way;
The Lord’s Holy Spirit, I received, when in Christ Jesus I believed,
So that in God’s Truth I can abide, with God’s Spirit, as my guide.
Now as Christ reigns in Heaven, He is with me, twenty four seven,
Allowing me to serve on the earth, through the power of new birth;
The joy of serving, God will afford, to all who know Christ as Lord,
Long after we leave this earth, as my Lord God I continue to serve.
(Copyright ©12/2010 Bob Gotti)
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